The Morning Call from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)

a 26 Paterson 'Robin To Star Robin will be the star St. Paul's R.C. School. The blond legend, will ceeds will be fund. Morning Call Feb.

22, 1954. Morgan, TV's In Church who plays Dagmar in benefit minstrel and Church will sponsor Thursday headline the show. added 1 to the building 'Dagmar' Minstrel child star, whose native ability in a variety of fields is Waldwick Court Cases the "Mama" series on TV. variety show the parish of night at. Eastside High I ROBIN MORGAN ROBIN Anthony Frisco, Paterson dance director, is in general charge of the show, which will include specialty acts, soloists and minstrelists, among whom will be some members of the parish.

The show committee is led by Vincent S. Parrillo. The church's building program gets under way this year when construction of new elementary school is expected to begin. Ten-year-old Robin, a "beauty queen" at two years of age, later became a model and dise jockey, but achieved nation-wide respect with her portrayals on television. Her acting already has a nomination for Peabody award for performance in "A Little Child Is Crying." Pigeon Trio Worth $250 Stolen Louis Riger, 38 Watson told police three racing pigeons valued at $250 were stolen from the coop at the rea of his home Saturday night.

The birds were banded with numbers AU-47 Pat 164, AU512970 170 N. Detective Joseph Korten is investigating. A gas station at 315 Twentyfirst was burglarized Satur, day night and $25 were taken from the cash register, police said. Detective Sgt. James Connors and Joseph Dworak are investigating.

The theft was discovered by Patrolmen Theodore Capter and Norbert White, who saw broken window in the office. Richard Moskow, 396 East Thirty-ninth told police camera worth $55 was taken from the fence at the School 20 playground Saturday afternoon while he was playing with other boys there. Detective Sgt. Herman Cohn Is investigating. Paterson Paint Wallpaper House 12 Bridge St.

130 River St. PRESENTS FACTORY Demonstration of ARVONI: TEXTURE PAINT Thursday Friday FEB. 25 26 'TIL 8 P. M. SATURDAY 'TIL 5 P.M.

SEE HOW EASILY YOUR WALLS BECOME BRAND NEW WITH ARVON The ready mixed oil paint creates beautiful smooth texture finishes. Plaster patches other 1:25 blemishes vanish. Gal. FREE EACH PERSON ATTENDING DEMONSTRATION RECEIVES GENUINE HOUSE THERMOMETER and A FINISHED ARVON SAMPLE PATERSON PAINT WALLPAPER HOUSE 18 BRIDGE RIVER ST. Park Free In Our Rear Parking Lot WALDWICK Magistrate CorYonkers of Midland Park presided at Friday evening's sesthe local Magistrate's Court due to the absence of MagIstrate H.

A. Spies who is in Florida. William H. Mowery, 367 Morton Wyckoff was fined $5 and $3 costs on speeding count. Yonkers suspended the $5 fine on a second charge of crossing private I property to avoid red light at Prospect Franklin Tpke.

intersection. However, he assessed the defendant $3 costs of court. Edward A. Brower, 3 Crescent Allendale charged with speeding 50 miles per do hour in a 25 mile zone was fined $5 and $3, In levying the fine the Magistrate told Brower he was taking into consideration his past record of driving for over 22 years without recelving a summons. Miss Barbara Lawrence, 173 Midwood Paramus was fined $10 and $3 for speeding.

Also assessed the same amount for speedviolations were John W. ing Gertsch, 42 Wyckoff RamHomer A. McDaniels, 446 sey; First Oradell. James Daly was fined $5 and $3 for allowing his dog to run at large on Hewson Ave. in the borough.

Canvassing without of a Newark permit cost Robert Richeimer $10. and $3 costs. Richard Vernon of a Widwick Ave. was fined $5 and $3 for driving without his registration in his possession. Of Local Interest The Perpetual Novena Services to the Infant Jesus of Prague will be conducted this evening at St.

Luke's R. C. Church at 8 p. m. The executive board of the Rosary Society will meet immediately following Novena services.

There will be no religious instruction classes for public high school students due the holiday. Friday at the Ramsey Country Club will feature prizes for the most original headgear. Some of the prizes to be awarded are: A rug, zipper blanket and a bottle of perfume. Music for dancing will be furnished by the Village Tunesmiths and a number of novelty mixed dances will add to the enjoyment, of the guests. Emily Kimbrough, author of numerous best sellers, radio commentator and lecturer will appear in Waldwick on Friday, March 5 at 8:30 p.

m. as guest of the Woman's Club. This will be the first time that a lecturer of national renown has spoken locally. Miss Elsie Koehler, daughter of Councilman and Mrs. Richard Koehler of Bearly Crescent entertained at her home over the holiday week-end for Vernon Rhode William Texbury student at Island University Agriculture.

The art department of the Woman's Club will meet tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs. Victor Tiepelke, 24 Douglas St, Members will work on illuminated pages and ceramics. Lippiello of 32 Grove celebrated his eightyfirst birthday Mrs. recently. Lippiello In honor of the occasion entertained for the following: Mr.

and Mrs. Nicola Russo and rice daughter Ravat, Mary, Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs.

Henry Helmke, Mrs. John Reily, Mrs. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Dahl, Mr.

and Mrs. Peter Dreyer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Poelstra, and son Robert and Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Arlington. The Highlands Community Association confetti festival to be held Franklin Lakes Of Local Interest FRANKLIN LAKES -The Rainbow Garden Club has announced that there are still a few seats available for the March 10 bus trip to the National Flower show to be held this year at Kingsbridge in the Bronx. Mrs. Arthur Cummins and Mrs. Peter Piekema are in charge of reservations for this trip.

There will be a special meeting of the official board of the Methodist Church, at the church tomorrow evening at 8. The junior choir will meet at Thursday evening for rehearsal with the senior choir convening at 8 the same evening. The Queen Esther Circle meets on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Carlough. The new trustees.

of the church, elected at the quarterly conference Include Ray Voorhis, Henry Brookhoven and Jake Smith, each re-elected for a three year term. Oakland Three New Arrivals OAKLAND Three brand new residents arrived here this week, all via the General Hospital in Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. William Brindle, of Poplar are the proud parents of their first child, a son.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morof YawPaw Ave. are the happarents of daughter named Claudia.

Claudia joins three brothers, Bruce, nine, Dennis, six, and Richard, three. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bredimus, of Oak St. are the happy parents of a new daughter.

She joins three brothers and three All three mothers and babies are doing nicely and were, expected home over the week-end. CHARLES MAIN 1 W. ELBOW STETSON HATS Long Oval $10.00 Regular Oval Hats $10.00 to $30.00 Knox Borsalino Correct Dress For Men Lutheran Pastors, Laymen Attend Stewardship Panel GLEN ROCK- A large gathering of Lutheran pastors and laymen attended the Stewarship Facts Panel held at Good Lutheran Church Thursday evening. The panel moderated by the Rev. J.

Russell Hale, pastor of Redemer Church, Ramsey. Zeb Trexler, associate stewardship secretary and assistant director of the Lutheran Laymen's movement for stewardship of the ULC in America, spoke regarding trends in per capita giving of confirmed members for all causes of the ULCA, over a period of years in relationship to budget requirements. The other panelist, Rev. Howard Haas, pastor of St. John, Jersey City, explained in detail the stewardship requirements of the N.

J. Synod of the ULCA. The men's club of the Good Shepherd Church was host to the affair. William Reif thanked the officers and members of the club for the fine -programs held last year activities and outlined some of the planned this year. He announced that State-wide Lutheran Brotherhood meeting would be held at Camp Biesler on May 1.

A committee consisting Nelol, Ridgewood, was to Glenz. Bitler, Glen Rock, Fair and Predicate study nominations during 1954. Charles Rubner, Sunday School superintendent of Good Shepherd, announced the first adult Bible class will be held on March 7. Other members of the clergy attending the meeting were the Rev. Robert Parker, Good Shepherd, Glen Rock; Rev.

R. Donald Clare, Holy Trinity, Leonia; Rev. Elmer F. Seifert, Our Saviour, Cresskill; and Rev. George W.

De Lawter, St. Paul, Teaneck. Refreshments were served. Makes Mrs. Eirich Associate Member GLEN ROCK-It was announred yesterday that Mrs.

Leo W. Etridh, of 74 Hillside Ave. has been made an associate member of the Volunteer Ambulance Corps in consideration for her devotion and untiring efforts in the corps behelf. Allendale Chamber Re-Elects Archibald Farrell ALLENDALE F. Archibald Farrell was re-elected president of the Allendale Chamber of Commerce at the annual meeting -held Thursday' night.

Other officers elected included Mrs. Maude Connelly, vice-president, Joseph Dixon second vice-president; Mrs. Ralyh Grossman secretary and A. J. Ott, treasurer.

William Foreit and Joe Dixon were appointed a committee of two to check of the possibility of awarding athletic trophies to Allendale students at Ramsey High and to make arrangements for the annual dinner dance to be held March 20 at the Crescent Terrace Inn. Ask Rezoning Of Inn Property ALLENDALE-At the meeting of the planning board Friday night in the firehouse the board with a vote of 5 to voted to submit to the Mayor and council recommendation to rezone for business the Crescent Inn property and the adjoining lot owned by Mrs. Mary Job. Ramsey Cub Dinner Tonight RAMSEY The annual "Blue and dinner for Cub Pack 20 will be held in the social room of the First Presbyterian Church at 7 o'clock this evening. Women's Guild will meet in the Metzger room of First Church tomorrow evening at 8:15 p.m.

Dr. Edwin D. Miner, will be guest speaker for the occasion and as part of his address will show pictures of his recent trip to Dr. William Mager will be special speaker at the meeting of First Church Men's Club which will meet in the Metzger room at 8:15 p.m. Thursday; COMMUNION THIS MORNING RAMSEY A men and boy's Corporate Communion will be conducted at St.

John's Memorial Episcopal Church at 8 o'clock this morning, with the rector, the Rev. George R. Dawson, officiating. Dr. Edwin D.

Miner, of the American Leprosy Mission, will be the guest speaker for the occasion. Senior Choir will meet at the church for rehearsal on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Children's Choir rehearsal will be held on Saturday at 11:30 a.m. SADDLE RIVER The Loyal League of Zion Lutheran Church, "The Community Church," of Saddie River, will meet in the parish house at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Ho-Ho-Kus Clam Chowder Sale Is Planned March 5 HO-HO-KUS The Service Guild of the Community Church met in the social room of the church Thursday afternoon.

The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. G. Herbert Schneider, minister of the church, in memory of Mrs. Charles Sannwaldt, beloved member of long standing. The first in the series of clam chowder sales was reported a suecess by the chairman.

The next sale will be Friday, March 5, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the church. In order to avoid disappointment, orders may be placed by calling Mrs. Marvin 0. Wakefield.

Chowder may be called for any time after 3 p.m. Men's Glee Club To Sing Here HO-HO-KUS The Denison University Men's Glee Club by popular request will have a return engagement here Tuesday, April 13. For their fourth annual spring concert the Community Church will present the Glee Club in the auditorium of the public school. This announcement comes result of meeting held at the home of Mrs. Robert B.

Johnson, general chairman. Fire Company Woman's, Auxiliary meets tonight at the firehouse social room. Boy Scout Troop 54 meets tonight 7:30 at the Community Church. Mary E. Chadwick Dies At Age Of 80 Miss Mary 'Elizabeth Chadwick, 80, died suddenly on Saturday night at 7 o'clock in her home at 18 Lake St.

She had been under the care of a but her death was unexpected. Born in Paterson 1875. she was the daughter of the late Thomas and Anna York Chadwick, and was a resident of a lifetime. She was a member of St. Joseph's R.

C. Church. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the funeral home of Henry Hanstein and Sons, 483 Main St. A half hour later Requiem Mass will be offered hat St. Joseph's Church, with interment following.

Friends may call after 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Surviving are four, nieces, Miss. Margaret A. Chadwick, with whom she made her home; Miss Helen Chadwick, (Marion) (Ruth) McHarg bf Paterson, Mrs. Arthur Karle of Roslendal, Mrs.

Raymond Bender of Burlington, N. four nephews, Edward Chadwick of Ridgewood; Walter Chadwick of Paterson; William of Hawthorne and George of Fair Lawn; several grandnieces and grandnephews, Mrs. Sarah Kaplan, Was Born In Poland Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Fisherman Kaplan, 65, of 84 Buftalo wife of Abraham Kaplan, were conducted yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Scanian Funeral Home, 421 Twelfth at East Twenty-eighth St. Rabbi Arthur T.

Buch of Temple Emanuel, officiated. Interment followed in the Jacob Dineson Lodge plot, Riverside Cemetery, Rochelle Park. Mrs. Kaplan died Saturday morning in the Paterson General Hospital after short illness. Born in Poland, she came, to this country 45 years ago and resided in Paterson for the last 42 years.

Mrs. Kaplan was a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Jacob Dineson Lodge 422, IOBA and Pioneer Woman's Club of Paterson. She was also interested in the work of various charitable and religious groups. Surviving are her husband, one daughter, Mrs. William (Hilda) Markel, of 679 East Twenty-fourth where the mourning period will be observed; two sisters, Mrs.

Yetta Katz of Paterson and Miss Betty Fisherman of New York City; six brothers, Joseph of Paterson; Max of Bergenfield; Hyman of New York City; Jack of The Charles of Brooklyn and Samuel, Fisherman of Texas. Mrs. Michael Lopardo, Was Ill A Long Time Mrs. Lopardo of 208 Michi-4 gan died Friday night in the Paterson General Hospital after long illness. Born in Italy, Feb.

19, 1890, she was the daughter of the late Michael and Maria Campanella. She died on her 64th birthday. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 0'clock from her home. A Solemn High Requiem Mass will be offered a half hour later in St. Michael's R.C.

Church. Interment will be made in Calvary Cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of the De Luccia Funeral Home, 111 Belmont Ave. Surviving are her husband, Giralomo; three sons, Michael, James and Anthony; five daughters, Mrs. E.

(Lena) Consalatore, Mrs. J. (Mary) Strauch; Mrs. E. (Grace) Di Orio, and Mrs.

M. (Lucy) Wohlsifer, all of Paterson; and Mrs. G. (Millie) Tabback of Clifton: one sister, Mrs. Lucia Campanella of Hawthorne, and 17 grandchildren.

Mrs. Andrew Smiley Dies In 67th Year Mrs. Emma M. Smiley, 68, wido wof the late Andrew H. Smiley of 239 Washington Clifton, died suddenly last night in the Passaic General Hospital.

Born in Middletown, N.Y., she had resided in Clifton 42 years. Mrs. Smiley was a member of the Clifton Reformed Church, charter member of the Clifton Woman's Club, and chairman of the literary group of the Woman's Club many years. Services will be conducted In her home tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Friends o'clock may call at her home after 4 this afternoon.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the funeral home at 11 Orchard Middletown. The Rev. Richard Hine of the Clifton Reformed Church, will officiate at both services. Interment will be made in Walkill Cemetery on Thursday. Arrangements are in charge of the Andrew D.

Mason and Porter Funeral Home, 470 Clifton Clifton. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. William (Clara) Landy of Clifton: Mrs. John (Hazel) Swezey of Goshen, N.Y., and Mrs. Floyd (Florence) Kelley of Schenectady, N.Y,: one brother, Grover C.

Keener of Middletown; several nieces and nephews. Americo Agnoli Of Hawthorne Americo Agnoli, 42, of 95 Sylvester Hawthorne, died early yesterday morning in the General Hospital. He was the superintendent for the Samworth Construction Paramus. Born in Clifton, he resided in Hawthorne since 1942. He was member of the Carpenters Local .1939, Clifton.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the funeral home at 139 Ackerman Clifton. The Rev. William O. Bruckner, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, Passaic, will officiate.

Interment will be made in Cedar Lawn Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, former Louise Weber; two children, William and Arlene his mother, Mrs. Joseph Agnoll of Pompton Plains; three sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Bruna) Link of Pompt on. Plains: Mrs.

Jasper (Alice) Ciliotta of Clifton, and Mrs. Emma Ciliotta of Italy. Additional Obituaries On Page 17 Falls From Bike Sammy Pandolfo, nine, 195 Temple fell from his bicycle and injured his left leg near his- homer Saturday morning, police. He was taken to Paterson General Hospital by Patrolmen Edward MeSherry and John Lawless for treatment. Emma Steffen, Retired Clerk Miss 1 Emma C.

Steffen, 75, retired clerk for the McGraw and Hill Publishing daughter of the late Emma and Peter Steffen Wyckoff Mahwah Township, died yesterday. She had been resident of Mahwah 26 years. Born in New York City she made her home with a sister, Mrs. Grace Lehman. Funeral services will be conductWednesday night at 8 o'clock in the funeral home at 109 Darlington Ramsey.

The Rev. J. Russell Hale, pastor of the Church of the Redeemer of Ramsey, will officiate. Interment will follow Thursday morning at 10 o'clock in George Washington Memorial Park, Paramus. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.

Lehman and Mrs. William Leuper, and one brother, Henry Steffen. Mrs. Nellie H. Boyd Heart Attack Victim Mrs.

Nellie H. Boyd of 164 Watchung Hawthorne, died suddenly in her home Saturday fro ma heart attack. Born in Paterson 46 years ago, she had resideo in Hawthorne the last 10 years. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Gorny and Gorny Plavier Mortuary, 519 Marshall cornHazel St. The Rev.

John S. Moore, pastor the First Reformed Church Hawthorne, will of officiate. Interment will be in Cedar Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call after 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Surviving are her husband, five brothers, John Greendyk of Pittsford, N.

Garry of Wast Paterson; Joseph, Theodore and Edwin Greendyk, all of Paterson; three sisters, Mrs. Jacob Ver Horn of Paterson; Mrs. William Sweetman and Mrs. Neil Pickaard of Hawthorne; several nieces and nephews. James S.

Tansley, World War I Vet James Stewart Tansley, World War I veteran, of 2 Cedar Preakness, died yesterday in his home after a long illness. Born in New York- City, 62 years ago, he was the son of the late John Henry and Margaret Stewart Tansley. was a member of Falls City Lodge, No. 82, F. and A.

H. He was married to Mary De Rose Tansley, who predeceased him. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock in the Almgreen Funeral Home, 336 Broadway. Interment will be made in Laurel Grove Cemetery. Friends may 'call after o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Surviving are one son, James of Preakness; two grandchildren, James and Mark Justus Tansley of Preakness. Peter Van Ryn Dies Suddenly Peter Van Ryn, husband of Nellie Allman Van Ryn, died suddenly Saturday night in his home at 66 Mercer from a heart attack. Born in The Netherlands. he was the son of the late CorVan Ryn was a retired machinist, nellus and Lena Van Ryn. A Mr.

having retired 10 years ago, after being with the Wright Aeronautical Corp. for 25 years. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the William Vermeulen Memorial Funeral Home, 131 Haledon Ave. The Rev. Adrian De Young, pastor.

of the Sixth Reformed Church, will officiate. Interment will be made in Laurel Grove Memorial Park. Friends may call from 7 to 10 p.m. tonight. Surviving widow one daughter, Katherine, at home: one sister, Mrs.

Jennie Sandford of Paterson; several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Jacob Sabin, Ex-Patersonian Mrs. Tillie (Sapperstein) Sabin, 77, widow of the late Jacob Sabin of 69-60 108th Forest Hills, L. died on Saturday.

She was former Patersonian and the founder of the Bialystoker Ladies' Relief Society, and a member of many organization.s Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Richardson Chapel, Market and East Twenty-third Sts. Rabbi Arthur T. Buch of Temple Emanuel, will officiate. Interment will be made in Riverside Cemetery, Rochelle Park. Surviving.

are two sons, David of Olyphant, and Dr. Albert E. Sabin of Cincinnati two daughters, Mrs. Benjamin Rubin of Long Island, and Mrs. George Rosenkopf of Paterson; two brothers, Louis Krugman of Hawthorne, and Benjamin Krugman of Atlanta, one sister, Mrs.

Hyman Kessler of Newark; several grandchildren, and one great grandchild. Allen Zomack, 7, Of Clifton Dies Allen J. Zomack, seven, son John and Minnie Heldt Zomack of 9 Ward Clifton, died suddenly yesterday after an illness of several weeks. The child was born in Passaic. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Andrew D.

Mason and Porter Funeral Home, 470 Clifton Clifton. The Rev. Richard Hine of Clifton, will officiate. Intermnt will be in East Ridgelawn Cemetery, Clifton. Friends may call after 3 o'clock tomorow afternoon.

Surviving are the parents, one sister, Patricia; two grandmothers, Mrs. C. Heldt of Clifton, and Mrs. M. Zomack of Garfield; several aunts and uncles.

Cheryl Power, 10 Months Old Cheryl Power, 10 month-oldchild of George and Anna Passaretta Power of Bldg. 9, Apt. 3C, Alexander Hamilton Housing Project, Alabama Ave. died suddenly yesterday in St. Joseph Hospital after short illness.

Born in Paterson, the child was -life long resident here. The Rev. James Rugel of St. Brendan's R. C.

Church, will give the blessing Wednesday morning at. 10 o'clock in the Aquino Colonial Funeral Home, 236 Union Ave. Interment will be in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Friends may call after 3 ofclock this afternoon. Surviving are the parents; one brother George; maternal grandparents; Mr. and Mrs.

Pat Passaretta of West Paterson; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Power of North Bergen; VAN DYK'S of PATERSON North Jersey's First Furniture Store LAST WEEK! VANDYK'S FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE! CLOSED ALL DAY TODAY LIVING ROOMS All our 2 piece modern and traditional Living Room Regularly $279 to $469 Suites are reduced! Wonderful patterns and colors in even have foam rubber cushions! They're top quality. Now matelasse, tapestries, boucles, and tweeds. Some suites $239 $415 through-out! DINING ROOMS Every single Dining Room Suite is included in this sale! Regularly $369 to $989 Choose from seven and nine piece groups in modern and traditional.

Choice of hand rubbed finishes in Mahogany, Cherry, Pine, and Oak. Pedestal extension Now tables. BEDROOMS 3 piece Bedroom Sale! Choice of MaAll beautifully finone-of-a-kind! Now RUGS in this great sale! Wiltons. Tone-ontwist weaves, selfNow All our Modern and 18th Century Suites are included in this great hogany, Cherry, Pine, Oak, Maple. ished, superbly constructed.

Many Every rug in our stock is included Choose from Axminsters, Sculptured, tone and imported rugs in florals, tones and Oriental patterns. CURTAINS Regularly 1.98 to 12.98 Regularly Now 1.69 pr. to 10-98 pr. Now $17 We've reduced everything in our present Every set in our stock! All styles cate in curtains. ruffled, tailored, tier, nerware is included! cottage and Choice of or- and patterns all gandy, marquisette, nylon, rayon, orion and ers.

Select from 35 cotton sets. Quantities are limited. sets. These values Budget Terms, Up To, 18 Months FURNITURE COMPANY 300 MAIN STREET PATERSON OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT Van Duke Max Wunschmann Dies In 80th Year Max P. Wunschmann, 79, of 88 Willow East Paterson, retired machinist, died on Saturday after an illness of two months.

Born in Germany, he had resided in East Paterson three years, coming from Garfield. He was in this Country since 1938. He was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church, Pas: saic. Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the Laurel Grove Memorial Park Chapel.

The Rev. William O. Bruckner, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, will officiate. Friends -may call at the Quinian Funeral Home, 27-29 Harding Clifton, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.

m. today. Surviving are one daughter, Frieda in Germany; two sisters, Mrs. Rose Marie Forster of East Paterson, with who re resided, and Mrs. Eugene Adams of Easterley, Pa.

great maternal grandparents, Mr. land Mrs. Stan Passaretta, $298 $895 Regularly $265 to $695 $225 $599 and Regularly $67. to $289 $59.95 $249.50 DINNERWARE $21 to $271 to $198 61 95 piece will not be duplicated! exclusive collection of dinWide choice of styles by nation wide design- OPEN SATURDAY ALL DAY Kreisler Corp. To Open Plant On Thursday the Paterson plant of the Jacques Formal opening ceremonies for Kreisler Manufacturing Corporation, at 132 Beckwith will be held on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock.

Following the opening ceremonles, in which Mayor Lester F. Titus and officials of both the City and the Kreisler organization will participate, a luncheon will be held for visiting dignitaries and the press. The new plant, which will be located in one of the buildings of the former "Wright" plant on Beckwith will employ some 200 persons. Local production emphasis will be on the manufacture of aircrafts parts, turning out tubular assemblies required jet and reciprocating engines for the U. S.

Air Force. Jacques -Kreisler Is general manager of the firm, whose civil- dan of watch jewelry production is the manufacture bands, leather straps and items for men. Woman Found Hurt In Doorway Betty Cooper, 26, 18 Governor was in found stabbed in the right shoulder the doorway of her home by a neighbor at 12:15 o'clock yesterday morning, police said. The woman was taken to Paterson Dr. General Hospital and attended by Olga Gilloegley and admitted as a patient.

Detective said James could Connors, who investigated, she not be questioned at the time as she was weak from loss of blood. She apparently had been trying to reach her apartment when she collapsed, he said. Patrolmen William Neeson and James Lawless assisted at the scene. A small open penknife found in her pocket may Indicate she WAS in a fight, the detective added. More than 20,000,00 attended religious services throuhout the world under United States auspices during the year ended June 30..

The Morning Call from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.