Mt. Vernon Register-News from Mt Vernon, Illinois (2024)

a a a a a a a Last night's low-41. High Tuesday 65. Low TuesSunday- high, 71; low, 40. Tuesday. Low tonight 45.

Saturday- -high, 65; low, 40.) MT. VERNON REGISTER- -NEWS and Tuesday. Turning tonight cooler WEATHER TEMPERATURE PARTLY CLOUDY Noon temperature-70. day night. 40.


By Associated Press PANMUNJOM. The erratic Communist program to back anti-Red Chinese and Korcan war prisoners floundered in uncertainty. tonight Indian after. a com- Red with the mand, which guards the 24,600 POWS. The Communists called off today's scheduled interviews with 500 Koreans after the Indians refused to led the Reds make the loud-speaker broadcasts to POWs awaiting interviews.

The U. N. Command said it had been told officially the Reds would interview more Koreans Tuesday, but an Indian believed spokesman later he the Reds not hold the explanations: He said the Communists still were Insisting on making the broadcasts. The Indians said previous: Red to broadcasts the POWs exciting and said they do not have the manpower to control any threat- arise. ening situation that might said However, the spokesman later the Red explanations "definitely" scheduled for Tuesday.

Even so, the question. remained" whether the prisoners. would attend. Two Prisoners Killed Although there were no interviews Monday, tension ran high in the neutral zone stockades after Indian: guard troops shot down a charging Chinese prisoner, and 21, Chinese and Koreans. asked go home in one of the largest single day's switches to the Red fold.

The prisoner was killed while the Indians were: investigating reports of a murder of a POW in Chinese Compound 28 on Oct. 3. The Indian command said the Chinese POWs had been warned not to rush. toward the guards. The slaying drew an angry outburst from Dr.

Karl Hong Kee, South Korean: government spokesman, who termed it "one of those expressions of outrageous conduct of pro-Communists." Peace Parley Talks Stalled Meanwhile, U. S. and Red negotiators meeting nearby got nowhere, on their efforts to lay plans for the Korean peace conference. U. S.

Ambassador Arthur Dean, stung by the Red refusal to yield an inch, accused the Communists of using the talks for propaganda instead of negotiation. The broadcast dispute had stirred speculation: the Reds might try to use it to get out of the talks in an effort to: avoid the face-losing refusals they have had so far; Out -of more than' 900 Chinese interviewed only 20 asked to go home. The Reds then insisted on North Koreans- who came only after a long verbal struggle- and they were turned down again, 437 to 21, in more turbulent, shouting sessions. Benson Starts Agriculture Dept. Reorganization WASHINGTON: Secretary Benson today, ordered that his controversial reorganization plan for the Agriculture be put into immediate effect.

Benson told new: conference that President Eisenhower approved of his action, The plan will abolish seven regional offices of the soil conservation service and place great responsibility on state conservation iffices for carrying. out conservation programs: Outlined as a proposal on Oct. 13, the plan had stirred bitter op. position, Some congressmen had requested, that Benson delay putting the plan Into operation until after Congress had a chance to look it over; Only last week, Rep. Bender R--Ohio announced that a House government operations subcommitten would.

conduct hearings month on the plan. Phony Doctor Sentenced Harold K. Rain, 10, an Army private, was sentenced In Cincinnati (Oct. 80) to three years: in jail for misrepresenting himself as a doctor to Army officials. Rain admitted he duped doctors and hospitals in eight states Into belleving.

he WAS: physician. although he never had full medical training (AP Wirephoto) DENY FURLOUGH TO HUSBAND OF RADIO SINGER Army No Emergency Her: Plan to Marry La Rose vi Pres. NEW YORK Singer Julius La Rosa and the woman Dorothy McGuire, are maintaining strict silence on latest opments concerning her husband, Sgt. John Henry Brown. La Rosa's managers said Sunday night he had "absolutely comment" to make on the Army's Do refusal to let Brown return to the United States from Korea on emergency leave.

When Miss McGuire arrived at LaGuardia Field Sunday night from a weekend visit with her parents in Miamisburg, Ohio, she' told newsmen: "I don't want to answer any In Miamisburg, her father, Asa McGuire, said she "just came. home weekend" and that they "didn't even talk" about her marital status. The romance between the two entertainers, who together on the Arthur Godfrey radio and television programs, became known in the furore following Godfrey's firing of: La Rosa two weeks ago today. La Rosa, 23, later said he planned to marry Miss McGuire, 22, as soon as legal and, religious obstacles could be cleared away, He is Catholic and she is not. Her mother resigned last year as pastor of Miamisburg's Church of God after her daughters came to New York, Brown said late last week he was boping for a leave in order to see Miss McGuire, "talk to her.

and then decide what to do." He added that, whatever he decides "will be for the benefit" of her happiness. Told of Brown's statement, Miss McGuire said Friday night she was "shocked and disturbed at this new development." She said Brown "had come to an 'amicable agreement about our separation." Furlough Denied A spokesman for Army Far. East, headquarters in Tokyo. announced Sunday that Brown's request for emergency leave had been turned down on orders from Washington The reason, he said, was that there was not enough basis for emergency leave. SOLDIER KILLED By.

Associated Free: GREENUP, 'Ill. Leonard M. Sandhaus, 19-year-old soldier from Sharon, died Sunday night in a highway crash near this Cumberland County town. LANDLADY IN HAWAII WITH SHOULDERS Fly to Islands Under Assumed Names; He Says He Hopes to Marry Her. Associated Press HONOLULU The St.

Louis police officer who arrested the Bobby kidnapers said today he hoped to marry his landlady, who: accompanied him to Hawall, 'Louis Shoulders, who resigned his Lieutenant's commission after breaking the case, told newsmen the island of Maul that his companion, hitherto unidentified, was Miss June George, his landlady. He added they expected to be married if -his present wife will give him a divorce: Shoulders came to Hawaii Saturday for a vacation traveling under an assumed name. Miss George was carried on the manifest of the plane which brought them as Mae H. Rossie, Long Beach, Calif. He indicated to newsmen that he wanted to get away from all the publicity.

want to' rest and be. left alone," he told them Referring to the Greenlease case again today, Shoulders said: "I got the kidnapers. I got woman and the gun. What more do. they want of police officer Shoulders said he would remain in Hawaii until recalled to testify in the kidnaping case.

He currently is staying the Walluku hotel on. Maul. Shoulders. the St. Louis force: questioning by a police board on his handling of the case.

He testified before a Kansas City grand jury Wednesday and Thursday on his part the arrest and recovery of half of the $600,000 ransom. He was then released by court officials and told he was not needed: further. He said he hopes to live in Hawail. Woman With Him Crew members of the plane Shoulders arrived in said he sat beside a woman listed on the passenger, roster as Mae H. Rossi of Long Beach, Calif.

He left the plane with her and they both went to the control tower of Honolulu's airport. The woman said nothing. New Industry Starts Operation At 1703 Perkins Mt. Vernon's newest Industry, the Atla-Seal Window Company, har just -begun manufacturing in its plant at 1703 Perkins. The company specializes in making tailor-made storm windows and doors.

Officers of the company are Webster Hill, Douglas Sapper, Sr. and Carl W. Little. Mr. Little will be in charge: of sales and production, Setting-up, operations were begun just three weeks ago, and Saturday morning the last machine was set in place.

By Saturday afternoon the first window order came off the line, ready for delivery and installation to a Mt. Vernon customer, D. Campbell of 2506 Perkins. The company will employ 20 persons, including salesmen. Chas.

P. Skouras Suffers Collapse Associated Press Charles P. Skouras, 63-year-old theater magnate, suffered a critical collapse today in his Blackstole Hotel room. He was revived by a fire department rescue squad after an hour, but had a relapse before he could be moved to a hospital. the hotel room, and a speAn oxygen tent was rushed.

to clalist summoned from St. Luke's hospital, 6 Prisoners Converted At Religious Service In Jail Six prisoners were converted in the Jefferson county jail yesterday In what Sherlff Roy lor described as "one of the finest religious meetings I have ever attended." We had nine prisoners in Jail and six of Christ during the services," the sheriff said. The services in jail were conducted by the Rev. Leo Walton, Present Maxey Portrait To State TB Hospital tribute will be paid here Wednesday evening to the memory of the late Dr. Moss Maxey, ploneer southern Illinois specialist the fight on one of mankind's worst scourges tuberculosis.

A portrait of the late Dr. Maxey will be. presented to 'the Mt. Vernon State 'Tuberculosis Hospital at a special program in the hospital auditorium at 7:30 m. Ben Kiningham, executive secretary of the State Tuberculosis Association, will be the speaker.

The general public is invited to attend the presentation ceremonies. A group of local friends of the late Dr. Maxey engaged a CURL TO RESUME JOB AS COUNTY HIGHWAY CHIEF Returns to Mt. Vernon After Serving as Army Lieuten- ant Colonel Lt. Col.

Fred A. Curl of 1112 Oakland, former division chemcial officer the 44th Division, is back home after 24 months in the Army. He expects to reresume his duties as county superintendent of highways soon. Mr. Curl was called up before the Mt.

Vernon military company and 44th division were activated. He left for federal servlice November 2, 1951, The Jefferson County Board of Supervisors gave Mr. Curl a leave of absence he was called to the service." Since that time Tony Pitchford has been serving as county highway superintendent. Curl separated from duty at Fort Lewis, October 23rd. En route home his automobile was in an accident near Greenville, in which Mrs.

Curl was injured. She is now in Good Samaritan Hospital. Gay Halloween Scene In Mt. V.On Saturday Night Downtown Mt. Vernon was gay Hallowe'en scene Saturday night.

A feature of the public observance was. a colorful square dance on the Kroger Store lot by 167 gaily costumed youngsters from the grade schools. The lot was turned over to the public for dancing later in the evening. Adding much to the holiday were the works of Hallowe'en art on downtown store windows by students of the junior high and high Hallowe'en dances were held at the Eagles, Moose and Amvets. lodges and the Green Hills Country Club.

Police reported that pranks were at. minimum Saturday night, with a few property-damaging cases of vandalism: Winners of window art awards in the high school division were: First Denver Mullins, Roy Lee Pickett and Frank Wodick, for pictures on the Mammoth window. Second Carolyn Hall, Elizabeth Marlin, Helen Stevens and Jimmy Berry, for pictures on Glassman's window. Third Mary Beth Borden, Jane Lewis, Juanita Courtois and Wilhelmina Walters, for pictures on the Brokerage window. Winners in the grade school division Prizes awarded for the best costumes in the Saturday night parade were: Adults--first prize Harry Shehorn, Bob Dethrow, Blaine Marlow, John, Kitch and Kenneth Sandusky.

were from the Odd Fellows and were dressed as cannibals. Adults -second prize Jean Wilson. Judy Troillett: and Doris Adults--third prize Malone and Virginia Newman. Children's prizes--Carol Hamel, Karen age 11, Hunter, Lincoln 11, Field school, school, first; I second; Bernice. Edwards, 10, Washington school, third.

First Doris Brown and D'. Etta Adams, for pictures on Jones Drug Store window. First Millicent Ledbetter. and Carolyn House, for pictures on Albert's window. Second Myrna Sue.

Cum. mins and Linda Duncan, for pictures on Gift. Chest window. Deanna Price and Judy. Rainey, for pictures on Webb' Book Store Third Lora Bain and Linda Mick, for.

pictures on Welge's window. Third Jeanne Hobbs and Marilyn McKitrick, for: pictures on Fashion Shop window. WEDS FORMER SLAVE GIRL Thomas Flynn, 22-year-old ship's steward stands with his bride, a raven-haired former Iraqi slave girl, after their marriage Saturday at M'ddlesbrough, England. Both are on. bail, Flynn for smuggling the girl out of Iraq, and the bride Illegal entry into Britain.

Flynn disguised the girl. as a boy and she spent 44 days in a small cabin aboard Flynn's ship, on the trip from Basra, Iraq. Legal authorities said the wedding paved the way for Jean to become a British subject. (AP Wirephoto) I INTERNATIONAL SHOE COMPANY STRIKE AVERTED Workers Drop Demand for 15c- Raise; Get Medical Benefits ST. LOUIS International Shoe Company and officials of unions representing 18,000 of its employes agreed yesterday on a new contract.

A strike scheduled for today was called off and terms of the new contract will be brought before the union members in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas and New Hampshire for ratification this. week. The agreement was announced by the company, the CIO United Shoe Workers of America and the AFL Boot and Shoe Workers Union, Negotiators for these unand representatives of their -locals agreed to recommend. acceptance of the contract. The new contract is for two years and ties wages the government cost of living index.

Each six months the index will be checked. If it' goes up the pay scale goes up and equal percentage. If the index goes down the pay will not go below its present. level. A.

hospitalization, medical and accident benefit program is inaugurated by the contract. All the expense is to be borne by the company. A modified form of the union shop is a new contract provision. The unions dropped demands for an immediate 15-cents-an-hour wage increase. In the benefit plan are provided: Hospitalization at $8 per day for 31 days; $160 for special services in hospitals; $93 in for visits there; $200, for surgery; $100 for maternity; sick and accident benefit of $25 a week for men and $15 a week for women, for -13 weeks.

Hospitalization benefits may be extended to dependents through a plan under which employes make monthly contributions. The 18,000 employes have an hourly wage rate averaging $1.22, plus fringe benefits. They represent hall of the International working force and are divided among 79 plants. "Elmer The Skunk" Is On The Loose "Elmer" is loose somewhere in Mt. Vernon and the Jaycees are looking.

for: him. is a deodorized skunk the Jaycees had been using in a stunt to help in a membership drive. The animal was in the care of Bill Spaeth, a club member. Last night it got out of its cage. Police were notified but ported they didn't see "Elmer! all night.

is and has a V- shaped white stripe from neck to tall. Anyone who sees him is asked No: call a Jaycee or the police. 18 WOMEN ARRESTED AT CAIRO cago. artist to do the portrait in oil some time ago. Dr.

Maxey died June 13, 1949. at the age of 75 years, after the veteran physician had won most of the honors which a man can gain in his chosen field. He had been cited by. Governor Dwight H. Green and the Illinois health director, Dr.

Roland R. Cross, for a life-time fight against tuberculosis. He was one of only four persons ever chosen for honorary life membership in the Illinois Tuberculosis. Society. He was one of the first to prethe rest cure for tuber, culosis.

He was 52 years a doctor and 50 years member of the Masonic order, EXPECT MILLION VOTE ON JUDGES IN COOK COUNTY Key Elections Tuesday Also In Virginia, New Jersey, New York Associated Press CHICAGO- Democratic and Republican leaders in populous Cook County, which embraces Chicago, are predicting a record vote of nearly one, million -in Tuesday's judicial elections. It'll mark the first time in 31 years when balloting will determine to a large extent the outcome of a regular judicial election in the county. Since 1921, the two party conventions have named identical judicial tickets, each party accepting 8 proportion: of candidates determined mainly by its relatively strength. Since 1931, Chicago's Democratic. majorities have dominated the county whose million residents represent more than one half of population.

KEY. ELECTIONS Observers anxious about which way the political winds are blowing will: be holding up fingers Tuesday in the directions of Jersey, Virginia and New York City. New Jersey and elect governors. There is also special: House election in New, Jersey's 6th New York picks a new mayor, as do a number of other cities, including Pittsburgh, Cleveland: and Little Rock. In no case, perhaps, is there a clear-cut test of the popularity of the Eisenhower administration because of the many state and local issues involved.

But the results will be closely watched, particularly in the wake of a Wisconsin Democratic victory in a Wisconsin special House election three weeks ago. President Eisenhower is on record in support of all the Republican candidates. His press secretary, James C. Hagerty, said so last week after some confusion had developed in the wake of the President's statement at news conference that he was interested in seeing the GOP: retain control: of Congress next year. The President some weeks ago posed for pictures with Paul L.

Troast, Republican candidate for governor of New Jersey. He and Theodore R. Dalton, candidate in Virginia, had a chat at the White House but not, the President has said, about politics, Another recent White House caller has been Harold Riegelman, GOP' candidate for mayor of New York. In brief, this is the picture: New Jersey Troast opposes Robert B. Meyner for governor.

Both are relatively unknown po: litically. Troast is chairman of the authority which. built the New Jersey Turnpike; he has never run for office Meyner made an unsuccessful, reelection bid to the State Senate in 1951. Virginia--Democrats voice confidence, they, will hold the governorship in the face of the first determined: GOP campaign in quarter of a century. Dalton's Democratic opponent, backed by the regular state organization headed by Sen.

Harry F. Byrd, is former Rep. Thomas B. Stanley. Now York City There are three major candidates: Riegelman, Republican, former.

acting postmaster of the city; Robert F. Wagner Democrat, Manhattan borough president; Rudolph Halley, Liberal, City Coun'cil president. Wagner is generally conceded to have the edge. I Mayor Vincent R. Impellitteri, lost the Democratic nomination to sought to run as an independent but his name was.

ruled off the ballot on grounds his nominating petition had natures. REVOLT SES SPRINGFIELD Secretary of State Charles F. Carpenter today announced revocations of another: 148. driver's licenses, bringing the total to 917 since the new licensing act became etfective July 1 State Police Swoop Down On Cairo Houses of Prostitution and Gambling Joints. CRAP AND POKER TABLES SEIZED Total of 155 Officers Find Evidence in Alexander, Mason Counties; Grundy County Clean.

Skunk Moves In; Kids Move Out By Associated Press NOGALES, Ariz. The kids at Elm Street School like animals, but when one moved in they all moved out. A skunk, unmoved by their opinions, is under the floor of a classroom. The pupils and teachers took temporary lodging at Roosevelt School. There, police and school authorities are to decide what to do nerving THIEVES BREAK INTO STORE ON PUBLIC SQUARE Steal Clothing and Guns at Montgomery Ward's Saturday Night Thieves Into the Montgomery Ward store, Tenth and Broadway, Saturday night took merchandise valued at more than $250.

Charles Norris, store manager, listed the known loss as follows: Two tan cloth jackets, valued at $11.98 each. Three tan suede jackets, valued at $15.98 each. Eight sweaters of different colors, valued at $5 each. Winchester .22 rifle, Model 72, valued at $31. Winchester .22 rifle, Model 62, valued at $47.50.

A Savage .22 rifle, valued at $36.95. Eighteen boxes of .22 rifle shells, valued at 65 cents per box. Manager Norris said the thieves got other valuable. merchandise, the loss. of which has not yet been definitely checked.

The thieves got into the buildfrom the roof. They apparently climbed on top of one of the stores to the east which has a lower roof, then climbed to the high roof of the Montgomery Ward buildingine door off of the "penthouse" housing the elevator shaft and walked down stairs beside the shaft into the main Building. They tampered with the safe but were unable to open it. The theft was discovered when the store was opened for business this morning. City police were notified and are working on the case.

TEMPERATURES Rocqford 60 :36 Moline 55 39 Peoria 55 36. Quincy 55 39 Rantoul 64 36 Springfield 55: 35 Vandalia 68 34 Scott Field 63 35 Mt. Vernon 71. 41: FEAR KEEPS 19 AMERICANS WITH ENEMY Believe 3 Refusing tion Are: Reds; They Terrorize Others By Associated Press PANMUNJOM A reliable source said tonight that chains of fear are holding 19 of the 22 American war prisoners who have refused return home. The other three, he said, are confirmed Communists who are dominating the little group of Americans and their Red captors had drummed terror of going home into the 19 by telling them they are now "outside American law" and.

can be executed as traitors. He painted a bleak, gray picture of the neutral zone camp where the 22 Americans are held with 1 Briton and 332 South Koreans-a handful of deceived, bewildered and frightened men, afraid to remain behind but more fearful of going home because they believe home means death. The origin of the information can not be revealed, but it was rated "very reliable." Virtually no information has been made public on the camp. Twenty-three Americans originally were turned over by Reds to the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission in September--men the Reds said had refused repatriation, One, Cpl. Edward S.

Dickenson of Cracker's Nack, W. 'returned to the Allies last month by his own choice. The 22 other Americans are awaiting interviews by the U. N. Command the possibility of their return.

The UNC has not announced when it will begin. The informant said: Letters from relatives and friends probably would do more than: anything else to convince. the fearful that they can be free Americans again. They are terrified that they would be killed by Communists if they ask repatriation and they have been told by the Reds they would: be "pumped dry and bumped off" if they return to America. Homesickness, frustration; fear, ignorance emotions are gnawing at all but the converted three leaders.

Most of the 19 are afraid because of: articles they have written or. broadcast favoring the Reds. All live together closely. SAUERKRAUT SLUMP By Associated Press MUNICH, Germany The Bavarian' Farmers Assn, reported today a steadily decreasing demand tor sauerkraut among Germans. This has caused a "serious crisis" in the Munich area, where 70 per cent of the cabbage crop is -unharvested because caliners won't buy, the association said.

By Associated Press SPRINGFIELD, Ill. State police seized 18 women and confiscated number of gambling devices Saturday night in simultaneous vice and gambling raids in three widely separated counties. two The 18 houses women were prostitution seized in Cairo, Alexander County. The raids in which 155 officers took part, also netted four truckloads of gambling, equipment. Eichen led the biggest raid in Alexander County where police seized 18 crap tables, 13 power and card tables, 2 roulette wheels and tables and slot machines, well as $3,199 in cash and "Home addi-.

tional, uncounted cash in locked boxes. State Police Chief Phil Brown said the raids, which also were staged in Grundy and Mason counties, had been in advance. "We thought It would an opportune time. to make the raids since it was Hallowe'en and there was a great deal of holiday festivities," he said. Two of the women have been released on $1,000 bond each.

They are charged with operating brothels. The others are ed with being inmates of a of prostitution, and were freed on bonds of $100 each. Police hit 14 places in Mason County, northwest of field, six in 'Havana. They seized gambling equipment and $1,461 in cash from gaming tables. A single slot machine was found in Havana.

The officers also hit three town in Grundy County in northern Illinois but' came away empty handed even though investigators said they spotted evidence of gambling machines 12. earlier. said Police warrants Chief. would Phil M. be issued on the basis of what investigators had seen earlier in Diamond, Gardner and ville, all in Grundy County.

At Havana and nearby places in Mason County, police seized 14 tables, two, roulette wheels, four blackjack tables, plus some poker tables, punchboards and $4,461 in cash. Investigations by state police and the attorney general's office proved the raids were warranted, Brown said, adding: Gov. Stratton has issued request for all local law enforcing agencies and Illinois State police to work as a team and seize all gambling, devices and operators In a separate raid at Decatur Saturday, sheriff's deputies seized 15 slot machines at the Elks Club. Sheriff David. M.

Peters said a court order will be sought for their destruction, Peters said from now on his officers will pick up slot machines "wherever we find them." Lynn O. Welge Hurt In Accident Near Centralia Lynn O. Welge of 716 Kensington, a well known Mt. Vernon business man, was Injured at 10:45 last night in a four car collision on highway near Hoftman, west. of Centralia.

Nnine: persons were treated at St. Mary's Hospital in Centralla after the crash, but Mr. Welge was the only one who required hospitalization, Relatives here sald, however, that he was not critically burt. Mr. Welge, and chis wile Em ma, were en route to.

Mt. Vernon from Hillsboro, where they had been visiting Mrs. Welge was shaken up but not seriously hurt. State police driven by Clary Doss of East Louis and Edward RED. Centralla Then an bound, by Napoleon wreckage and Wels also reling east, was unable to before hitting the ed cars.

The thick McLeansboro evangelist who conducting a revival meeting Marlowe Singers from Howard Chapel and from Bluford took part in the service, which began at 4:30 m. Religious services, arranged by the sheriff, held each Sunday In the Jefferson county on thie top floor of the court house.

Mt. Vernon Register-News from Mt Vernon, Illinois (2024)


Does Mt Vernon IL have a newspaper? ›

Mt Vernon Sentinel – The Sentinel.

What is the crime rate in Mount Vernon, IL? ›

Mount Vernon Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes106147
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)7.4210.29

What is famous about Mount Vernon, Illinois? ›

Mount Vernon is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Aquatic Zoo. Jefferson County Historical Village. Cedarhurst Center for the Arts.

What is the curfew in Mount Vernon Illinois? ›

What Time is Curfew in Illinois? In Illinois, all drivers under the age of 18 are prohibited from driving: Sunday - Thursday between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M., AND. Friday - Saturday between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.

Who owns Mount Vernon News? ›

In August 2020, Metric Media LLC, a newspaper and media company that publishes 1,227 regional and business news sites across the U.S., purchased Mount Vernon News, which was the company's first purchase of an existing print newspaper.

Is Marshalls coming to Mount Vernon, IL? ›

Marshalls Now Hiring - New Store Opening - Mount Vernon, IL 62864 -

What is the #1 safest town in Illinois? ›

The safest cities in Illinois

Campton Hills is the safest city in Illinois thanks to reporting only 1 crime, a burglary. Western Springs is the only other city to report zero violent crimes. Pingree Grove is the only city to report zero burglaries. Every safest city reported fewer than 1 violent crime per 1,000 people.

What is the racial makeup of Mount Vernon Illinois? ›

Mount Vernon Demographics

White: 77.54% Black or African American: 12.57%

Is Mount Vernon a good area? ›

Living in Mount Vernon offers residents an urban feel and most residents rent their homes. In Mount Vernon there are a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, and parks. Many families and young professionals live in Mount Vernon and residents tend to be liberal.

Who famously lived in Mt Vernon? ›

George Washington began living in the home that his father built in 1734, but greatly expanded both the Mansion and his land holdings during his 38 years of ownership, and 45 years in residence at Mount Vernon.

What President lived in Mount Vernon, Illinois? ›

Mount Vernon, IL | George Washington's Mount Vernon.

What is the nickname for Mount Vernon Illinois? ›

Mount Vernon, nicknamed the King City, serves with Marion and Carbondale as one of three hubs for southern Illinois.

Is MT Vernon, IL in the Path of Totality 2024? ›

Visit our "Weather" links for other great cloud cover forecast maps! Mt. Vernon is in the path of totality for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2024!

How big is Mount Vernon, IL? ›

Geography. According to the 2010 census, Mount Vernon has a total area of 13.151 square miles (34.06 km2), of which 13.07 square miles (33.85 km2) (or 99.38%) is land and 0.081 square miles (0.21 km2) (or 0.62%) is water.

What is the largest newspaper in Illinois? ›

Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune, is the top source of news and information in the Chicago area and the largest news organization in the Midwest.

What is the newspaper in Vienna Illinois? ›

Your hometown newspaper, covering news all over Johnson County.

Does Naperville have a newspaper? ›

The Naperville Sun is the No. 1 local news provider for the fourth-largest city in Illinois.

Does Granite City IL have a newspaper? ›

Newspaper Granite City Press-Record (Granite City, Ill.)

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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