The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)

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i a ViW' Ml wTWOVWV THE BLAJDE East End ULTON fc SUTTON IS THIS TRUE? RIDAY OCTOBER UN dress suit lOOLOlfcl tbe farm and boys Of LOCAL NEWS Mrs Our Cakes and Cookies Always Tresb 1 Armour's Rams and Bacon on streets ATLAS 810 Hi CHECKS a P4 4 MS III t1 Oi iii 4 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ib ib Ui ili ili ili ili ili ili ili ili' ili ili ili illb 5 ili ili ili ili ili They can be obtained of the fol lowing merchants LOCAL MABKBT8 Corrected Ivory riday r24C Try our large new bulk olives per quart 50c 10 lb kit new amily White ish 60c 10 lb sack entire wheat flour 30c New corn meal per sack 15c White wheat graham flour per lb 3c Chew and plug tobacco ili? ili ili i Absolutely What does it mean? That we have a Chinaman to sell tea? No It means that we sell the real article That is that when we sell you Gun powder tea it is Gunpowder tea We practice no deception of any kind It pay and if it did we would not not do it The moral is that we treat you fairly and you deal with us to your interests 2 lb package self rising buckwheat pancake or corn flour 10c Cream Brick or Limberger cheese per lb 15c Swiss cheese per lb 18c 8 Prices are fair as quality is good thru out our line Do you deal with us Come in and look around £neNp5 best You Come in and see them iih UM I ib i ill ill Tv I'M i jt 123 36 20 SJsSMb ficwdo tbe prices affect you? 4r WALTON BROS Boots and Shoes WALTON BROS Groceries WALTON BROS Cropsey Heavy rain Monday night and lota of mud Tuesday Pratt has the material ready to nuua a cold storage ice house and David Barnes shipped car load of hogs to Chicago Monday Henry Bricker has his barn done and Convis is putting on the paint It is a fine barn Mr and Mn1 Henry of Washington Ill are visiiing relatives in and around Cropsey AwNothing new only everyone is busk ing corn and pressing straw and those fellows have been to busy to go after bugjujce Mr and MrsEdThomas came home Tuesday from a two months visit in southern Vermont and among the Green mountains She that was Sarah Kempf before shq was married was visiting relatives and friends here the fore part of the week and Will 'leave for her home in westernNew York on riday Wsk and Vicinity Clark of Jtfendota was here Tuesday 4 Mr McCullough of Cropsey was here Monday v'W Strawn of Ottawa' attended to business here tbe first of the week loA number' of Montana horses werb soldst Strawn stock yards Monday Knapp of airbury was the fore part of tbe week on businessMtea Mattie Lawler acted as teiciier at Strawn during Miss sBoynton i absence i 1 Miss Kilgus of airbury spent Sun 1 day at home of her brother in lawnd fitter Mr and Mrs Vonburger it A travelings man tfrotn Chicago hab AU 1 A mwu guyas bxtt jve donWlhifikhe edmrhk yNW Jeiity Dliy flour? jPPPi Jn thatfcc Council Meeting The city council met Wednesday evening and in the absence of Mayor Barnes Henry Weber was chosen mayor pro tern The following bills were anoweu: Jesse Stevens Co tile Walker Birch blacksmithing Chas Quest Maple steet drain Mat Miller John Walker Wm Bills Gaudineer A Morris 8 Catton" Robert Shavers Jas Summerville 1 Ben leming Wayman Bradley CL Mowery A Ellis Standard Oil Co oil rank incham painting 1' freight and draying II Bartlett eelection cd ward Davenport TO Cook Veatch VV Amsbary Jacob Hoker Thomas rent Bennett dravinn andexnress Payne Bros five telephone messages Kinsey Mahlerlcess pool Mat Kamerer cement walk II Johnson services 8 Brydia printing Ben Hinshaw labor on street VV btevena Ben Eppstein Robert Gloat hauling Lytle Hanna rank Harris bummervile Lawrence Petition presented by property own ers for a ditch on Clay street to connect with new sewer It was referred to street and alley committee and the ditch will be dug if there is fall enough Petition by property owners for ce ment sidewalk on east side of block 10 in Patton addition Petition granted and walk will be built in its turn Bids for sale of old water tower opened and were as follows: Dexter Myers $15 Eph Bills $36 Alderman Churchill moved that the bid of Eph Bills be accepted upon his complying with conditions Motion prevailed The board canvased the re turnsfor aiderman of the second ward Aiderman Churchill moved that the returns be accepted and Gordon declared elected to fill the unexpired term of 8 Westervelt Motion pre vailed Adjourned 3JCESBS Langabeer barber Extra good things in duck coats at Walton Bros ine new bulk olives 50e per quart at Purdum' The common sense trunk is sold only by Walton Bros Stop that cough with Wade's Com pound Syrup Tulu Ten pound kit new family white fish for 00c at Purdnm's bchool shoes that wear 85c $1 and $125 a pair at Walton Brod Mrs DConn returned to her home in St Joseph Ill Thursday Mrs Vickery and daughter re turned from the west Tuesday Mrs Shankland of Pontiac vis ited airbury friends Thursday Taplin and daughter Mae visited Gridley friends this week Mrs Henery Schwab and son Herold visited Piper citv friends this week Buckwheat or pancake flour self ris ing 2 pound package 10c at Purdum Mr and Mrs John Zimmerman are visiting relatives and friends at Mar seilles HI Walton Bros invite all to examine the Russian vest made especially for cold weather Alarm docks 50c and $100 each Eight day clocks with alarms $3 $4 85 at Walton Bros Ladies' fine all wool kersey jackets in black and castor shades for $850 at Walton Bros Dr 8 Barnes and Car nthers attended the Reeves meeting in Chicago Tuesday Hilsabeck is down with con gestion of the lungs and is in a very precarious condition The highest market prices will be paid for poultry by Perlee Bros the reliable poultry dealers airbury shoe store for leather boots felt boots rubber boots and over shoes of all kinds Prices tbe lowest beat sale for MissounGirl Thursday evening October 26 willopen to morrow Saturday Prices 25c 35c and 50c Mesdames Dominy 8 Wil son and Walton are guests of Mrs bhankland in Pontirc today Mr and Mrs Watterson of Kanka kee are visiting Mr and Mrs Hugh Robinson and other airbury friends Your choice of a lot of silver plated cake dishes berry dishes sugars spooners etc for only $150 at Walton Bros fi Slaughter Is in Danville and Hoopeston this week visiting old fi lends and looking after bis real estate in terests The condition of Amos Brown is much improved $nd he was able to be up town this week with tbe aid of crutches Health Milligan paint is the best paint made goes lasts longer looks better than any other and is sold at Drug store Mr and Mrs Jerome Kepner of Bloomington are the guests of Mr and Mrs Richard Stratton Mrs Kep ner aud Mrs Stratton are sisters McDowell started Tuesday for airbury Nebraska and other western points to look after bis real estate in terests and visit with old friends Mr and Mrs Merit and children spent runday with Bloomington rela tives and' tbe children came home Monday and Mrs Merit remained during the week Sewing machines $15 each and up New Home Wheeler A Wilson Eld redge and Western machines to select from bee us for sewing ma nbines Walton Bros AZ Tbe character of "Zeke in The Missouri Girl is the most side splitting comedy part ever conceived Don'tfail to see him at tbe opera house Thursday October 26 Sbarlock started for Wenona county Iowa Tuesday to look at the realestate in that county If it suits him he will probably purchase a farm and move his family there 1 Pat Harrington and John Snlliyan 1 started for Hampton Iowa Tuesday Messers A and 0 Humphreys and red riot of Indiana accompan led them and will probably buy farms 1 mere i a Speaking of tea and coffee 'you can get all kinds in airbury but yon can always depend upon getting the best for the price at grocery Purdum makes a specialty of fine teas and coffees si Tbe old water tower was sold ro Eph Bills for $36 that being tbe highest bid made for it This rids the city of the ihe job of tearing the old tower down and disposing of the lumber and Mr Bills who is a bustle will make a few dollars out of a 'ft: ly5rt ip Knetaar has been engaged the AtR to give the operetta of Red Riding Hood which is equal to if not better than the National lower given with so much snccesa for them by Miss Knetasr last wInter' Tbe star part Red Ridings Hood is taken' by little Leona Heimermaniwho Is a musical from should not fail to hear bar at the Opera House November 6 Chicago'Times saysi'JlThe Bijou is about tbe only place of amuse ment worth visiting this week' The attraction is The Missouri Girl (pre sented by those clever laugh makers red and Sadie Raymond supported by companyWiTbey are doing anenormoua business This is by farthe beat attraction yet seen at BljoutJ The Missouri Girl will be at the opera house Thursday October 26 with same cast 'thet produced the play 1st Chicago add made such a tremindous'hit October paM kSAVE fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl to to to to your Rneniion fs wanted in regard to our line of dried fruits that we are shovingi We have new (this crop) muscatel raisins seeded and seedless raisins prunes peaches apricots' currants in fact any a i( 'a 5 thing in the dried fruit line Areyoujtakinad vantage of the snap i aredffering on men's' pants at $150 1 A 4 WALTON BROS Dry Goods Cloaks and Carpets WALTON BROS Clothing and urnishings 1 2 Pickles 5c per dozen Jul Quaker oats 10c package Crackers 5c 0er pound Japan tea 40c per pound Gona Mocha Java coffee 25c pound Salmon 10c per canj Cprh oil soap IO bars for 25c Tomatoes (hand packed) 3 for 25c' 'SSweef corn 3 for 4 19 55 8 00 (8 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 1 00 1 25 50 188 73 3 00 11 83 4 50 6 00 3 00 9 25 1 50 50 1 20 i 3 90 00 13 00 21 00 20 13 20 13 19 25 21 00 21 (X) 21 ()Q 19 2) 17 50 PERLEE ai i 1 Wall paper at Wades School books at Wades Langabeer barber See the new watches and jewelry at Walton Bros warm lined shoes $1 to $250 a pair at Walton Bros Tbe latest styles in stiff hats now shown at Walton Bros Radiant Home stoves always give satisfaction 'Prices reasonable at Walton Bros Buy the men's walkover shoes if you want style fit and comfort com bined at Walton Bros If you want the best values in cov ert overcoats buy now aud get the plums of the stock Walton Bros line is now full See them Miss Phillips ranks with the greatest violinists of tbe day Her solos were enthusiastically encored again and again Decatur Republican Peoria Herald: The operetta of Red Riding Hood Rescued given at East Peoria hall on the evening of the 12th was a success This is due in part to the training and executive ability of Miss A Knetzer who superintended the preparation There were eight choruses with fifty one voices in each all participating did themselves justice Miss Anna Jones as Red Riding Hood was a distinct success and captivated her audience witn her sweet voice Miss Richman as Mamina and Miss as Grandma acted their respective parts to perfection and deserve great praise Opera House November 6 Wall paper at Wade's I Langabeer barber I Ira Brown was in Chicago this week ob Rent Rooms furnished Cassie I I Wharton I I Good values in corduroy pants at I Walton Bros I I Cream brick or limbergef cheese 15c a pound at Purdnm's I Dr Bull spent Sunday with his parents iu Alton Avery of Pontiac wasm town the first of the week Buy wall paper window shades and I carpets of Walton Bros I I tailor made suits 85' $7 so I $10 and up at Walton Bros 4 iL A I I 1 5 Deputy Postmaster Charles Gregg A Mf' A 'Adi A La A a iXm a aI a I AV In PAnrin nnA kf a1 Jr? KVUwO "Allvl' 9ilVw ll AVlt7 19 I vuiuvin I I leHyonr troubles to tbe very good considering the warm weath you can find two of them at rj elevator Our shoes are the kind that looked ru well wear well and at pricesthat fit the pair at wai pocket book well Stniwen Rauch of Van df 5 Wert Ohio was the guest of airbury a rvn mam i 1 H1VUUO WA11O WCCHi 1 Payne Bros sold a mandolin to Miss Ettie Schurtz and a guitar to Harry Armstrong this week If you want anything in the cakes and cookies line remember that Pur pura's are always fresh Queen Quality shoes are easy on the I feet They always fit All styles one price 83 a pair at Walton Bros airbury Shoe Store for warm I lined Shoes from to $3 a pair Can I not be equalled at tbe price any place else I Mrs Cook and daughter Goldana and Mias Bertha Patton attended the I Baptist convention at Monmoth this ek 'i a I A illey sold ten registered Tllf: CORV IILSK A j( The new line of neck just re r5 i 4 ceived by Payne Bros includea all nf Is hfcavv this vears tha laavaa arfi foil lintr oarlv poa four in hand A'and everyth inc betokens the 'kind Winter AnnAVlA iXSBA mm mm A I I il I assv VIIVDQ I1U UBUiC 110010 VO VOVC maketh the heart of the ice man I were Will Brain rank Karnes Grant rvlnzl TUm ImmImmm xUmA vanover jonn Homerville and Sum SimsMu i iiu vim iiiiiu ui vuiici uoviai co uiai ill a a jWSisoihg to hustle people to keep warm but ciarenee joUd editor that is all foolishness If you have the right Clifton Comet' was the guest of his InarentaMr and Mrs gsc KinuAJi a neaung maenme you uouiq Keep Tuesdty 'Mwr)rt in Klpndyke heaters that iostume of the 1Sdi with the neai Toucan i i A I vnicago Grand toncert Company were 34 i 1 oesignea dv worth the leader of Pana fl Jf I fashions Oimml hme WARM A I friends here Thursdav He ha nnt 5 il been here for about twenty years I 1 "t'M carry tbe following kinds of fur with the stoves sell and not half try Come wck Russian ddg Wand see mv line and rget: my prices: 1 4 haTiD hi 3 'i 1 70th Thursday He is hale uke i good Ai UAlv 4 mMy yert 4 5 'i 3 Lo1 Bobineoo is In town today Mr Bobiuaon has been quite sick with lef 1 1 1 1 1 Ilan 'Clz 1 Pneum0Dia at the home of their daugb 1 1 jter Mrs Dr Carmon in orrest the past pX 1 week but is now Improving JJoeShoTer renrDel Monday night I CUDljlJJU VAIxi i I He brought with him his father who is i Is MyeartoldTbeold gentleman isas I I pry many men of half his age AJiadfcoal burners 1 hayeAthe? famous Wesavry ever needful in I building material line and will be MMr I to Rive yon figures on anything A A Vft 4 ln thta ne J0n WMt 1 in and see us and get our prices Jesse MEawf MiVlt JIN 1 1 UK? i 1 4 Miss Name Ritchie the clever terp llschorfan will interpret an Vl lorlginai dance in The Missouri Girl at MMHbdmO8t eCOnOmiCaLfUel bumer on lthe opeia house Thursday pctober want a xook stove have LTbisils iliyfar'ihef most beautiful Is by this I The LaJtes' Aid Socjety of the Q' £3 fl It SrB fl I Pjoyible ehlcxen pie Jvelableatth hntneqf Mr Dom evening Everybody had picwvjr ciucKen nie nd the society netted 83339 1 ''ohnfpj: jUIartf returned Saturdaypom Barton coppty dtfisadnri and re porta tba follpwln salsa of land: red Langabeer barbar High cut men's shoes tan or black at Walton Bros Dr 'Dye visited El Paso day evening '7 Ladies' doth capes $1 each and up at Walton Bros airbury Shoe Store for men's shoes at bargain prices Bargains in blankets flanels yarns etc at Walton Bros You can buy all kinds of caases of Walton Bros Louis Weber Is attending institute at Pontiac The new shapes in men's soft hats now shown at Walton Bros' Mrs Thomas wants six sewing girls immediately Apply at shop Room 1 Walton Bldg We have the best line of infants and cloaks in the city Prices low Walton Bros Skinner satin yard wide for shirt waists and dresses all colors $135 a yard at Walton Bros airbnry shoe store for your winter footwear we can save you money on your shoe bill this winter Men's fine Jersey ribbed underwear good for two wear an extra value 50c Payne Brothers New lot of fur collarettes storm collars neck scarfs muffs etc just re ceived this week at Walton Bros Miss Emma Sloan of Bloomington and Mrs Sara Sloan Ingraham of Chi cago are visiting their mother Nan Sloan Radiant Home stoves 'are the We have sold a earload this fall want one i Walton Bros Housekeeper wanted Middle gged lady preferred Permanent place for right party inquire of Mrs Ham shire Weston Ill The Womans Missionary society of the Presbyterian church willserye sup per in the basem*nt of the church Hal loween October 31 You can always depend upon getting the highest market prices for your poul try when you sell to Perlee Brothers the reliable poultry dealers I want to buy about 5000 bushels of good ear corn and will pay one cent above the market price John Beck ley at Bethard clothing store Ninty nine of the voters of the sec ond ward think Langabeer would be all right for aiderman and 105 of them think he is a mighty good baroer We have two new shredding ma chines and are ready to do work for those haying corn fodder to be shred ded Wenger Brothers 3J miles south east of airbury 10 28 airbury Shoe Store for the finest and best wearing line of foot wear ever brought to this market Prices the lowest Call and see us for footwear of all kinds Mrs Gaudreaux is a singer in some of the leading churches in Chicago She Is a finished artist and a lady of most charming personality With Chicago Grand Concert Co Noy 2 A young son of Mr and Mrs Elmer Carson fell off a chair Tuesday strik ing his head against tbe stove and cutting a big gash in it Dr Lewis fixed him up and he is getting along nicely The cold winter evenings are about here and you should have a good pipe to keep your nose warm John Sorg has this week received the finest line of pipes ever brought to airbury You can find (just what you want In pipes at airbury Encampment No 71 pur chased a new paraphernalia for the staff It is said to be tbe finest thing in this line that has appeared in air bury for a long time and the boys are just proud of it The Encampment is one of the secret societies that has bad a good healthy increase in member ship this season 4 The three year old child of Mr and Mrs Bert Bradshaw died at the home of its parents in this city Tuesday of cholera mtantum The funeral ser vices were held at the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon Rev Whit comb officiating 1 The parents have the sympathy of the community A decision of special interest to Mod ern Woodmen was rendered at Spring field Monday which decrees that the head camp of the order bad a right to remove the bead offices and the records from ulton to Rock Island The case is styled Parks Versus Modern Wood men and was brought up fromlWhites side county ZThis decision finally dis poses of this troublesome question Say brook Gazette: The Red Riding Hood given at the Opera House riday night under the joint auspices' oj "MIbb Alma Knetsar Jof Moline and the Saybrook High School was a success in every particular Mtu Knetsar had the children ini drfill for two weeks before the entertain ment and it is remarkable how well she had them in' charge Opera House November 6'" Illinois has bad nineteenGovenors but not one of them born in the state Seven saw the light: of day in Kentucky? three in New Yorktwp each in Maryland and and one each in Pennsylvania New: Hamp shire Ohio and Prussia The present Governor was a native of Indi atiaGovs Ewing DuncanCarlin Yates OglesbyiPalmer' and 1 Culbm were born in Matteson Bie Bell and Beveridge In New York Coles and lfefjin: Virginia and Hamilton in at 1 1 A A Bring on Your We arc ready to commence maklnsr It a aawJ Hardware Stoves and Ranges WALTON BROS urniture WALTON BROS wan Haper WALTON BROSm 'fl "Chipaware and Glassware $WALTON BROSry flffk Millinery STUCKEY CO i GOSLINE 'Meat Market Mi PHILEIPSi Xhotographej 7 fl sxfMsVv sjhH AIRBURY TuffWuta iW went UK ia JV I A I ww rirjAv at iT ii ii ww ror' LT1' Mg "MSI 3 'Ji KSS'uS '1 4 BitS HiwC'S rails fk nRk 3 JY 'ih' zs feW I iW W5 WW ggr 4 i TiTfBTrT ''MBiKi KaNKRKHrjf JSS 4 It 3fe I li 8 fl fr a JLsa fesU 4 Hogs 00 Old Corn 27f New corn 'fesasc fi 25 21f Veal calves Av $5 00 Chickens 06 Turkey hens 4 00 Ducks 06 Geese 03 Butter Eggs fresh 12 Lard 05 Hides 06 Lump coal $1 eo" irst nut coal $140 Second nut coal 80 I.

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The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 5673

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.