The Cleveland Leader from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Cleveland Leaderi

Cleveland, Ohio

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i I er II Hartline A Lyon Col lier A Kellam and Samuel Mower were made a committee to nominate tlio Stand ing Committees Committees were ordered onMissionary Statistics Pastoral Address Conference Claimants Education Sunday Schools Aid Church Exten sion Observance of the Sabbath Temper ance Bible Society Missions Necessitous Cases Tract Cause Public Worship Mem oirs Book Concern Accounts Bethel Cause unds Periodical Literature and Lake Side Camp Meeting Dr Youmans of ranklin street Cleveland was introduced as a transfer to this Conference and his name was placed on the roll One of the Secretaries passed through the room and gathered up all the collections and reports of the several pas tors Many papers on different subjects we re referred to the appropriate commitees The character of Rev George Mather Pre siding Eider of Cleveland District passed and he represented his district as being in a prosperous condition hile there were some things he would have beon glad to have otherwise yet he felt glad that there was so much to rejoice over The character of all tho effective pastors in his district then passed and thus passed the character of tho other Presiding Elders and the effec tive elders and deacons of their respective dirt nets According to tho rules of tins conference the hour for meeting in the morning is S30 o'clock and the hour for adjournment 12 No sessions are held in the afternoon or evening but the after part of the day is devoted to committee work and anniversary meetings and preaching services After announcements tho first ses ion adjourned by expiration of time The doxology was sung and tho benediction was pronounced by Dr Pierce In the afternoon at 3 o'clock the annual missionary sermon was preached by Rev Mattison on Mark xvi 13 ye into ali thu world and preach My gospel to every TOLEDO ern trip He expresses himself much pleased with his reception private and public and is particularly gratified with the endeavors of restoration of prosperity and of the feel ing of ol the reoplo in favor of sound cur rency such" as tho Administration is seeking to establish Soon after his return the President was in separate conference with the members of the Cabinet NEW TORE Jlcetiimw New York September 25 The annual meeting of the North Pacific Railroad Com pany stockholders was held to day Gross earnings for the year $1193381 expenses $531302 leaving a net balance of $562079 or a net increase of $169381 over last year The operations of tho land department have been active nearly three quarters of a mill ion acres being disposed of A meeting of the first mortgage bondhold ers of the St Charles Bridge Company of Missouri was held hero to day at which over $3U0 000 worth of bonds were repre sented Tho meeting voted against ex changing their first mortgage bonds which become due October 1 1S7S for bonds of theSt Louis Kansas City Northern Railway Company A committee consisting of Cassett Henry Day and George Botts was appointed to call another meet ing of tiie landholders to further consider i the subject The Directors of tho Chicago St Paul Railroad Company have declared a divi dend of per cent on preferred stock The following Directors were elected Charles right Pennsylvania: rederick Billings Vermont George Cass New York Charlemagne Tower Pennsylvania Ainsworth Oregon George Stark New Hampshire Joseph Dilworth Penn sylvania: Alexander Mitchell Wisconsin Johnston Livingston New York railey Smith Pennsylvania John Denison Maryland: Benjamin Cheney Massachu setts" Richard Ashhurst Pennsylvania Tho Board of Directors subsequently met anil re elected Charles Wright Presi dent Hamuel Wilkinson Secretary and Georgo Beebe Treasurer Auction Sale of Coal New York September 25 ifty thous and tons of Scranton coal were sold at auc tion to day by tho Delaware Lackawanna Western llailroad Company at the foi lopiug prices jmm ton: Grate $355(750 Egg $365(53 70: Stove $407(j)407Xi Bhest nut $353Jj The Order at Last Went Speecli Special Dispatch to the Lkapek Toledo September 25 This morning Mayor Jones issued an otlicial order to the Chief of Police to impound all found running at large in the streets It has been a disgrace to the city that during administration cows hogs and horses have beon free to roam the streets wherever they desired A great deal of private prop erty was destroyed in this way and although the nusi influential citi zens made strong protests Jones re fused to enforce the ordinance During the fair however President Hayes rodo out to the grounds with him and called his atten tion in no complimentary way to the herds of cattle seen in the street That settled the matter His Honor dropped and gave the order A lot of young men celebrated the event last night by catch ing a henl of cows and tieing them appropriately labded in front of residence where they were seen this morning by a largo and highly amused crowd The disgrace is nt last wiped out A young man named Chaffee whoso father was a short time ago a wealthy dis tiller here arrived this morning and in less than an hour was a raving maniac his ac tions being so bad that the authorities were obliged to lock him up His father arrived from Tippecanoe to night to take caro of him Notwithstanding tho severe storm to night Opera House was filled with the best citizens to hear Governor Woodford of New York whose masterly handling of the currency question received unbounded applause Though many Na were present his arguments were so plain and effective they could not make a single point Not an interruption during the hour and a half of the delivery occurred The speech was very poxverful and will greatly increase tho daxnago already done Nationalism here WASHINGTON CS Resignation of the CommlMloncr of I tents Sneeial Dispatch to the Leader AsniNGToxSepteinber 25 Ellis Spear Commissioner of Patents resigned to ac commodate Secretary Schurz on account of an incompatibility of temper Ex Con gressman Halbert Paino of Wisconsin who has been practicing law in Washington for several years has been tendered the of fice but ata late hour to night had not sig nified his acceptance General Paine if he does accept will make a very able commis sioner To the Associated Press Hon Ellis Sjiear today tendered his resig nation as Commissioner of Patents to take effect October31 Secretary Schurz has not yet formally accepted it but will do so and rant the usual thirty leave of absence is understood the position has been offered to tx4 Congressman Halbert Paine of Wisconsin but he has not accepted Yellow ever Cotniiihuioii Dr Woxhvortb chief of Marino Hos pital service left here tonight for New York to consult with the officers of the American Public Health in re lation to the organization of tho Commission to investigate the yellow fever epidemic he having received assurances which warrant him in organizing such Commission and tho means to defray the expenses thereof being contributed A special meet ing of the American Public Health Associa tion be called to advise a liue of inves tigation after preliminary work shall have been done in the infected districts The commission will be designated in a few days and active work lo commenced with out delay A Statemenl Denied Donnell Lawson Co of this citv em phatically deny tho statement made ui the St Joseph telegram that tho Treasurer of the State of Kansas had drawn upon them for two hundred thousand dollars They say that tho balance with them to the credit of" the Treasurer of Kansas is only ono dol lar and thirty one cents that the 'ousurer ha not drawn upon them for any sinn whatever and that there is no pretence on ti that his balance with them exceeds ono dollar and thirty one cents yfcniphin PoMmIstre9 Davis President of the irst Nation al Bank of Memphis is now in this city urging forward needed supplies for his suf fering fellow citizens He received a tele gram to day from James Marr acting irst Assistant Postmaster General stating that Mrs Thompson widow of Portmaster Thonqisoii of Memphis has been appointed Postmistress at that city Death ol'tlie Son Alexander Ham ilton James A Hamilton son of General Alex ander Hamilton died yesterday at his country sent in his ninety first year He was a prom input lawyer in this city at one time or many years he lived in retire Irvington The President" Washington September 25 The Presi dent returned this morning from his West THE TERR ('ohimbus Races Columbus September 25 Tho un finished 230 race of yesterday was completed to day The last heat was won by Belle Brassfield in 225 Neome second Dick Wright third and Silver ides fourth Many claims were made that there was a conspiracy among the drivers to allow Belle Brassfield to win The judges then announced that their de as to the winner of the race vould bo reserved until to morrow anti declared all pools The attendance at to races was larger than yesterday In the class $800 purse there were five starters The following is the sum mary: Doctor Lewis 1 1 1 Lewiuski 2 3 2 Sehuvier 3 2 3 Rip Rap 4 4 dirt Dream dist Time 2:29 226J In the 2:49 class $600 purse there were eleven starters But four heats were trot ted and the race was postponed until to morrow The following is tho summary: AlrX 1 13 2 Belle Towers 5 7 3 5 Imogene 4 6 7 7 SammieG 8 lU 9 6 Jerry Hardwick 9 11 9 9 Honest Mary 10 8 Jcsrio 9 10 11 Valiant 2 5 4 4 General lee 11 2 11 Mountaineer 3 3 8 3 Tola 7 4 2 10 Time 2:34 228W 2:29 Jessie ran away in the third heat dis mounting her driver and falling heavily herself and running wild around the track I She was but slightly injured Louisville Races Louisville Ky September 25 Tho at tendance ttt tho races to day is not so good as previously Only two horses started in the first mile heats Allen Pinkerton and Janet The latter was the strong favorite and after being led up to the last eighth of tho mile by Pinkerton won with apparent ease in The second race mile and a half dash was won by Ed Turner Springbranch second Julia Jackson third time 2:42 The third race dash of one and one eighth miles was won by Edinburgh Blue Eyes second King William third Checkmate fourth Crosslet last time 1:59 ourth race dash ono mile won by Berg amotte Milan second Edinburgh third Short Line fourth Glenmore last Time 143JX Janet had it all her own way in tho first race In the second Ed Turner won very handily The third was more of a strug gle King William and Blue Eyes giving the favorite all he could do to win Berga motte was never headed Milan the favor ite lapping her but once The great event of the meeting is the American stallion stake to be run to morrow Dayton air Race Dayton September 25 The third day of the Southern Ohio air has been a grand success Over 8000 people were present The racing was fine and the track in siqicrb condition The exhibition in the exposition is large and daily increasing by new addi tions of cattle The roadsters and general purpose classes are large in tho last two there being over a hundred entries Tho summaries are as follows: Running mile heats: A Hippogriflf 1 2 1 Beacheys' Jack Harkaway2 1 2 in Altueda 3 3 Rodegap's Mollie 4 4 John Bull dist Richter's Ben ranklin dist Dun's Margaret Trimble dist Rawman's in Lucy AV alcott dist Time 1:50 Bay Dick won the 2:80 trot after four heats The 3:30 trot was postponed until to mor row on account of darkness class: Bay Dick 2 1 1 1 Bair's Red Bird 12 2 3 Gentle's Joe Hooper 3 3 3 2 Time 2:38 2:392:39 Norwich De Bonga's Oceana Chief aid Dr Kate Cook were drawn 3:30 class: Bair's Chester 3 1 Miller's Izuly Warren 1 6 Pavey's Edna Earl 2 4 Blanchester's Stranger 2 Kygcr and Clement's Tom 3 4 Nellie Drace 5 11 Delano's Outlaw 8 5 Minnie Warren 7 Josie 10 Longstreet's Hersonia 9 10 Hale's Anna Snvdor 11 9 Time Association pools last night ns follows: Hippogriif $10 Edwin A $7 Jack Harkaway $5 field $5 227 trot Dr Lewis $20 Hnzor $10 Bay Dick $10: Salem $5 Monarch Rule Judge Pol lard $3: Ancient Order Boy $3 2:59 trot Lailv Sampson $10: Cincinnati Bov $5 Wih! Doctor field $10 "Unfinished race Chester $10 Lucy War ren $7 field $8 cl IT Conference COLVMBUS Septemler 25 The Ohio Con ference of the Church assembled here to day Bishop Harris presiding Ono hun dred and thirty eight members responded to roll call Rev Miller of Lancaster was elected Secretary i Burned Selma Ala September 25 In Marion last night eleven business houses burned loss $75000 I SE UK TUI POLITICAL OREIGN NEWS YELLOW EVER NEWS SEVERE STORM are for Con ARMI THE TENNESSEE ENGLAND'S INDIAN RUMPUS ST LOUIS ITEMS GOVERNOR HAMPTON ROME the MINOR TELEGRAMS If nothing ir ly to will meet here and this city was never Very warm to day thermom Th lie Lull The eu away and tains them in their assertions Among the deaths reported since noon are John Mitchell brother of Maggie Mitchell tho actress Langdon a Chinese a volunteer physician from Savannah Ga Major John a well known citizen and real estate agent George Landrum youngest son of tne Rev Landrum and Miller late issuing clerk in the Commissary Department of the Relief Commit tee Rev AV Boggs was himself stricken to day and together with his wife were supplied with nurses by the Howards Alexander Wallace a lithographer who was convalescent took a relapse this after noon Intelligence was received to dfyy of the death of A Hays a prominent citizen which occurred in the country back of this city: also of tho death of Judge Dix on of the law firm of Adams Dixon which occurred recently at Abington Va A telegram received at noon to day gave in formation of the taking down by yellow fever of Clayton and his mother at Lvnnville Tennessee They are residents of Memphis and left this city last Thursday A meeting of the citizens of Memphis was held this evening General Luke Wright in the chair A' committee was appointed to address the people of the United States and the world at large upon its condition and needs The following is the address To tho United States and the World at Tlie Pope earful of Being Driven rom Italy Rome September 25 The Pope on re ceiving a number of Piedmontese pilgrims expressed pleasure that the season for pil grimages had returned and that the first to arrive were citizens of Italy a country des tined to preserve within its bosom the Sec of the Vicar of Christ He said that efforts are making to root out the faith but the people of Italy would not allow it to be taken from here "He was confident that the Catholics of Italy would continue their allegiance to the church the more because the difficulties of the Pontiff's position are becoming more serious The devoted sons of the church ought to devise some just and legitimate means for ameliorating this situation Kobblmr His irm New York September 25 Matti son head of the velvet department of the establishment of Arnold Constable Co has been arrested on a charge of robbing the firm of velvets DEATH AND DISEASE REPORTED YESTERDAY yellow fever re to their physician Carter ot Elaborate Preparations for tlic Re union Indianapolis September 25 Elaborate preparations are being made for the re union of the Army of the Tennessee at In dianapolis October 30 and 31 Generals Sherman Sheridan Hanco*ck Pope Burn side Logan Buell and Jeff Davis will certainly attend and other distinguished officers are expected to be present The in dications promise a largo attendance from other States and preparations are being made accordingly Associated Press Meeting Dayton September 25 The Board of Directors of the Western Associate 4 Press will meet at the Gibson Hou Cin cinnati riday of this week to consiih matters of special importance to all mem bers to take what is called and day All such memliers should be pres ent Cincinnati September 25 Revs John Hall and Vincent of New York Rich ard Newton of Philadelphia John A Broad us of Louisville Jacobs of Chicago and others of the International Sunday School Committee met at the Gibson House this morning for the purpose of providing the International Sunday School lessons for seven years beginning with 1880 Cincinnati September 2 5 Professor James Murdoch has been appointed head of the Department of Elocution by the Di rectors of the College of Music Your generous contributions for the relief of sufferers bv the fever in Mem phis especially within the past few days and what we are advised is on the way to us places us beyond the reach of immediate or probable want in the future We have enough not only for our own needs but enable us to assist the suffering peo ple of our country and of all the villages of this and adjoining States With hearts overflowing with gratitude for your aid and sympathy and prayers for your welfare we are vour grateful servants Signed A Langstaff President Howard Association Luke Wright Acting President ReliefCommittee Acting Mayor Keating Editor Memphis Appeal Thatcher Cashier irst National Bank Committee Steamer Arrival New York September 25 Arrived Steamer Greece from London Stein mann from Antwerp Cal? for a State Convention Portsmouth September The Prohi bitionists have called a State Convention to meet at Nashua October 15 to nominate a full ticket War Inevitable Edinburgh September £5 A London correspondent of the Edinburgh Scotsman announces that it has been decided not to be necessary to hold a special meeting of the Cabinet on Afghanistan affairs Indian au thorities will be allowed to act iu accord ance with previous instructions London September 26 A dispatch from Calcutta says that when the British Mission was refused passage tho Commandant of Alimusjid told Major Cavagnari but for personal friendship he would shoot him on the spot War is believed to be inevitable The Calcutta correspondent adds: If it be true that the Commandant of Alimusjid in the presence of one of the most trusted servants threatened to shoot Major Cavagnari there can be little doubt that the threat was in accordance with direct instructions from the Ameer The Times in its leading editorial says: This latest news leaves little doubt we must expect war Operations in fact have been commenced already The Ameer doubtless intended to make the breach with En gland irreparable Such will be the effect of his conduct We ought to be well able to succeed in oc cupying two or three important points in Afghanistan before winter which will go a long way towards finishing the war We can continue it in the spring if the Ameer is still obdurate The blow when given must be effectual Even the Daily News favors a prompt and vigorous action A dispatch from St Petersburg says that Russia will probably not interfere in a war between the Ameer of Cabul and England Oregon Memorials San rancisco September 2 In the Oregon Legislature to day the House adopt ed a joint memorial asking Congress to ex tend the time for building the Northern Pacific Railroad also a memorial asking Congress to provide for throwing the Umatilla reservation open to settlement September 25 The separate THE CDEVELAJND LEADER THURSDAY 3IORNJNG SEPTEMBER Bank Races Postponed St Louis September 25 The Loker Bank a private concern the oldest in the city suspended to day for lack of business The depositors will all be paid The body of an unknown man was found hanging to a tree of the western suburbs this morning It is evidently a case of suicide Just as tho races were about to commence this afternoon a tremendous rain and wind storm came up which continued so long that the races had to be postponed until to morrow The races will not trot until Daylight Robbery Keokuk Ia September The ofltoo of the Railway in this city entered in broad daylight to day aa 1 robbed of $478 The theft was acconi plished while tho employes were at dinner to day 17 deaths i jioaru oi Health and ISO eases of which 65 are new and 12 prior to the 22d Among the WO new cases reported up to noon is Sister Mary Ann of St Elizabeth Asylum and four are of tJio marine department at the Hotel Dieu in charge of tho marine surgeon Dr Murray who was or dered here from Koy West by Surgeon General Woodward The Charity Hospital reports to day included ouo Chinese tho first on Ab Man forty seven years who was sent to tho hospital September 5 sick and destitute by the police Ho con tracted the fever at the hospital on Monday John Moore and Thomas Layton of the Southern Bank custodians of the Catholic Relief Association for tho victims of yellow tever in New Orleans arc receiving from the kind hearted and charitable of the North East and Wert whose bounty ap pears inexhaustible a generous response to their appeal for funds to relieve tho destitute orphans and widows This Association is promptly dispensing the re lief which ikso much needed here regardless of creed color or and its action in this respect is well calculated to meet tho entire approval of the generous donors abroad A family of absentees who considered themselves acclimated although they had never actually had centlv telegraphed in this ci tv Dr John the ourth district upon tho question of re turning He replied not to do so upon any account and that he would advise them when they could come In spite of this warning tho parties in question arrived hi the city three days ago Since then two of them have beon violently attacked with the prevailing disease! They reside on Maga zine street near Second in the ourth dis trict The Young Christian Association report 82 new cases the Howards 433 Tho Peabodys continue to issue rations as usual Detroit September 25 A special to tho ree Press from St Joseph Mich states that a heavy storm this morning washed away a piece of the Railway track near Caloma The Grand Rapids express was thrown from the track and the engine totally wrecked and one man seriously and ouo lady severely in jured A large barn owned by Hanna Brothers in Walker township with grain farm machinery etc was struck by lightning this afternoon and totally destroyed Loss $1500 insurance $250 Congressional Nomination Boston September 25 Tho Republicans of tho Third Congressional District have nominated Walbridge A uieid gress Norwich Greenbackers and Democrats in conventions have nominated Charles Cai ter for Congress in the Third Districr Newark NJ September 25 Tho Sixth District Republican Convention has nomi nated John Blake for Congress Jamestown September The Greenback convention of the Thirty tliinl Congressional District has nominated Silas Vinton Norwich Conn September 25 Tho Greenbackers Third Congressional Distri' nominated banes Carter I Tho Democrats endorsed tho on a hard money platform backers will re convene if lie hard money platform JIDover IL September publicans have nominated Joshua for Congress from the irst District Chicago September25 The Dem rati Convention in the Second District tliL after noon nominated Miles Kehoe Decline of the London Times The decline of the Times is a Dational loss By pandering to the caprice of a powerful Minister it may have earned a coronet for a wealthy and ambitious member of Parliament and have avenged to his own satisfaction the humiliating ordeal of rejection at a club ballot But the course followed is a blot upon its character which will never be obliterated and has already resulted in a semi paraly sis of its influence The decadence of the must be said to have set in after the death of its late manager Mr Mowbray Morris who besides having great powers of or ganization and diplomacy was an accomplished man of the world and above all a gentleman of the most unfail ing and admirable tact The sale of Walter presses the manufacture of com posing machines and the reduction of ex penditure are excellent things in their way but they can only occupy a very subordinate position in the managemeat of a great newspaper The enforced re tirement of Mr Delane accelerated the process which had already set in ami tLe principles or rather absence of on which the Times is now managed would be the certain instruments of the any newspaper in existence Who? a newspaper with any oretensions to judi cial utterance can write in this fashion ca tiie political event of the hour as it lufl' pened then to be the Argylesbirc elec tion we see the results of vacillation feebleness divided counsels in its agement reduced to an absurdity don World At Winona New Orleans September 25 The Young Christian Association received a dispatch from Dr Woolf at Winona an nouncing the death of Mr Kittrell and ethers sick there before his arrival The place is almost depopulated A dispatch to the Hebrew Benevolent Association reports the death of a child at Mandeville Louisi ana of yellowfever The Howards received the following Southwest Pass September 25 Six new cases and1 two deaths in the last twenty four hours At Chattanooga Chattanooga September 25 One death from yellow fever and eight new cases in twenty four hours Tho building in the course of erection as camp for the sick on the side of Lookout Mountain was burned with all the tools Doubtless incendiary At Orleans New Orleans September 25 At the in stance of Very Reverend ather Rouxcl Vicar General of the Arch Dioceso of New Orleans the Catholic Relief Association to day handed 500 to the rench Relief Com mittee to supply in part the urgent calls upon the latter for relief The Howard A sociation yesterday re fused to assist the rench Relief Conimittoe on the ground that tho funds have been sent them for distribution direct to the sufferers by members of tho Howard Association Brother Cyprian Order of the Holy Cross died to day of yellow fever Among the new cases to day was Colonel Owen of the Washington artillery New Orleans Scptember25 Six yellow fever deaths at Bay St Louis yesterday Three of the brothers of St Stanislaus Col lege at that place had the black vomit last evening A letter from Mississippi City reports thirteen cases of fever at the Barnes Hotel there One child is not expected to recover Grenada September 25 No deaths and but one new case for the past twenty four hours The fever is as malignant a month ago but there is little material for tt New Orleans September 25 Tho Or leans Relief Committee decided to day to return all unbroken packages to merchants who had advanced tnem aud will distrib ute tho remainder to parties whose requi sitions have been approved as far as the ra tions will go This will take until to mor row forenoon there being about 9000 ra tions to distribute 5000 of which were dis tributed up to 4 clock is heard from the Secretary of Wi morrow morning the committee and adjourn sine die Un to clock XL 1 since neon are reported at the 'rroops After Indiana St Louis September 25 The Globe Leavenworth special says: Two companies of the 'Twenty third Infantry left here to day for Monument Station on the Kansas Pacific Railroad to the point where the refugee Cheyenne Indians are ex pected to cross if they get that far north Colonel Dodge of the Twenty third is there now with all the garrison of ort Hays and two companies of the Sixteenth Infantry and when the troops wliich left here to day reach him ho will probably have force enough to control the Indians and force them back to their reservation ferring the Indian War Department met Hotel this afternoon secret session There were present Senators Saunders chairman and McCreary and Representatives Boone Stewart and Hooker and Secretary lannagan Nothing was done of public interest The Commission begin testimony to morrow It is under stood that Senator Oglesbv and Represent atives Scales and Van Vorhes also mem bers of the Commission will not be able to attend its session here Ilulldlngs Wrecked at Lebanon Ind Indianapolis September 25 The severe storm of this afternoon unroofed houses blew down the New Presbyterian church and played havoc generally at Lebanon In diana thirty miles north of here The dam age may reach $40 (KX) No loss Qf life re ported 't rain Barn Struck by Light Meets at St Louis St Louis September 25 ive of eight members of the Congressional commis sion appointed to examine Indian affairs and report on the advisability of trans inaian nureuu vu vue at the Lindell and held a There were present Senators MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Gunpowder lixplosion London September 25 A dispatch from Airolo Switzerland at tho southern mouth of St Gothard tunnel reports that three cases of gunpowder for blasting in the tunnel exploded to day Ten woumen were instantly killed and several ternbl injured Vesuvius Naples September 25 Volcanic activity of Vesuvius continues to increase The crest of the cone bar has given away and a new cone is forming No Italians There Rome September 25 The Italiesays it is authorized to deny the report of the pres ence of Italian volunteers on the Austrian front Ncwfon ndland isheries PARIS September The Patrie says: We learn that the difficulties between rance England and the United States re lative to the Newfoundland fisheries have been arranged The three Cabinets are now drawing up a convention which will obviate all future disagreements The King Lives London September 25 A dispatch from Rangoon declares that the King of Burmah is alive An Insurgent Victory Athens Seutember 25 Journals here announce that SOU Turkish troops attacked a body of insurgents at Apidia Thessaly and were repulsed with the loss of forty men German Socialist Berlin September 25 The Parliamen tary Committee continued the discussion of the Socialist bill to dav and adopted several liberal amendments despite the opposition of the Conservatives Count Von Eulen burg spoke against ono of these amend ments but was unable to defeat it Author Dead Rome September 25 Jacob Erdan the rench journalist aud author is dead Russian Influence Willi the orte Vienna September 25 Tho Political Correspondence has the following: It is said the Sultan has sent Mahmoud Vedim an autograph letter permitting him to re turn to Constantinople This is interpreted as the restoration of Russian influence It is also reported that one hundred thousand Armenians have risen in arms and ready to fight for autonomy all of Zwornik London September A Vienna cor respondent telegraphs that trustworthy private advices mention the fall of Zwor nik but it has not yet been officially con firmed It is known that three thousand insurgents deserted during the last few days The six thousand who evacuated Tuzla fled in the direction of Novi Bazar A Lava An Earthquake Naples September 25 Professor Pal mieri is constructing a bulwark of scova around the observatory on Mount Vesuvius capable of offering considerable resistance to the flow of lava should it come in that di rection An earthquake at Montefalco in the pro vince of Umbria has rendered one hund red and forty eight houses uninhabitable English Demands Resisted London September 25 The Vienna New ree Press reports that Minister Layard demands the cession of Trebizond and Brit ish control over law courts in Asia Minor and that the Sultan resists the demands A Vienna dispatch says a mob threatens to murder the Austrian" Consul at Prisrend in Albania The Governor of the town is powerless to prevent the outrage Empty Coffin Cincinnati September Considerable excitement was created to day by the dis covery that the body of an aged lady who died in the hospital and it was supposed bad beon buried in the field had not been buried there The friends desiring to remove the remains to Spring Grove found an empty coffin only which had contained no body" the latter having been removed before burial Little Rock Items Little Rock Ark September 25 Major George A Gallagher who shot him self through the head twenty eight days ago with the intention of committing sui cide died this evening Hon Jordan Cravens was tendavy nomi neted for Congress by the Democrats of the Third District of this State 7 So far the Howard Association lias col lected and forwarded to the yellow fever districts about $7000 The quarantine at this place is still en forced with rigidness No case of fever has occurred healthier eter 90 Coming Speech in Cincinnati It is understood that the speech of Sec retary Schurz to be delivered in Cincin nati will he mainly devoted to the su iect of the finances During the service of Mr Schurz in the Senate there was no more staunch advocate of honest nionex than he and none who exceeded him masterly and convincing argument supportof the same and we have the as surance that his speech at Cincinnati xi i show that he has not abated any of views on that subject Washington Cv respondent: of Baltimore Sun On the Surrender of Kempton Charleston September Governor Hampton has addressed a letter to Governor Rice of Massachusetts regarding his refusal to surrender Hiram Kempton for trial in South Carolina Governor Hampton says: I regret that the Chief Executive of the great State of Massachusetts should have committed so flagrant a violation of tho su preme law of the land a violation irrepar able in its nature as the State suffering thereby has no possible redress Had you confined yourself to a simple refusal to sur render tho fugitive I should make no fur ther comments upon your letter as the dis regard by the Chief Executive authority of one State concerns the whole people of the United States But in as much as you have seen fit to base your action on the ground that in your judgment the ob ject in procuring the indictment against Patterson Parker and Kempton does not appear to be for tho purpose of trying Kempton for the crime charged against him but for a different purpose It is my duty as Governor of South Carolina to add that your statement is entirely unwarranted and to repel unworthy imputation as I do indignant scorn THE INDIAN COMMITTEE rency authorized should be fixed bvT' third that whatever that amount it be one that shall at every moment deeinable in coin fourth that all "coin the same denomination shall be as possible of equal value fifth that wlr currency is issued bv the Governin1t be receivable by the in meat of public duties at its face vain Speeches were made after the the resolutions and the convention V'' ou rued Democratic State Convention Bostov September 25' The Democratic State Convention met in aneuil Hall pur suant to adjournment ordered by the State Central Committee at Worcester Admis sion to the galleries was gained only by tickets furnished by the State Central Com mittee Edward Avery called the conven tion to order tiie usual committees were appointed and also a committee appointed to report a list of candidates other than Governor Boston September 25 General John WhitneVjWho wasappointedCbairmanin bis address "to the delegates said: mob can here interfere with your legislation no ruf fian threats of bloodshed and use of brute force can shape or in the slightest degree in fluence your action: no such document as that which shut the doors of Mechanics Hall against Worcester will ever emanate from the Honorable Mayor of Boston No not vet are all our cities and towns so far bull dozed by the mobs which follow self nom inated aspirants to the Gubernatorial chair that the regular delegates to the State Dem ocratic Convention shall be informed in writing that a mob cannot be removed from the hall pre engaged by the regular Demo cratic State Committee for the State Dele gate Josiah Abbott was then nominated for Governor by acclamation The Committee on Nomination reported the remainder of the ticket and the report was adopted as follows: or Lieutenant Governor 15 illiam Iv Plunkett: Secretary of State Henry Dewing Treasurer and Receiver David Skilling Auditor John itzgerald At torney General Richard Olney IV Cook of Boston addressed the chair from the centre aisle near the door His known connection with the Butler con vention immediately caused confusion When he attempted to speak there wore cries of him out and ler all over the ball The chair rapped to order but to no puriose Cook persisted advancing up the aisle and claim ing to be a regularly accredited delegate He finally retired down the aisle and was removed The following is the report of the Commit tee on Resolutions which was adopted: The Democrats of Massachusetts through their delegates assembled in convention in aneuil Hall declare that the National Democratic party is the party of the people and of the Constitution that the puroose of its existence aud bond of its unity consist iu its devotion to the principles of restricting and localizing the powers of the Govern ment in the State and nation Applying that rule to the present political questions in which our people are interested we re solve irst That the Republicans of Massachu setts by their failure to condemn the plot to capture the Presidency while that plan was in process of accomplishment and by their tacit approval of the result of it and sharing in the benefits derived from that re sult have shown themselves utterly unfaith ful to the maxims of our own State Con stitution and are not entitled to call upon any Democrat or independent citizen to act with their party or vote for their candi dates Second That the constant policy of the Republican party throughout the United States has hail a constant tendency to cen tralize the powers of government in Wash ington Third That the Republican party has dis regarded the admitted rights of States and of the people of the United States a final action of usurpation It has defrauded both State and people out of their constitution ally elected Chief Magistrate and imposed upon the country as President a man whose only title to that office is derived through legislation agreed to by the Democratic members of Congress and assented to by the people in the interests of peace and in the belief that the solemnly constituted tribunal appointed to carry out the Jaw without re gard to party rendered a decision in accord ance with the facts as ascertained by judicial investigation ourth That disregard of tho first limita tions of the powers of the Government by the Republican party is shown both in ed eral and State Governments The people have been taxed beyond measure in enter prises in which the Government cannot rightfully embark Both nation and State have been made the tools of private enter prise and Congresses and Legislatures have shaped their laws to meet the demands thereof Against tins perversion of public funds this concentration of capital and power in the hands of the few the Democ racy of Massachusetts have for years pro tested and we may point with pride to the fact that whatever progress has been made in staying corruption and extravagance and in retrenching the expenses of the Govern ment has been largely due to the efforts of the Democrats in Congress and in the Legis lature ifth That the revival of the great indus tries of manufactures commerce and fish7 cries now paralyzed by unfriendly legisla tion is essential to the future prosperity of Aiassaciiusetts and tnac reciprocal irce trade with the civilized world restricted only by necessary measures to provide the national revenue will alone once more whiten the seas with the sails of our ships quicken our languishing industries and re lieve the masses from the pressure of indi rect taxation that now robs them of a large portion of their daily earnings Sixth The Democrats of Massachusetts renew their demand for extending tho right of suffrage to all citizens of the United States residents of Massachusetts without restriction by constitutional or legal enact ments prepayment of poll tax as a qualifi cation for voting in violation of every prin ciple of equal rights ought no longer to be required and while we favor all reasonable regulations to protect purity of ballot we declare that the laws passed by Republican Legislatures in recent years tending to hinder and obstruct the most ample exercise of elective franchise by our citizens deserve the condemnation of all lovers of true liberty and free suffrage Seventh We demand there should be no further increase of State debt and that measures for its gradual reduction and final extinction should be rigidly enforced We demand that constitutional provisions be made to restrain State counties and municipalities from increasing debts in time of peace We demand the abolition of all unnecessary offices and a reduction of expenses as necessary for the well being of the people We demand that Massachusetts shall observe her obligations to other States so that our commonwealth shall not be made the safe asylum for refugees from public justice The Democratic party in sustaining throughout its entire history" the great principle of equal and exact justice to all men has ever been the truest friend of the laboring classes and we demand the over throw of monopolies and the enactment and execution of such laws as shall protect the rights of labor as well as those of capital not discriminating against either but framed for the mutual benefit of both That the process for the collection of debts known as the operates with especial severity upon the laboring classes we therefore demand the passage or a law exempting the wages of the laborer from attachment That the platform here adopted and the candidates here nominated are the platform and candidates of the Democratic party of Massachusetts in alli ance with the National Democratic party and the pretense that any candidates nominated by any other party or body of men represented the Demo cratic party is utterly false and fraudulent We summon all true Democrats to rally to the support of the candidates this day nominated because they alone represent the principlesand organization of the time hon ored National Democratic party The scheme intimated and earned into effect by the Republican party of provid ing qiaper currency not redeemable in coin and compelling people to receive the same in payment of debt is without authority of tho Constitution Congress has no power to make anything leat it be gold or silver legal tender Whatever power it may have to authorize the issue of notes to circulate as money whether issued directly from the Treasury' or indirectly through banks should be exercised only subject to certain restric tions: irst that no executive officer of the Government should have discretion to en large or contract the volume of currency second that the total amount of the cor NEW Y0EK DEMOCRATS In Slate Convention Syracuse September 25 Tiie cratic State Convention was called to c' V'T soon after 1 o'clock to day and A iug made temporary Chairman A resolution to admit the Tainmanv gation from New York and Kings connu delegates known as the McLaughlin tion both heretofore regarded as re nihr" gave rise to a long and acrimonious cuL sion and the greatest disorder prevailed Peckham of Albany Weed and several th ers filled the aisles shouting threaten etc while everybody was order and the Clerk calling the uaiucs the Kings county delegates The Mayor and police here entered pe hall and insisted that the nienfler take theii' seats Some of them ed and everybody was on Lis lv" while the hall resounded with com'nsa Smith Weed had half a dozen police aiwj him trying to get him off a seat he ad mounted but be defied them The were finally withdrawn to the front of stage and comparative quiet restored Thc Secretary then proceeded to call the The chair announced the result of the on the order of the previous question to be ayes 195 noes 154 Tremendous chec rin Tho question on the resolution was then put and declared carried amid groat cheer ing Mr Brooks moved that a coaimitt of one from each Congressional district lie named by tho delegates from each dis trict be appointed on contested seats als as a permanent organization aud also on resolutions Carried The convention then ook a recess After adjournment reekham on those who did not sj'mpathize widj action just taken to remain in the hal After remaining a while Smith 51 announced that those who dissented from the action taken would meet immediote at Park Opera House and a large cjo vl went there Smith Weed was called to the chair He asked if ever in their experi ence they had seen such shameless cheating as was done in that convention We are here he said to determine whether we should go Lack to that conven tion again or adopt resolutions expressing our sentiments and denounce the action re ferred to aud go back inally resolutions were adopted denounc ing the action of the convention and resolv ing to go back aud participate in tho forma tion of committees and the meeting ad journed Upon reassembling the committees on cre dentials ami resolutions were appointed and the convention adjourned till 10 a to morrow In Kentucky Cairo III September 25 Hickman Kentucky reports four deaths and three new cases ulton Kentucky reports three sisters Misses Woodbridge down with the fever It is supposed they caught the infec tion from a passenger car lately brought from Memphis loft near their residence and the windows having been opened to ventilate the car No other cases there At Canton Canton September 25 No apparent abatement in fever there being twenty one new cases in the last twenty four hours mostly negroes We feel more encouraged now at our decreased mortality which is due to good nursing and the extraordinary vigilance and activity of our physicians Drs Lyons and Priestly who seem never to weary of doing good are meeting with remarkable success Dr Scmmes is rapidly recovering We miss the energetic ser vices of our President A Thom as who has been sick several days He hopes to be on duty to morrow ather Dugan who with the exception of ather Cogan who died at his post is the minister who remained with us is out again fully recovered and goes around cheering and encouraging the well and ministering to the sick Signed Divine Chairman Relief Committee At Vicksburg and Vicinity Vicksburg September 25 The weather is warm and clear Thermometer 94 de grees Twelve deaths recorded to day seven whites and five colored The whites were all children under eight years of age The fever continues increasing throughout Warren county New cases are heard of daily At Bovina eighteen cases are re ported Doctors nurses and medicines have been sent there The fever at Lake Missis sippi is very malignant More doctors nnd nurses will be sent there to morrow from Vicksburg At Lawrence Mississippi on the the fe ver is very bad Doctors nurses and med icines will also be sent there to morrow President Rockwood of tho Howard Association is still' alivo to night but no hopes are entertained of his recov er' The steamer Kate Dixon that left here yesterday with doctors nurses and supplies for Greenville is reported aground fifty miles above here The steamer Carrie lias been Sent to her relief At Roily Springs Holly Springs September 25 Cannot get a report of deaths or new cases to nights Colonel Holland and other officials are too busy with the sick to make up a statemeuf are fearful ully 500 are down with fever Signed Harrison At ItleniphlK Memphis September 25 Bigley purchasing agent of the Howard Associa tion was taken down to night at 9 The steamer Hard Cash laden with sup plies for points between hero ami Arkansas Citv arrived this afternoon from St Louis Twenty three physicians of the Howard Medical Corps report one hundred and twenty five new cases ortv deaths have been officially reported by the'Board of Health as having occurred for the twenty four hours ending at 6 o'clock to night Of those sixteen were colored Many physiciansof the Howard Medical Corps report this disease as malignant mid fatal as at the beginning of the epidemic and tho death rate certainly sust for Congrcs nomination The Gr acccpts the.

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The Cleveland Leader from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Who was Cleveland, Ohio named after? ›

Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836. Aided by its proximity to rail and water routes and natural resources like iron and oil, the City of Cleveland served as a central hub for industrial growth, commerce, and trade throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

What is the origin of the name Cleveland? ›

Cleveland was established on July 22, 1796, by surveyors of the Connecticut Land Company when they laid out Connecticut's Western Reserve into townships and a capital city. They named the settlement "Cleaveland" after their leader, General Moses Cleaveland, a veteran of the American Revolutionary War.

What is Cleveland best known for? ›

What is Cleveland, OH Known For? 10 Things to Love About This City
  1. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. ...
  2. Cleveland Museum of Art. ...
  3. Historic West Side Market. ...
  4. Playhouse Square. ...
  5. Cleveland Metroparks. ...
  6. Great Lakes Science Center. ...
  7. Cleveland Cavaliers and Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse. ...
  8. Cultural and arts scene.
Jan 25, 2024

What county is Cleveland, Ohio in? ›

Cleveland city, Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

What is the slang for Cleveland? ›

"C-town" or "C-land" – Used by many performing artists and locals to denote Cleveland. "City of Champions" – Referring to Cleveland's golden age of sports victories in the 1940s and 1950s. "City of Light" "The CLE" or simply "CLE" – From the IATA code for Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.

What is the nickname of Cleveland Ohio? ›

The most popular nicknames for Cleveland in 2022 are “216,” “CLE,” and “The Land.” All three appear in organization names, events, media references, t-shirt designs, and social media hashtags such as #ThisIsCLE from the 2014 Destination Cleveland “This is Cleveland” campaign to encourage social media posts of the city.

Why is Cleveland called Brown? ›

The Browns were founded in 1946 and, as the result of a fan contest to choose their moniker, were named after their first head coach, Paul Brown, who was already a popular figure in Ohio, having coached the Ohio State University to a national collegiate football championship.

What ethnicity is Cleveland? ›

The city's Downtown is majority non-Hispanic white, with African American, Asian, and Hispanic minorities.

What was the original name of the Cleveland Indians? ›

The CLEVELAND GUARDIANS (formerly the Cleveland Indians) baseball team, a charter member of the American League, founded in 1901, was originally named the Blues, then the Broncos, and from 1903-11 was known as the Naps, in honor of player-manager NAPOLEON LAJOIE.

Who is the most famous person from Cleveland Ohio? ›

Famous People Born in Cleveland
  • Drew Carey. Drew Carey grew up in Cleveland's Old Brooklyn neighborhood with his parents and two brothers. ...
  • Halle Berry. ...
  • Tracy Chapman. ...
  • Vanessa Bayer. ...
  • Yvette Nicole Brown. ...
  • Arsenio Hall. ...
  • Phil Donahue. ...
  • Lili Reinhart.

What drink is Cleveland known for? ›

Many fans of the co*cktail might not realize that part of its rise to popularity has a bit of history in Cleveland. The Cosmopolitan, at its base, uses vodka, triple sec, lime juice, simple syrup and cranberry juice.

What is the motto of Cleveland Ohio? ›

Though the first version of the flag did not contain the motto 'Progress and Prosperity', it was added in November 1895 by Cleveland Mayor Robert McKisson. McKisson adopted this phrase as the city's municipal motto amid contention from other city leaders and added it to the flag as well.

What is the largest city in Ohio? ›

Columbus (/kəˈlʌmbəs/, kə-LUM-bəs) is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Ohio.

What language is spoken in Cleveland Ohio? ›

Spanish, Arabic, Polish, German, Italian are among top Cuyahoga County languages other than English.

Why is Cleveland named Cleveland Family Guy? ›

Creation. Writers may have named the character Cleveland Brown in reference to the similarly named football team, although his last name was not revealed until after Family Guy returned from cancellation in 2005.

Why was Cleveland named the Browns? ›

The Browns were founded in 1946 and, as the result of a fan contest to choose their moniker, were named after their first head coach, Paul Brown, who was already a popular figure in Ohio, having coached the Ohio State University to a national collegiate football championship.

Why did they drop the A in Cleveland? ›

In 1831, the Cleveland Advertiser dropped the first “a” in the city's name to reduce the length of the newspaper's masthead. From then on, the community was known as Cleveland.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.