Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Your Community Press newspaper serving Addyston,Bridgetown, Cheviot, Cleves, Covedale, Dent, Green Township,Mack, Miami Township, North Bend, Westwood



Vol. 85 No. 44© 2013 The Community Press

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See page A2 for additional information

Contact The PressPARADEREWIND B1Take one more lookat the annual HarvestHome Parade.

WINGING ITSophie’s Angel Runreturns for seventhyear.See Story, A3

COVEDALE — A New Year’sresolution to pursue a healthi-er life style is at the root of agrowing local aquaponicsbusiness.

Mary Ann Brinkmeyer, 29,and Casey Miller, 30, beganeating higher quality, local,fresh food, in pursuit of thatresolution and Miller startedlooking into ways to providethat food for their table. Hestumbled onto a book on aqua-ponics and couldn’t put itdown.

Aquaponics is a growingmethod thatusesnutrient-rich

Mary Ann Brinkmeyer and Casey Miller in the greenhouse at Greener Portions Aquaponics. They growlettuce, strawberries, edamame and basil among other crops. JENNIE KEY/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

See FARMERS, Page A2

NODIRTON THESE FARMERSWater is the secret tomake these aquaponiccrops grow

By Jennie [emailprotected]

Seedlings start in small basketsso they don't wash away. JENNIEKEY/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

Student athletes at OakHills High School are ready totake the field and court to helpfight breast cancer.

Oak Hills volleyball, foot-ball, soccer and tennis playershope to raise $10,000 for thePink Ribbon Girls when theyparticipate in the upcomingGames for the Cause.

Presented by the Oak HillsAthletic Boosters and the highschool’s athletic department,the games take place Thurs-day, Sept. 19, through Friday,Sept. 27.

Oak Hills Athletic DirectorSonny Tudor said athletes atthe high school have been tak-ing part in the Games for theCause for six years, and eachyear they’ve set a goal to raise$10,000.

“It’s been a big hit here,” hesaid.

“Everyone knows someonewho has cancer or has been af-fected by it,” he said. “It’s im-portant for our students to beinvolved in making a differ-ence, and that’s what we striveto do.”

Students are encouragingthe community to support thegames by attending a sportingevent andmaking a donation.

“As a student athlete,Games for the Cause meansthat as a teamwe get to repre-sent and honor the womenwhose liveshavebeenaffectedbybreast cancer,” saidKaitlynArmentrout, a senior soccerplayer.

Here is the schedule ofgames:

» 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19,

Oak Hills athletesplaying for a causeBy Kurt [emailprotected]

Oak Hills High School volleyball players donned pink jerseys for lastyear’s Games for the Cause. Oak Hills students will once again betaking part in the games, which raise money for the Pink RibbonGirls. THANKS TO OAK HILLS HIGH SCHOOL

See CAUSE, Page A2

DELHI TWP. — The Delhi His-torical Society is putting out thecall to anyone who attendedCamp Sherwood on OverhillLane.

The camp for boys ages 6 to13 was operated for roughly 25years by Alan Kindschy, whowasacoachandathleticdirectorat Hughes High School andfounded the camp on his 28-acreproperty off Foley Road.

“Mr. Kindschy and his wifenever had any children,” saidPeg Schmidt, archivist for the

historical society.“So, they turned theirproper-

ty into a day camp for youngboys, and they ran the campfrom the 1940s to the 1960s.”

Schmidt said the historicalsociety was unaware CampSherwood, also known as Kind-schy Camp, even existed, buttheir interest in it was sparked afewmonthsagowhenDr.MartinBrueggemann, who grew up inWestwood and attended thecamp and served as a campcounselor there, stopped by thesociety.

Schmidt said Brueggemannbrought with him a concrete

paver with his name and foot-prints on it. He made the paverat the camp in the1950s, andhadretrieved it fromKindschy’s oldproperty.

“When the kids were at thecamp they would put their feetin a paver and then write theirname on it,” Schmidt said.

ShesaidBrueggemann,whileexploring thepropertywherehespent much of his youth, sawthere were about 100 other pav-ers still on the grounds.

Those grounds now belong toEthel “Pet” Schroeder,who lives

Historical society seeks former Camp Sherwood campersBy Kurt [emailprotected]

Delhi Townshipresident Ethel“Pet” Schroeder,who lives on theproperty whereAlan Kindschyonce ran theCamp Sherwoodday camp, ishoping to reuniteformer camperswith the concretepavers they madeat the camp inthe 1940s, 50sand 60s. KURTBACKSCHEIDER/THE


Monday 7 PMMonday 7 PMTuesday 11 AM& 7 PMTuesday 11 AM& 7 PM Let’s Talk Bridge 6:30 PM

Friday 11 AMFriday 11 AM Free Lecture 10:30 AM

Saturday 10-12 AMSaturday 10-12 AM Supervised Play & Lesson

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Girlshave it theirway, theWiffle ball will also beknown as a way to raisemoney for the awarenessof breast cancer.

The ninth annual PinkRibbon Girls family Wif-fle ball event is 4-11 p.m.Saturday, Sept. 21, atKuli-ga Park, 6717 BridgetownRoad, Green Township.

All proceeds will bene-fit the Pink Ribbon Girls,an area nonprofit organi-zation providing free, di-rect services to womenwith breast cancer.

Each year the event

GREEN TWP. — It’s plas-tic, it’s perforated and it’sknown for backyard fun.

It’s Wiffle ball.If the Pink Ribbon

honors a different womanin thecommunity, and thisyear’s honoree is Clevesresident Gretchen WitteSoudrette.

She is a native WestSider who grew up in St.Catherine parish, gradu-ated fromMother ofMer-cy High School, earnedher bachelor’s degreefrom Ohio University andher master’s degree fromthe University of Cincin-nati. She’s taught third-grade in the Three RiversLocal School Districtsince 2000.

During the last eight

years, the Pink RibbonGirls have raised morethan $100,000 at the event,and hundreds of familieshave attended.

Like in year’s past,each of the four Wiffleball fields will featurehome run fences mimick-ing baseball’s classic ball-parks such as FenwayPark, Wrigley Field andGreat American Ball-park.

A group of CincinnatiBen-Galcheerleaderswillbe in attendance from 6-8p.m. for a meet and greetand photo opportunities,

and the Pink Ribbon KidsAreawill continue toofferface painting, temporarytattoos, a bounce houseand more for the childrenin attendance.

Families can also buytickets for the home runderby contest, a gift bas-ket raffle and a silent auc-tion.

The cost of the event is$50 per family, which in-cludes admission, entry toplay in the six vs. six Wif-fle ball tournament, livemusic by the SullivanJanszen Band, a gianttelevision playing the Sat-

urday college footballgames and a family give-away item. Food ticketsare $2 and will featureTrotta’s Pizza, Ol’ Dad’sSmoked BBQ and snowcones.

For more information,and to pre-register to en-sure a spot for the Wiffleball tournament, go topinkribbongirls.org.

Families can pay at thedoor the day of the eventand still enjoyall other ac-tivities aside from thetournament.

TriHealth is the pre-senting sponsor this year.

Annual Wiffle ball tourney benefits Pink Ribbon Girls

water as a growing medi-um. Miller chose channelcatfish to produce the by-products thatarecirculat-ed through theplant’s rootsystems and feed theplants. The water ispumped back into the fishtank, which looks like anabove -the-ground pool.

Aquaponics grew froman interest to a hobby toan obsession and in notime at all, Miller had ahome system up and run-ning.

“We had a 6-foot toma-to plant in the front win-dow,” Brinkmeyer said.“The neighbors had to bewondering what was go-ing on.”

Seeing how efficient itwas, itwasnotagreat leapto looking for a placewhere the couple couldfarm on a bigger scale.

TheNewYear’s resolu-tion paid off again: theywalked past the old Wit-

terstater greenhouse ev-ery day and Miller beganresearch into whether itcouldbe repurposed.A lotof study and sweat later,the couple hosted an openhouse and Greener Por-tions Aquaponicsbloomed.

This is the farm’s firstyear of operation. Thecouple says they havelearned a lot from theirfirst season of growing,andstillhavea lot to learn.

Brinkmeyer’s studentsat Dater MontessoriSchool are learning withher. She has a small sys-tem functioning in herclassroom. “My studentsare fascinated,” she said.“Youreallydounderstandthe whole ecosystemwhen you see how thisworks.”

Barry Cooper of DaisyMae’s Market at FindlayMarket says the romaine

lettuce fromGreenerPor-tions is the best he’s everhad. Brinkmeyer says sheis now a lettuce snob. “Iwas not a veggie lover be-fore,” she said. “This isgood.”

Greener Portions sellsdirect as well throughDaisy Mae’s Market atFindlay Market and canalso be found at LettuceEat Well Farmers MarketonFridaysfrom3p.m. to7p.m. at 3820 WestwoodNorthern Blvd. You canalso find them on Face-book.

FarmersContinued from Page A1

WANTMORE?See stories on otherfarmers and Daisy Mae’s

Market at Cincinnati.com

Plants develop healthy rootsystems in the aquaponicwater troughs. JENNIE KEY/THE


girls tennis vs. Princeton,at Oak Hills High School

» 7p.m.Thursday,Sept.19, girls soccer vs. Syca-more, at Rapid Run Mid-dle School

» 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept.21, boys soccer vs.Ross, atRapid RunMiddle School

» 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept.24, girls volleyball vs. La-kota West, at Oak HillsHigh School

» 7:30p.m.Friday,Sept.27, varsity football vs.Fairfield, at Oak HillsHigh School

Other events plannedthroughout the weeks ofthe games include raffles,bake sales, jewelry sales

and T-shirt sales. All pro-ceeds will go to the PinkRibbon Girls, an area non-profit organization com-mitted to helping womendiagnosedwithbreastcan-cer.

JimDelong,headcoachof the girls varsity volley-ball team, said just abouteveryone involved in thevolleyball program havehad their lives affected bybreast cancer.

“This is a great oppor-tunity for the student ath-letes in our program to dosomething for those whomattermost – our familiesand friends,” he said.

“This is a chance foreach of us to pay tribute tothose loved ones. Eachplayer has been asked todedicate this game to oneof those individuals.”

CauseContinued from Page A1

in Alan and GertrudeKindschy’s old home.

Schroeder saidKindschymade a walk-waywith all thepavers,and for years she saidher late husband talkedabout tracking downthe men who made thepavers as boys and ar-ranging some kind ofreunion, but never gotaround to doing it.

Over the years,some of the names andfootprints on thesquare pavers deterio-rated, but Schroedersaid her husband hadstacked the ones ingood condition in theirgarage.

WhenBrueggemannpaid her a visit andfound his paver, she de-cided it was time to fi-nally do somethingwith them.

“I would like for thepeople who made themto have them,” Schroe-der said.

This summer,Schmidt said a group ofstudents who visitedtheCollegeofMountSt.Joseph as part of a na-tional Catholic volun-teer group called Alivein Me helped dig upsome of the pavers,cleanthemoffanddeci-pher the names onthem.

She said 85 pavershave been identified.

“We think it’s appro-priate to find the own-ers of the pavers andgive them back,” shesaid.

Anyone who attend-ed the camp, or has in-formation about it, cancontact the historicalsociety [emailprotected] call 451-4313.

CampersContinued from Page A1


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The La Salle AlumniAssociation is planningthe first of what organiz-ers hope will be an annualLancers Roll Deep fund-raisermotorcyclerideandrally to provide scholar-ships for students at thehigh school.

The inaugural Lancers

Roll Deep Ride and Rallywill be Saturday, Sept. 21.Registration is from9a.m.to11a.m. Kickstands up at11:15 a.m.

The ride and rallystarts at ThePublicHouseandGrill, 3807NorthBendRoad, and heads for Ox-ford. The ride and rally

finishes at the PublicHouse.

The event also featuresmusic, food, split-the-potraffles and door prizes.

Early registration is$25 for a rider and passen-ger, $15 for a single riderand $10 for nonriders.Registration on the day of

the ride is $10 for non rid-ers, $20 for single ridersand$30forariderandpas-senger.

To sign up or for moreinformation, visithttp://bit.ly/14IPhtZ, orcall Matt Dierkers, asso-ciate director of advance-ment, at 513-741-2383.

La Salle plans ride fundraiser Sept. 21

GREENTWP.—TheWestSide will once again cometogether to honor thememory of Sophia GraceMeinhardt by participat-ing in a run benefiting pe-diatric brain tumor re-search.

The seventh annualSophie’s Angel Run, a 5Krun/walk and kid’s fun runheld in conjunction withtheSt. JudeOktoberfest inBridgetown, is set for 1p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29.

Sophia Meinhardt, whowas called Sophie by herfamily, was the daughterof Green Township resi-dents Mark and MissyMeinhardt. She was justshy of turning 18-months-old when doctors discov-ered she had a rare braintumor. She died in August2006 while undergoingsurgery to remove the tu-mor.

Though they were con-sumed with overwhelm-ing grief, the Meinhardtsdecided to turn their griefinto something worth-while that would keeptheir daughter’s memoryalive and also help changetheoutcomeforotherchil-dren diagnosed with brain

tumors.They organized the

first Sophie’sAngelRun inSeptember 2007, and todate have raised morethan$320,000forpediatricbrain tumor research atCincinnati Children’sHos-pital Medical Center. Therun has also funded morethan $16,000 in an educa-tional scholarship in Soph-ie’s name for children at-tending St. Jude School.

“Therungaveusaposi-tive focus in our lives,”Missy Meinhardt said.“It’s come a long way insevenyears, andourSoph-ie’s Angel Run logo is nowsynonymous with pediat-ric brain tumor research.”

After Sophie’s death,the Meinhardts learnedher tumor was an atypicalteratoid/rhabdoid tumor, avery aggressive tumorthat grows rapidly within

one to twomonths and hasno known causes or cures.Even if she had survivedthe surgery, she wouldhave ultimately died be-cause the tumor wouldhave started to grow backimmediately.

“As parents, we be-came determined to dowhatever we could to pre-vent other families fromsuffering from this devas-tating diagnosis,” Missysaid.

Money they’ve raisedfrom the run has gone tofund general brain tumorresearch atChildren’s, butshe said they have com-mitted to a new five-yearpartnership with Chil-dren’s to specifically fundthe research of preclinicaltesting for a type of braintumor called high-gradeglioma.

She said the tumor

Sophie had is often misdi-agnosed as a high-gradeglioma, which is why sheand her husband chose touse run proceeds to bene-fit research of it. Theirgoal is to raise at least$250,000over thenext fiveyears, she said.

“Our daughter died be-cause a lack of research,”she said. “This significantcontribution will provideinvaluable information onthis devastating diseaseand will ensure a specificfocus. It is a partnershipthat will have a strong im-pact on families in theCin-cinnati area who are deal-ing with this aggressivetumor.”

Their hope is this re-search eventually leads toa cure for high-grade glio-ma tumors, and also pro-duces results that can leadto cures or treatments forother types of pediatricbrain tumors, Meinhardtsaid.

With all the support therunhasgiven toChildren’sover thepast sixyears, thehospital recently dedicat-edoneof itsactivityroomsto the volunteers of theSophie’s Angel Run. Theroom is a place whereyoung children can playgamesandmeetwithchild

life specialists when theyhave to stay in the hospitalfor extended periods oftime.

Missy said Sophie’s An-gel Run also would not bepossible without the sup-port it receives from theWest Side.

“We have received tre-mendoussupport fromthecommunity members and

businesses in the area, aswell as the fire and policedepartments who makesure we have a safe routefor all the runners andwalkers,” she said.

“TheWestSidecommu-nityhasbeenphenomenal.It’s truly humbling.”

Visitwww.sophiesangelrun.orgto register.

Sophie’s Angel Run returns for seventh yearBy Kurt [emailprotected]

Competitive runners make a break for it at the beginningof a past Sophie’s Angel Run. This year’s run and walk willtake place Sunday, Sept. 29. FILE PHOTO




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Areyou a candidate forpublic office this fall?

If you’d like to be in-cluded inCincinnati.com’sonline election guide,please email your name,office sought, and emailaddress to Lance [emailprotected]/Public Af-fairsEditorCarlWeiser [emailprotected].

New deadlines forWestern Hills Press

TheWestern Hill Pressnow has earlier printdeadlines.

»Deadlines for mostsubmitted news is noonWednesdays. Submittedinformationwill be postedonline as soon as it is proc-essed andwill run in printwhen space allows.

»Viewpoints (guestcolumns and letters to theeditor) deadlines is noonThursdays.

» If you want to pro-mote an upcoming eventinprint,weneed the infor-mation at least two weeksbefore the event.

Submitted informationwill be posted online assoon as it is processed.

Firefighters hostsbenefit for Pragarfamily

Cincinnati firefighters,family and friends arehosting a benefit for Lt.Tom Pragar and his fam-ily.

Pragar was diagnosedwith metastatic stage 4cholangiocarcinoma andliver cancer in October2012. After many monthsof fighting the diagnosis,

Pragar passed away inJuly. The money raised atthe event will help hisfamily with the medicalbills and expenses.

The benefit is 7 p.m. tomidnight Friday, Sept. 20,at The Woodlands, 9680Cilley Road, Cleves.Ticketsare$30perpersonand include a buffet din-ner, beer, wine and softdrinks (21 and olderplease), music, entertain-ment, basket raffles andsplit the pot.

To order tickets ormake a donation to thefamily, contactwww.hopeforahero.com.

Donations can also bemade at any Fifth ThirdBank to Hopeforahero –Tom Pragar.

K. of C. pancakebreakfast

St. Joseph Knight ofColumbus, North Bendwill sponsor their thirdan-nual pancake breakfast,for the benefit of ThePregnancy Center West, 8a.m. to1p.m. SundaySept.29, at theMiami TownshipCommunity Center, 3780Shady Lane (at the cornerof Bridgetown Road andShady Lane).

Tickets are $3 for chil-dren 5 to 10 and $5 foradults.

Kehoe hostsretirement seminar

Kehoe Financial Advi-sors will host a “RetiringasaCareer”classat 7p.m.Wednesday, Sept. 25, atthe Nathanael GreenLodge, 6394 WesselmanRoad in Green Township.

Admission is free, andthe public invited.

Presenter is BetsyKyte Newman, author of

“Retiring as a Career:Making the Most of YourRetirement,” now in itsthird printing. Topics ofdiscussion will include:preparing for retirement,replacing the five needssupplied by work, avoid-ing the black holes of re-tirement, resources forretirement; couples in re-tirement, flunking retire-ment, creating Plan B,second careers after re-tirement and retirementas a spiritual journey.

Kehoe Financial Advi-sors of Cincinnati is an in-dependent financial plan-ning firm at 125 BoggsLane in Springdale. Formore information aboutKehoe, go towww.kehoe-financial.com. To attend the event, call513-481-8555.

Garden trough classSept. 21

If you have ever ad-mired the handsome andcleverly planted troughsseen in many of the gar-dens on summer gardentours, you now have theopportunity to learn howtomake a troughyourself.

Sherri Epure and Deb-bie Deterlie, artisans whosold theirgardenartat theMonfort Heights/WhiteOak Community Associa-tion Summer GardenTours, offered to teach aclass thismonth on how tomake garden troughs.

The class will be heldon Saturday, Sept. 21, at 11a.m. in Green Township.

The cost is $30 and theonly thing youwill need tosupply is a pair of glovesand a dust mask. The in-structors will take youstep-by-step through theprocess ofmaking a beau-

tiful trough for your owngarden.

Because this will be avery “hands on” learningsession, the class size islimited to 10.

To register and for lo-cation of the class, call513-385-9315.

BeaconOrthopaedicspresents shoulderpain symposiums

Suffering from shoul-der pain?

Want to learn moreabout your options for re-lief, or are you consider-ing shoulder surgery?

Beacon Orthopaedics& SportsMedicine is host-ing presentations aboutshoulder pain.

Those attendingwill beable to learn more abouttheir surgical options andhave their questions an-swered by Dr. RobertRolf, a board certified or-thopaedic surgeon andshoulder specialist.

Presentations runfrom6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednes-days Sept. 18, Oct. 16 andNov. 20.

All presentations are inthe boardroom at BeaconWest, 6480 Harrison Ave.,Green Township.

The meetings are free,requireno copay, are opento the public and refresh-ments are provided. Res-ervations are requested.

To make a reservationor find out more, call 354-7635 or visitwww.beaconortho.com.

Covedale presents‘Ring of Fire’

The Covedale Centerfor the Performing Artsopens its 2013-2014 theat-rical season with “Ring of

Fire.”A set of talented sing-

ers and instrumentalistswill play some of the bestsongs by Johnny Cash.Though Cash is never im-personated during theshow, his life story is toldthrough his music.

Performances runThursdays, Fridays, Sat-urdays and Sundaysthrough Sept. 29, at theCovedale, 4990 GlenwayAve.

Shows begin at 7:30p.m. Thursdays, 8 p.m.Fridays and Saturdays,and 2 p.m. Sundays.

Tickets are $24 foradults, and $21 for seniorcitizens and students.

Visit www.cincinnati-landmarkproduction-s.com or call the box of-fice at 241-6550 to buytickets.

Author Allen to signbook

Author Connie Allenwill sign her book, “TheCasinoThroughaDealer’sEyes,” from 6 p.m. to 8p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25,at Jim and Jack's on theRiver, 3456 River Road,and6p.m. to 8p.m.Friday,Sept. 27, at Jocko's Pub,4862 Delhi Road.

In “The CasinoThrough aDealer's Eyes,”Allenprovidesan in-depthlook at the world of casi-nos from the eyes of adealer. With her expertknowledge of everythingfrommoneymanagementto table game techniquesto the best way to spendyour time, Allen's guide tofinding success in the ca-sino is something newplayers and old pros willbenefit from.

For more information,

contact (877) 727-0697 orMichelle Whitman [emailprotected].

Oak Hills setsHomecomingschedule

Oak Hills High Schoolwill celebrate its Home-coming weekend begin-ning Thursday, Oct. 17.

Thescheduleofevents:Thursday, Oct. 17 –

Homecoming parade andbonfire. Line –up at C.O.Harrison at 6:30 p.m.; pa-rade begins at 7 p.m.; bon-fire after parade atOHHSuntil 8:30 p.m.

Friday, Oct.18 – Home-coming pep rally at theend of the school day;Homecoming alumni andcommunity dinner, 6 p.m.in theCommons. Cost is $1per person payable at thedoor. RSVP to Kelly KihmWeissmann ’89 [emailprotected] withname, email address,graduation year and num-ber inparty;Homecominggamevs.Middletown,7:30p.m., tickets availablethrough the athletic office467-7105.

Saturday, Oct. 19 –Homecoming Dance 2013– “Experience Paris” – 8p.m. to midnight.

Elder’s ‘Walk forOthers’ Oct. 14

Elder High School’sstudent body, as well asmembers of the facultyand staff, will take to thestreets of thewest side forthe 40th consecutive yearonMonday,Oct.14, for theschool’s annual Walk forOthers.

Students will begintheir fundraising effortsin late September and fin-ish up in mid-October.



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DELHI TWP. — Resi-dents and families are en-couraged to get outsideand enjoy the beauty ofthe season at the FloralParadise Gardens.

The Delhi TownshipParks and Recreation De-partment is presentingEndless Summer, a freecommunity event at thepark celebrating the an-

nual GreatOutdoorWeekend.

“Thegardensare beauti-ful thistime ofyear,” Del-hi Parksand Recre-

ation Director Sandy Mo-nahan said.

Now in its 10th year,she said the Great Out-door Weekend is an initia-tive of Green Umbrella, anonprofit regional sus-tainability alliance. Theweekend provides oppor-tunities for children andadults to sample outdoorrecreation and natureawareness programsthroughout the region.

“And it’s all free,” shesaid.

Delhi’s Parks and Rec-reation Department hasparticipated in the week-endeveryyearsince2006,and Monahan said this isthe first time they’ll hostactivitiesattheFloralPar-adiseGardens, 461Green-well Road. In past yearsthe township has hostedthe event at Story Woods

Park.“It’s a totally different

venue this year,” she said.“We thought it would be agreat opportunity to re-in-troduce the gardens to thecommunity.”

Monahan said the ac-tivities on tap this year in-clude garden tours andsessions presented by theparks department’s horti-cultural staff; childrencanmakebird feeders, ar-row head necklaces andanimal paw prints, andrepresentatives from theHamilton County Soil andWater Conservation Dis-trict will offer those in at-tendance a chance to ex-plore differences in soilthrough mud painting.

The Western WildlifeCorridor will present anoverview of land conser-vation’s value in provid-ing natural habitat for avariety of plant and ani-mal species as well, shesaid.

Folks who attend willalso be able to experienceabit ofhistory, as theycan

step back in time to thelate 1800s to watch the artof spinning cotton – usingcotton grown in Delhi.Therewill alsobedisplaysfeaturing Native Ameri-can tool making, naturaldyes, bison and other ar-cheological finds fromthearea, Monahan said.

When the sun sets, atelescope will be on handfor viewing the night sky.

Monahan said therewill be live music for en-tertainment, andhot dogs,brats and metts will beavailable.

“It’s all about gettingpeople out of their homesand into the great out-doors,” she said.

Endless Summer runsfrom 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.Saturday, Sept. 28, at Flo-ral Paradise Gardens.

The program is ADAaccessible, and restroomsare available. The eventwill be canceled if it’sraining.

Call the parks depart-ment at 451-3300 formoreinformation.

Delhi residents invited toexplore the great outdoorsBy Kurt [emailprotected]


Floral Paradise Gardens on Greenwell Road will serve asthe setting for Endless Summer, a community eventpresented by the Delhi Township Parks and RecreationDepartment as part of the annual Great OutdoorWeekend. FILE PHOTO


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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (6)



WESTERNHILLSPRESSEditor: Dick Maloney, [emailprotected], 248-7134

McAuley High SchoolThirty-seven students from

McAuley High School joinedstudents from 15 other Archdi-ocesan high schools for a pro-gram at Xavier Universitycalled “New Hope for theWorld:CalledbyOurFaith tobePeacemakers.”

The conference was orga-nized to coincide with the 50thanniversary of Pope John XXI-II’s encyclical Pacem in Terris(Peace on Earth).

The students learned aboutthe topics of human nature anddignity, human rights, publicauthorities, international rela-tions and theworld community.The McAuley students provid-ed12 art displays and 60mosaicpieces that were used at theconference.

The Peace on Earth eventwasplannedbyacommittee formore than 18 months. McAuleytheology teacher Linda Gold-bach served on the committee.She accompanied the youngwomen to Xavier, as did TedWard, theology teacher, andSue Ward, retired theologyteacher.

Additionally, McAuley ju-nior Cara Molulon was one ofthree students to share a med-itation at the end of the confer-ence to inspire others to takewhat they learned about peaceand to go out andmake a differ-ence in the world.

■Chef Meredith Trombly,

owner ofFreshTable at FindlayMarket, showed students inCreative Cooking classes howto prepare and cook salmon inparchment paper.

She explained her careerpath to becoming a chef and an-sweredquestionswhileshe juli-enned red peppers, choppedfresh herbs and taught the stu-dents how tomake a parchmentpacket. She also displayed herknives and stressed the impor-tance of chefs’ knives. She evenbrought in some of her text-books from the Midwest Culi-nary Institute, as well as a cut-ting guide, which was a three-dimensional representation ofcuts of vegetables, such assmall dice, julienne, etc.

The students, who took a re-cent field trip to Findlay Mar-ket, are hoping to seeChefMer-edith at Fresh Table next timethey visit the market.

Mother of Mercy HighSchool

Hannah Siefert was select-ed as a national youth corre-spondent to the 2013 Washing-ton Journalism and Media Con-ference July 7-July 12 atGeorge Mason University.

Siefert joined a select groupof students from all over thecountry for an intensive studyof journalism and media. Shewas chosen based on academicaccomplishments and a demon-strated interest and excellencein journalism and media stud-ies.

Our Lady of theVisitation

Eighth-grader Allie Ziskoparticipated in the 65th annualState Science Day, held at OhioState University.

Zisko’s project is entitled“Hand Washing vs. Hand Sani-tizing: Which Technique IsMore Effective in EliminatingBacteria from the Hands.”

Seton High SchoolRachel Richter has been

awarded the 2013 Saint Mi-chael’s College Book Award forAcademic Achievement with aSocial Conscience.

The award recognizes stu-dents who demonstrate a com-mitment to leadership in volun-teer service and academicachievement. Saint Michael’s,

in Burlington, Vt., was foundedon thebelief that servingothersis part of its Catholic tradition,and through the award seeks tohonor those who demonstratethe true spirit of volunteerism.

Winners were presented thebook “First They Killed My Fa-ther: A Daughter of CambodiaRemembers” by Loung Ung, a1993 Saint Michael’s Collegegraduate.

St. Bernard SchoolEighth-grader Megan Ross

participated in the 65th annualState Science Day, held at OhioState University.

Ross’ project is entitled “At-tractive Packaging.”

St. Ignatius SchoolPrincipal Tim Reilly has

been named president of theNational Catholic EducationAssociationDepartment of Ele-mentary Schools ExecutiveCommittee.

In the role, Reilly will serveon the board of directors of theNCEA, representing all kinder-garten through eighth-gradeCatholic schools in the UnitedStates. He has served as theOhio and Michigan representa-tive of the Department of Ele-mentary Schools Executive

Committee since2009. He willcontinue to rep-resent his regionas well as leadthe committee aspresident.

TheNCEA is aprofessionalmembership or-ganization that

provides leadership, directionand service to fulfill the evan-gelizing, catechizing and teach-ing mission of the church. It isthe largest private professionaleducation organization in theworld, serving 7.6 million stu-dents throughout the country.

Reilly also received the Civ-ic LeadershipAward at theCin-tas Center.

Reilly was nominated for hisnon-public school leadership ineducating all children, includ-ing those with both speciallearningandenrichmentneeds.

Reilly and other volunteersare spearheading a program,namedOptim-ALL, to empowerCatholic schools with specificresources to meet the speciallearning needs of students.

In addition, Reilly’s civic in-volvement includes beingpresidentof theNationalCatho-lic Education Association De-partment of ElementarySchools Executive Committee,a past board member of St. Xa-vier High School and a volun-teer for The Leukemia & Lym-phoma Society.

Taylor High SchoolMilan Lavender and Sarah

Russo served as delegates toBuckeye Girls State at the Uni-versity ofMountUnion in June.

Lavender served in the roleof city reporter, Russo as cityengineer.

BGS is a week-long programdesigned to educate Ohio’syoung women in the duties,privileges, rights and responsi-bilities of good citizenship. Bygetting involved in this activehands-on process, BGS dele-gates learn more about city,county and state governmentwithinoneweek.Nearly900ris-ing high school seniors partici-pated in this year’s event.

Walnut Hills High SchoolJunior Peter Huang partici-

pated in the 65th annual StateScience Day at Ohio State Uni-versity.

Huang’s project was titled“The Use of Artificial NeuralNetworks in Breast CancerPrognosis.”



Theclassof2015atSt.Ursu-la Academy recently present-ed a check in the amount of$556 to the Music ResourceCenter in Walnut Hills afterraising the money through atalent show and bake sale con-ductedbythesophom*oreclass.

This was the second annualtalent show held to raise mon-ey fora localnon-profit organi-zation.

The show was performedfor a small admission, and theaudiencewas treated to anightfilledwith Irish dancing, a dra-matic monologue, vocal selec-tions, andguitar andpianoper-formances.

The students chose the Mu-sic Resource Center as thebenefactor this year becausethey were impressed with thecenter’s commitment to pro-

viding a facility that studentsmay use for a very small feeeach year.

Students may visit the cen-ter after school to learn musicskills, write music, and per-form their musical composi-tions.

The center also providesmentors who teach basic lifeskills as well as help studentsdevelop their musical talents.

St. Ursula Academy sophom*ores Sarah Crowley of Anderson Township, Grace Kelly of Lakeside Park,Sophia Settle of Hyde Park, Lydia Breitenstein of Green Township, Claudia Vollman of Western Hills, ErinDonovan of Westwood, Anna Sittason-Wilson of Ft. Thomas, McKenzie Warman of Bridgetown, andNatalie Danenhauer of Green Township present a check to Max Raphael and Josh Elstro from the MusicResource Center in Walnut Hills. THANKS TOMISHA BELL

Students aid MusicResource Center

Mother of Mercy HighSchool senior Abby Riegerhad not one, but two excitingopportunities to explore dif-ferent medical and biologicalfields this summer.

She was able to visit vari-ous health facilities in theGreater Cincinnati area andalso took part in a five-weekscience enrichment programopen to 20 juniors and seniorsin the Cincinnati area.

The first program thatRieger was involved in wasTAPMD.Eachmonth, partici-patingstudentsvisit differenthealth care facilities in theGreater Cincinnati area, in-cluding St. Elizabeth’s FamilyPractice Center, Universityof Cincinnati Health TraumaDepartment and Air Care andthe Respite Center, amongothers. This is a career-ex-ploring program focused onhigh school students who

have not yet de-cided upon a ca-reer choice.The goal of thisprogram is tofind talentedhigh school stu-dents and en-courage theirentry into a ca-

reer inmedicine and increasethe number of future Tristateurban and rural physicians.

“It has exposed me to dif-ferent areas of medicine thatI was not aware of in Cincin-nati, especially respite careand military training done atUC,” Rieger says. “I look for-ward to eachmonth’s visit as anew area of medicine and anew place in the community Ican explore.”

To participate in this pro-gram, students are selectedby a teacher or guidancecounselor and must meet cer-

tain SAT and ACT require-ments.

Rieger also participated ina program offered at the Uni-versity of Cincinnati. TheHoward Hughes Excellencein Science Education andLearningprogram,orEXSEL,is a five-week basic scienceenrichment program offeredto 20 gifted and talented highschool juniors and seniors inthe Cincinnati area. The pro-gram was divided into five,one-week problem-solvingmodules. Each week the stu-dents focused on topics suchas molecular genetics, cell bi-ology, neuroscience, immu-nology and structural biology.

The students spent theirdays in structured classroomand laboratory settings withinstruction and hands-on ac-tivities directed by estab-lished researchers andgradu-ate teaching assistants.

Mercy student explores medicine


Sarah Rolfes, a sophom*oreat Seton High School, has awinning photograph of hers in-cluded in a recently publishedbook, Words 2013.

Her photograph, “Barge onthe Ohio,” won the SecondPlace Photography Award in2012 Good River CelebrationContest Sponsored by ThomasMore College.

The book of arts and litera-ture is a compilation of all ofthe winning entries. In addi-tion to having herwork includ-ed in the book, Rolfes also re-ceived $200.

Setonsophom*orephoto in book

Sarah Rolfes with the book where here photo appears.PROVIDED

Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (7)



WESTERNHILLSPRESSEditor: Melanie Laughman, [emailprotected], 513-248-7573

WESTWOOD — Turnoversand penalties are a coach’snightmare.

Western Hills High Schoolfootball coach Paul Jenne like-ly didn’t sleep awink followinghis team’s 27-8 loss to WalnutHills Sept. 6.

The Mustangs turned theball over twice leading to twoEagles’ scores and were in thered zone five times but cameaway empty each trip.

“We are still making mis-takes,” Jenne said. “… Whenwe don’t make mistakes anddon’t have the turnovers wemove the ball all over theplace.”

TheMustangsmanaged just16 points through the first twogames, but senior quarterbackKimaniMurrayknowshisguyscan improve with a little moreconcentration and effort on of-fense.

“We hadmore than a couplebad plays (against WalnutHills),” he said. “All we have todo is (payattention)moreto theplays and work harder in prac-tice.”

Murray already has madeimprovements since his week-oneeffort in a 40-8 loss toLako-ta East where he threw four in-terceptions.

“I thought the first gamewas one of my worst gamessince I’ve beenplaying footballatWestHigh,” the quarterbacksaid. “For the second game Ithought I did alright but wedidn’tmove theball and Ididn’tcontribute to all the plays Ineed to.”

The Mustang defense hasbeen a bright spot so far. Al-though the scores don’t reflectit (theMustangshavebeenout-scored 67-16), when your of-fense is committing turnoversand the defense is playingagainst a short field, it’s toughto keep fresh legs on the fieldand keep the other team out ofthe end zone.

“If you take away the turn-overs and we can get a coupletouchdowns, mentally we havea little bit of momentum,”Jenne said. “We aren’t gettinganyearlymomentumandweascoaches need to do whateverwe can to get early momen-tum.”

AsWestHigh gets deeper into the schedule and closer to

Cincinnati Metro Athletic Con-ferenceplay, theyareset toadda weapon Jenne thought waslost forever.JuniorSamSimmsonly hauled in three receptionsfor 38 yards last season, but isbackaftermissing the first twoweeksof the seasonafterbeingin Texas with his family.

“He gives us a weapon wehaven’t had,” the coach said.“The good thing is we are nottaking any of our wideouts offthe field to put him in. We areputting him inside so we aretrying something and we’llsee.”

More weapons on offense

willdonothingbuthelp thesen-ior quarterback, but Murraywants to keep it simple when itcomes to offensive improve-ment.

“We just need better block-ing schemes and more execu-tion. The defense has beengood, but the offense justhasn’t been able to move theball.”

Mistakes holdMustangs backearly in seasonBy Tom [emailprotected]

Western Hills High School quarterback Kimani Murray followsthrough on a pass during practice Aug. 12. Murray has led theMustang offense to two touchdowns this season.TOM SKEEN/COMMUNITY


Western Hills High Schoolfootball coach Paul Jenne lookson during practice Aug. 12. Jenneis in his fifth season as the coachof the Mustangs and holds a20-21 record at West High.TOM


LOOKING AHEAD:What:Western Hills vs.

Shroder Paideia football gameWhen: 7:30 p.m., Friday,

Sept. 20Where:Western Hills High

School, Glenn Sample Field,2144 Ferguson Road, Cincin-nati, OH 45238Fun fact: After beating the

Jaguars four consecutive sea-sons from 2008-11, Mustangslost to Shroder 22-12 last sea-son.

GREEN TWP. — Success hasbecomeanormfor theOakHillsgirls’ soccer program.

Since 2000, the Highlandersare 68-29-20 in Greater MiamiConferenceplay–which is thirdbest behind Mason and LakotaWest - yet still are in search oftheir first GMC title.

“…Oursuccesscanbeattrib-uted to a variety of things,”coach Chuck Laumann said.“Our coaching staff has beenpretty consistent, only minimalturnover.…Wedo notmake ourkidsdowhat theycan’t andmostimportantlywehavebeen luckywith having kids in the programthat play soccer, love to playsoccer and are pretty good atplaying soccer.”

The 2013 season looks to beno different.

Laumann’s squad is off to a 3-1-2 start, currently rankedNo. 3in The Enquirer Division I areacoaches’ poll, and outside of thefirst half of a 2-0 loss to Turpin,Laumann is pleased with histeam’s play thus far.

“A combination of us playingpoorly andTurpin’s openerwitha new coach did not bode wellfor us,” the coach said. “We set-tled down and then played wellthe second half but could notscore. … (3-1-2) after our first(six games) against who weplayed is a good start.”

One of the biggest questionscoming in to the season was theplay of the back line.With soph-omore Sydney Goins the onlystarter back from a 2012 back

line thatposted11shutouts,Lau-mann is pleased with what hehas seen so far from a defensethat has allowed just four goalsthis season.

“The back line is coming to-gether gradually,” he said.“They have bent but not broke.”

Leading the defense is juniorgoalkeeper Emily Lohman, whohas 23 saves and 2.5 shutouts.

“… (Emily) has a presence inthe net,” Laumann said. “Notonly does her size help, but shehas very good hands and quickreaction time. In girls’ highschool soccer a solid keeper is apremium.”

What may be most impres-sive is how the Highlanders aresharing in the success. Sopho-more Sydney Kilgore leads theteamwith twogoalswhile sevenother Highlanders have foundthe back of the net once. It’ssomething the coach knowsputs opposing defense’s onalert.

“When you have multiplekids that can score it puts pres-sure on their defense,” Lau-mann said. “They cannot focuson one kid.We do (a lot) at prac-tice working on combinationsand using each other to getopen. We are constantly rein-forcing to give it up and get itback.”

OakHills is 0-0-1 in theGMC,buthassixof theireightremain-ing conference games at homeso that first GMC title is withinreach.

“Ourgoal is always towin theGMC,” Laumann said. “If youcan accomplish that, you havedone something.”

Oak Hills sophom*ore SydneyKilgore ponders where to go withthe ball during a practice at RapidRun Middle School Aug. 9. Kilgorehas two goals and an assist.TOM


Oak Hills girlssoccer searchesfor 1st GMC titleBy Tom [emailprotected]

Goalkeeper Emily Lohman of OakHills waits for some action Aug. 9at Rapid Run Middle School. Thejunior has 2.5 shutouts and 23saves on the season.TOM


GREEN TWP.—The last nameWetterich raises eyebrows onthe Westside of Cincinnati.

Brett is the first Wetterichthatcomes tomind.TheformerPGA Tour player won the 2006EDS Byron Nelson Champion-ship, but it’s his younger cousinDaniel stealing the golf head-lines these days.

The junior at La Salle is thereigning Enquirer Division IPlayerof theYearand is off to agreat start in 2013.

“My year’s been going greatso far,” the Lancer said. “I’vebeen medalist in three tourna-

ments and I think the worstthat I’ve done is sixth place sothat’s pretty good.”

The 5-foot-9, 131-pound ju-nior has shown great growthoverhis threeyears so far.Wet-terich’s nine-hole average was38.90 as a freshman before cut-ting two strokes off as a sopho-more to lead theGreaterCatho-lic League with a 36.90. Thisseason it has been more of thesame as Wetterich is hangingaround the 35-36 averagerange.

“(My game) has been grow-ing quickly I believe,” the ju-nior said. “I feel like the moretournaments I play in and themorecompetitive tournaments

I play in outside of high schoolgolf the better I get because Iget used to the competition.”

As every golfer knows thereis always room for improve-ment. Even the best-of-the-best rework their game fromtime to time (see TigerWoods).For Wetterich, his biggest im-provement must come on thegreens.

“I see quite a bit (of growthleft in my game) because myputting can be better,” he said.“You can always improve onputting. I’m just trying to prac-tice as much as I can and get inasmany tournaments as I can.”

Wetterich seeks some ad-vice fromhis formerPGATour

pro cousin when they see eachother.While it isn’t somuch theadvice one would think con-cerning the swing, the stanceorhis approach to thegame, it’sa different kind of advice.

“When I see (Brett) he givesme quite a bit of advice,” Dan-iel said. “It’s basically morelike course managementstuff.”

In the same breath, toomuch on themind can equal toomuchgoingon in theswing.ForWetterich there is a middleground, but improvement is al-ways the name of the game.

“There can be a happymedi-um, but there is always roomfor improvement.”

Improvement always on mind of La Salle golferBy Tom [emailprotected]

La Salle junior Daniel Wetterichtees off and hits the fairway onthe first hole at Western HillsCountry Club Sept. 10 as part ofthe GCL Quad match involving LaSalle, Elder, St. Xavier andMoeller. Wetterich finished theday with a 1-over par 35 on thefront nine. The junior is thereigning Enquirer Division I Playerof the Year after posting a 36.90nine-hole average last season.TOM


Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (8)


Boys soccer» St. Xavier topped La

Salle 1-0, Sept. 10. SeniorRyan Hadley scored thegame-winner while BenStrawser recorded theshutout.

»Oak Hills defeatedMiddletown 10-4 behindtwogoals fromsophom*oreNolan Norman.

Girls soccer»Oak Hills and Cole-

rainplayedtoa1-1tieSept.10 in the GMC opener forboth teams. Katie Murraynetted the goal for theHighlanders, while Kel-seyTegenkampscored forthe Cardinals.

Bailey Feist found theback of the net twice inOak Hills’ 4-0 win overMiddletown Sept. 12.

»Mercy and Setonplayed to a 1-1 draw Sept.11. Lauren Cummings gotthe Bobcats on the board19minutes intotheGCLri-valry game, but Seton’sJessica Frey answeredwith a goal twominutes into the second half to pre-serve the tie.

Football»Because of newdead-

lines, all football scoresfromSept.13and14canbefound on www.cincin-nati.com/ preps.

Boys golf» St. Xavier’s Patrick

Gunning shot an even-par35 on the back nine atHyde Park Country ClubSept. 9 as the Bombers’Blue team defeated Love-land 149-156.

TheBombersswept theGCL Quad match Sept. 10

with a score of142 bestingMoeller (146), La Salle(153) and Elder (159).Brendan Keating notchedmedalist honors with aone-under par 34 on thefrontnineatWesternHillsCC. Fellow Bombers Kir-ran Magowan shot a 35,while La Salle’s DanielWetterich also shot aneven-par 35.

»David Pittman shot a1-over par 35 on the frontnine at Beach Creek GolfCourseas theYellowJack-ets beat Finneytown 164-218, Sept. 9.

Girls golf»Mercy finished

fourth (374), while Setonwas fifth (380) at theGGCL Championships atWeatherwax Golf CourseSept. 10. Ursuline wonwith a score of 319.

Girls cross country» Sophom*ore Sutty Go-

dar placed eighth(21:26.86) in Section II ofMason InvitationalSept. 8.

Volleyball»OakHills improvedto

7-2witha straight setsvic-tory over MiddletownSept. 12. The Highlanderslost just 12 points throughthe first two sets.

Mercy Spirit Games»Mother of Mercy

High School invites gradeschoolgirls to theirVolley-ball Spirit Games Thurs-day, Sept. 19. The Bobcatswill take on Seton at 4:30,5:30 and 6:30 p.m.

All grade school girlswill be admitted for freeand are invited to cheerwith Mercy students on ahigh-intensity, energeticnight. The evening willalso include fun activities

and give-a-ways.

Games of the Cause»Oak Hills High

School’s volleyball, foot-ball and soccer playershope to raise $10,000 to do-nate to the fight againstbreast cancer. The OakHills Athletic Boostersand the school athletic de-partment are hosting“Games for theCause” theweeks of Sept. 16 -28 tobenefit the Pink RibbonGirls. The followingevents are part of the“Games for the Cause:”

· Tuesday, Sept. 24,girls’ volleyball vs. LakotaWest High School, 7 p.m.

· Friday, Sept. 27, foot-ball vs. Fairfield, 7:30 p.m.

· Saturday, Sept. 21,boys’ soccer vs. Ross, 5p.m. at Rapid Run MiddleSchool

· Thursday, Sept. 19,girls’ soccer vs. Syca-more, 7 p.m. at RRMS

Other events areplanned throughout theweek, including rafflesand sales of baked items,jewelry and T-shirts.

Contact the Oak HillsAthletic Office, 467-7105.

Tweets from beat»@MikeDyer Elder

senior RB Chris Schroerand Highlands QB DrewHoulistonvotedasEnquir-er players of the week byfans

@MikeDyer Plan fornewTaylor football field isto have2,000 fans onhomeside and 500 on visitors.Also 8 lane track, says ADLarry Herges

@MikeDyer Taylor re-ceived a $200,000 grantfrom the Bengals in mid-July. AD Larry Hergeswants turf down by midspring


By Tom [emailprotected]

SPRINGFIELD TWP. —The world of collegesports is a funny one, es-peciallywhen it comes tothequarterbackposition.

A lot of colleges wantyou to attend camps at ayoung age and showyourskills in a staged setting.

For St. Xavier HighSchool senior quarter-back Nick Tensing heprefers to show what hecan do Friday nights onthe football field.

After tossingformorethan 1,900 yards as a ju-nior and racking up 326yards with four touch-downs and zero intercep-tions through the firsttwo games in 2013, thecollege offers aren’t roll-ing in like coach SteveSpecht believes theyshould be.

“… I think they aremissing theboat onhim,”Specht said. “… I hopethey see the light. I thinkI’ve been doing this longenough to know when akid can play, and he canplay at the next level at alot of schools.”

The senior from theCovedale area gave upsummer baseball lastseason to focus on thepigskin and there is nodoubt inhismindwhathewants to do next season.

“I definitely want toplay football,” Tensingsaid. “… The school thatis most interested in meright now is Cornell.”

The Ivy LeagueschoolskeepaneyeonSt.X. Over the past twoyears the Bombers have

shipped football playersoff to Columbia, Yale andHarvard.

“He’s got a lot oflooks,” Specht said. “TheIvy League (schools)love him.”

Specht said a varietyof things from consisten-cy to vision make him agood QB.

“I think his vision istremendous,” he said.“He gets rid of the ballquick.… I always tell ourquarterbacks that if theydo the things we coachthem to do they can begoodhighschoolquarter-backs. The great ones dothings you can’t coachthem to do. They just seethings better and Nick’slike that.”

The consistency in his

game lies in the stats. Inhis 13 starts he hasthrownmore than one in-terception just once andhas tossed for 175 yardsor more in nine of thosestarts with seven multi-touchdowns perfor-mances.

“I look to have a goodgame, but to have a goodgame is just doing theba-sic things,” Tensing said.“I’m not trying to go outthere and do more than Ican do. I’m just trying todo what is there to do.”

Numbers show Tensingworthy of college looksBy Tom [emailprotected]

St. Xavier quarterback Nicholas Tensing (14) keeps andran the ball against Colerain linebacker Tegray Scales (8)in the second quarter of their 2012 game.FILE PHOTO

LOOKINGAHEAD:What: St. Xavier vs.

Indianapolis Cathedral,Ind., football gameWhen: 7:30 p.m.,

Friday, Sept. 20Where: St. Xavier

High School, 600 WNorth Bend Road, Cin-cinnati, OH 45224Fun fact: St. X is 7-0

against Cathedral since2004, including a 33-27road win over the Fight-ing Irish last season.

Who is Nick Tensingoff the field?

“Me and my friends go tomy one friend’s house andplay a lot of basketball andeuchre. We just sit aroundand have guy nights all thetime. It’s awesome.”

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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (9)


Flag footballRivers Edge is taking applica-

tions for flag football.League fee is $525 for eight

games (plus ref fee) and top fourplay in tournament.

Monday, Wednesday, Fridayand Sunday evening leagues areavailable.

Those who refer a teamwillget a $50 discount for their teamand the referred team.

Registration is available online

through Sept. 30 for the winterseason at www.riversedgeindoor.com.

Call 264-1775 or [emailprotected] more information.



The seventh- and eighth-grade Our Lady of Visitation softball team wins the GirlsWestern Athletic Conference softball championship, finishing the season 10-0. Fromleft are: Front, Tia Rizzo, Allie Pangallo, Taylor Biggs and Mackenzie Coon; back,Sydney Vinel, Allie Zisko, Deanna Lammers, Emily Reichling, Sydney Brock andHannah Holscher. Not pictured are Therese Kondash and Bailee Conway. THANKS TOJOHN ZISKO

THREE-TIME CHAMPSTheWhite Oak Athletic Club girlsU12 softball team finishes theseason 21-1, as GMSL preseasontournament champions, regularseason champions and postseasontournament champions. From leftare: Back, coaches Julie Etris, BrianFreese and Andy Albrinck; middle,Emily Etris, Alise Schindler, MaraLehmann, Elizabeth Murray,Katelyn Freese, Ally Albrinck andHannah Ruff; front, MaggieCastelli, Hailey McAdoo, SyndeyCosgrove, Amy Anderson, LexieSchaiper, Taylor Woodward andTaylor Heffron. THANKS TO JENNY



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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (10)



Western Hills Press EditorDick [emailprotected], 248-7134Office hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-FridaySee page A2 for additional contact information.

5556 Cheviot RoadCincinnati, Ohio 45247phone: 923-3111 fax: 853-6220email:[emailprotected] site:www.communitypress.com

A publication of


WESTERNHILLSPRESSEditor: Dick Maloney, [emailprotected], 248-7134

ABOUT LETTERSAND COLUMNSWewelcome your comments

on editorials, columns, stories orother topics important to you inThe Western Hills Press. Includeyour name, address and phonenumber(s) so we may verify yourletter. Letters of 200 or fewerwords and columns of 500 orfewer words have the bestchance of being published. Allsubmissions may be edited forlength, accuracy and clarity.Deadline: Noon FridayE-mail:[emailprotected]: 853-6220U.S. mail: See box belowLetters, columns and articles

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Fair chair thankscommunity

On behalf of the Cheviot-WestwoodKiwanis and theHar-vest Home Fair Association Iwould like to thank the commu-nity for the support of the 154thAnnual Green Township Har-vest Home Fair.

Numerous charities in the lo-cal area benefit from the pro-ceeds that are raised at the faireach year. Again we thank youfor the continued support andlook forward to seeing you atthe fair next year.

Ben ClinkenbeardChairman, Harvest Home Fair

‘Bailed out’ autoindustry still sinking

Paul Ashworth’s guest col-umn in the Sept. 11 Delhi/PriceHill Press had five points thathe calls “five major accom-plishmentsof ourcurrentpresi-dent.”

Mr. Ashworth is entitled tohis opinion, but not his own setof facts. Point 4 –Obama turnedaround the struggling auto in-dustry. At what cost, Mr. Ash-worth?Ask the 20,000 or soDel-phi workers who lost their pen-sions, health insurance etc ...Ask the American taxpayerwho ponied up more than $23billion that is estimated as notbeing paid back to the treasury.How about the retirees whoseGM stock became basicallyworthless?

Jobs created by this bail-out...2004 auto employees, ap-proximately 1 million; 2012 la-bor statistics, about 780,000.Not close to your 100,000 jobsadded. Who hit the home run inthis “restructuring”?Ofcourse,PresidentObama’sbest friends.Let’s talk“Affordable”CareActon another day.

Jim DuffyDelhi Township

Tuning out the truthCongratulations to Steve

Chabot andLouTerhar for theirwell-written exposes voiced inthe Sept. 4Western Hills Press.

Unfortunately, the very peo-ple who should read these arti-cles, and take them to heart,probably will not do so, or, ifthey do, will ignore the mes-sages totally, simply because,according to them, Chabot andTerhar are alwayspolitically in-correct because they belong tothe “wrong political party.”

Thus, no amount of reason-ableness, logic or truth is ac-ceptable.

Roger SandGreen Township


A headache. A fever. Astiff neck or an upset stom-ach.

When children of the late1940s or early 1950s com-plained of any of these – es-pecially during the summer –mom held her breath andcalled the doctor. And waited.And prayed.

Just a minor illness? Orwas it … polio?

Polio! That dread disease.The mere mention of it con-jured up images of metal legbraces, withered limbs and --horror of horrors – the ironlung.

Early polio symptomsoften mimicked minor ill-ness, said Cincinnati’s healthcommissioner Dr. Carl A.Wilzbach, in a July 20, 1949,interview with The Cincin-nati Post.

Before 1955 when the Salkvaccine became available,the polio virus spread relent-lessly during summermonths.

Jane S. Smith writes in“Patenting the Sun,” that fordecades epidemiologiststried to discover how poliospread. Some early spec-ulations included flies, fleas,hand-to-mouth contact, in-halation or genetic predispo-sition. She further writes

that whilenobody hasever com-pletely settledhow poliospread, thebest evidencesuggests thevirus is ex-creted in thestool andpassed hand-to-hand or

mouth-to-mouth when peopledon’t wash their hands asoften or as thoroughly asthey should.

Since polio couldn’t beprevented, advice on avoid-ing it abounded.

Health commissionerWilzbach, in a Sept. 17, 1952,interview with CincinnatiPost reporters, cautioned apolio-weary city -- once again– to keep children out ofcrowds and away fromstrangers.

This probably explainswhy, also during the early1950s, Price Hill parentswarned their children not toplay in Rapid Run Park’spond. The three-foot deeppond was a popular place forkids to gather.

Polio attacked randomly,but mostly, it attacked chil-dren. According to Wilzbach

in an April 12, 1955, Cincin-nati Post interview, 80 per-cent of Cincinnati’s casesnear the epidemic years of1952 and 1954 involved the1-15 age group.

Older adults, however,were not immune. On Sept. 6,1954, The Cincinnati Times-Star ran the story: “OldestPolio Victim, Electrician, 52,Dies.”

Mild cases of polio recov-ered at home, but victimsserious enough to requirehospitalization usually wereadmitted to General Hospi-tal. A Cincinnati Post ac-counting on July 16, 1954,reported that General Hospi-tal provided care for patientsfrom at least six Ohio coun-ties.

In less than a year, howev-er, the war on polio would be– for the most part – won.

In “Patenting the Sun,”author Smith writes that onApril 12, 1955, epidemiologistThomas Francis announcedthe results of the 1954 Salkvaccine trials and pro-nounced the vaccine readyfor public use.

The Cincinnati Post head-lines that day read: “SalkVaccine is Safe, Effective.”

Additional front page cov-erage detailed that 52 million

U.S. children would receivepolio shots that year -- andthat here in Cincinnati-- 200doctors plus nurses and layworkers signed up to giveinnoculations.

The following day’s Cin-cinnati Post followed up with:“Salk Vaccine Rushed to BeatSeason.”

Polio, the great cripplerwas going down to defeat.

The Cincinnati Post’s Bet-ty Donovan, however, filedanother story that day. It wasabout those for whom theSalk vaccine had come toolate. “Cheerful boys andgirls” learning to restore theuse of damaged muscles;children taking pride inbending their knees andstraightening their arms;children who were facingyears of treatment.

For them, wrote Donovan,the war on polio had justbegun.

The organization Post-Polio Health International inSt. Louis lists the number ofpolio survivors in the UnitedStates today between 500,000and 750,000.

For them, 58 years later,the war continues.

Karen Arbogast lives in WesternHills.

Salk vaccine eased polio fears


Sept. 11 questionShould local high schools

have American Indian nick-names or use American Indianmascots. Why or why not?

“Theuse ofAmerican Indi-anmascots never used to be aconcern.MiamiUniversity atOxford changed from Red-skins to Red Hawks in 1997.Somehow it had been OKfrom 1888 till then. I think ifthere is a large population ofNative Americans located inthe area of a school theyshould have a say on thismat-ter. E.G the Florida State Uni-versity polled the local Na-tive Americans who had noproblem with the moniker ofSeminoles. I am quite suremost names are fine with Na-tive Americans. However theterm Redskins does seem tocause some concern for theNFL Team in Washington andshould be re-evaluated. I canonly hope the Reds are notasked to change their moni-ker from Reds because it de-notes WWII communists.Now what to do about thoseCleveland Glenville Tar-blooders? Go figure!”


“No, American Indiannames should not be used byschools. Why? Because theydon’t want us to use theirnames, just like Blacks don’twant certain names used forthem, Italians don’t want cer-tain names used, and so forth.

“It’s not for us to decide.We have to respect theirwishes.”


“This is a simple questionfor me. I have a deep respectand affection for NativeAmericans. I have lived nearreservations, had NativeAmerican friends andlearned about the culture andthe present day challenges.

“However, I had a child

that graduated from Ander-son (Redskins) High Schooland spentmany times on foot-ball and baseball fields yell-ing “Go, Redskins!” It seemsto me that there are so manynames in the English diction-ary that certainly every highschool and college in thiscountry could select a non-Native American name andbuild loyalty and competitionaround it.

“In business and even non-profit organizations, nameschange all the time. It can befun to celebrate a new name.Let’s support our schools indeveloping new names thatdon’t disrespect NativeAmerican tribes and cul-ture.”


“Only school teams locat-ed on reservation landsshould be allowed to use tra-ditional Native Americannames. Miami Universityeven changed its mascot toRedhawks some time ago forthis reason.

“American settlers andsoldiers stole thewhole conti-nent from Native Americans;it isn’t too much to ask to al-low native people the culturaldignity of changing offen-sive, stereotypical names.

“People will try to arguethat a new name doesn’t re-flect heritage accurately;well, that’s the same argu-ment used by racists in the

South who preserve the Con-federate flag.”


“Syria, Common Core,ObamaCare, QuantitativeEasing, Benghazi, Hillary2016 ... Think the country hasmore important things toworry about. Go Redskins!”


“I think you are referringto the Anderson Redskins.YES, I think this traditionshould continue mainly be-cause this is the school’s cho-sen name and mascot frommany years ago. If some areoffended ... that is life!”

Otto Roth

“Native American nick-names and mascots havebeen around for at least a cen-tury. When any schoolchooses a mascot the choiceis alwaysmade for persons orobjects that are easily recog-nized as symbols for qualitiesto be admired and emulated.Native Americans are no ex-ception whether they areSeminoles, Braves, Redskins,Warriors, Illini, Eskimos, In-dians, Blackhawks, Aztecs,etc.

“According to personal on-line research several yearsago, the only oppositioncomes from a small modernactivist group known to pres-sure schools, teams and simi-lar organizations with theironly goal being their accep-tance of large sums of moneyto be quiet and go away.

“So far I have never heardof a school choosing to beknown as the Fighting Bone-heads or Ohio Birdbrains.Would blacks be offended if aschool chose to be known asthe Freedom Fighters? Arechurches offended by theNew Orleans Saints? Howabout the Fighting Irish?”


“Our society is becomingtoo politically correct andover sensitive. I am not surewhy it is so derogatory to usethe Indian as a mascot-strength, bravery, athleti-cism, etc.

“None of these terms sug-gest weakness, failure orshame. Yet if we use anythingother than an inanimate ob-ject or an animal we run therisk of offending someone.

“Reminds me of the publicgrade school my kids went toin another large city – wecouldn’t celebrate St. Pat-rick’s Day in school unless itwas referred to asGreenDay.No Christmas party just a redand green holiday party.

“Geez, give me a flippin’break!!! Get a life. We can’tprotect our kids from every-thing one might find offen-sive, alien or not of their cus-tom.

“Life is, after all, terminal– no one gets out alive. Dealwith it.”


“Yes, until they get rid ofthe Washington Redskins orchange Indian Hill to RedHawk Mountain!”


“Disrespect to AmericanIndians for sure. But moreimportantly, this is the vitalquestion of theweek from thenew near monopoly of the pa-pers in Clermont? You havegot to be kidding.

“How about this: Is it trea-son to collaborate on Inaugu-ration Day to bring down thepresidency (showdisrespect)of the newly elected blackpresident? I say darn close.

“But like American Indi-ans, Obama earned his disre-spect by being born, unlikeBush, who earned his by hisnow reviled actions. I knowI’ll never see this comment inthe paper.”



THIS WEEK’SQUESTIONIf negotiations fail to secureSyria’s chemical weaponsshould the U.S. conduct mil-itary strikes against Syria? Whyor why not?

Every week we ask readers a questionthey can reply to via e-mail. Send youranswers to [emailprotected] withChatroom in the subject line.

Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (11)




CHEVIOT —Thousands of peo-ple lined HarrisonAvenue and NorthBend Road to takein the 56th annualHarvest HomeParade.

Green Township resident Mat Giltz hoisted his son, Alex, 7,onto his shoulders so he could have a good view of theannual Harvest Home Parade. KURT BACKSCHEIDER/THE COMMUNITY


Great Oaks students and U.S. Army Junior ROTCmembers China Powell, left, and Kaitlynn Mcnu*ttcarried the colors as part of their unit’s honorguard during the Harvest Home Parade. KURTBACKSCHEIDER/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

Delhi Township sixth-grader Zachary Stoupenjoyed some ice cream while watching theannual Harvest Home Parade. KURTBACKSCHEIDER/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

John “Handy” Schaffer, left, and Dave “Patches” Ormes,Eastgate residents who are clowns with the Syrian Shriners,were ready to entertain the children lined up to watch thisyear’s Harvest Home Parade. KURT BACKSCHEIDER/THE COMMUNITY


Bagpipers with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Pipe & Drum Corps make their way down Harrison Avenue during theannual Harvest Home Parade. KURT BACKSCHEIDER/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

Cheviot-Westwood Kiwanis Club member Dwight Young,right, had the honor of serving as grand marshal of thisyear’s Harvest Home Parade. Young and his wife, Stephanie,left, are the founders of BLOC Ministries. KURTBACKSCHEIDER/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

Colerain High School marching band members, from left: Stephen Garrison, Logan Gadberry, Nikki Ashton and Leah Whitehurstwarmed up their instruments before marching in the Harvest Home Parade. KURT BACKSCHEIDER/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

Cheviot residents Noah Thornton, Isaiah Berning, Alysa andWilliam Thornton and Savanah Berning had front row seatsfor this year’s Harvest Home Parade. KURT BACKSCHEIDER/THE


West Siders gather forHarvest Home Parade

Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (12)


THURSDAY, SEPT. 19On Stage - TheaterRing of Fire: The Music ofJohnny Cash, 7:30 p.m., Cov-edale Center for the PerformingArts, 4990 Glenway Ave., Set ofsingers and instrumentalists singthrough some of greatest songsof one of America’s most bril-liant singer/songwriters. $24,$21 seniors and students. 241-6550; www.cincinnatilandmark-productions.com.West PriceHill.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 20Drink TastingsWine Tasting, 5:30-8 p.m.,Nature Nook Florist and WineShop, 10 S. Miami Ave., Selec-tions from fine wine collection.Includes snacks. Ages 21 and up.$6. Through Oct. 25. 467-1988;www.naturenookonline.com.Cleves.

Farmers MarketLettuce Eat Well FarmersMarket, 3-7 p.m., CheviotUnited Methodist Church, 3820Westwood Northern Blvd.,Locally produced food items.Free. 481-1914; www.lewfm.org.Cheviot.

Music - R&BBasic Truth, 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m.,Drew’s on the River, 4333 RiverRoad, $3. 451-1157; basictruth-.webs.com. Riverside.

On Stage - TheaterRing of Fire: The Music ofJohnny Cash, 8 p.m., CovedaleCenter for the Performing Arts,$24, $21 seniors and students.241-6550; www.cincinnatiland-markproductions.com.WestPrice Hill.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 21Art & Craft ClassesPaint a Swallow, Noon-2 p.m.,Broadhope Art Collective, 3651Harrison Ave., Paint metalswallow to hang at home orgive as a gift. All supplies in-cluded. $30. 225-8114; broad-hopeartcollective.com. Cheviot.

Clubs & Organizations’70s and ‘80s Dance Party, 8p.m.-midnight, Philipps SwimClub, 5245 Glenway Ave., Non-members welcome. BYOB, butno glass. Raffles, prizes for bestcostume. Ages 21 and up. $5 perperson. 471-2280; www.phi-lippsswimclub.com. Covedale.

Garden ClubsHillside Community GardenRegular Gardening Day, 9a.m.-noon, Hillside CommunityGarden, 5701Delhi Road, Gar-den together in unique hillsideedible garden. All experiencelevels welcome. Dress forweather and bring water todrink. Work gloves and bootsrecommended. Other usefulitems are pruning shears andshovels. Free. 400-4511; hillside-gardendelhi.com. Delhi Town-ship.

Home & GardenHamilton County Recyclingand Solid Waste District YardTrimmings Drop-Off, 11:30a.m.-5 p.m., Kuliga Park, 6717Bridgetown Road, HamiltonCounty residents can drop offyard trimmings for free. Free.598-3089; bit.ly/11UQb9r. GreenTownship.

On Stage - TheaterRing of Fire: The Music ofJohnny Cash, 8 p.m., CovedaleCenter for the Performing Arts,$24, $21 seniors and students.241-6550; www.cincinnatiland-markproductions.com.WestPrice Hill.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 22Art & Craft ClassesPaint a State, Noon-2 p.m.,Broadhope Art Collective, 3651Harrison Ave., Paint your ownmini-Ohio. Great for tree orna-ment or just to hang on yourwall. All supplies included. $15.225-8441; www.broadhopeart-collective.com. Cheviot.

BenefitsAlyssa’s Army 5K BenefitRun/Walk, 11 a.m., FernbankPark, 60 Thornton Ave., Fundswill cover treatment and med-ical bills not covered by insur-ance. Any remaining fundsdonated to The Leukemia &Lymphoma Society. Registrationbegins at 9 a.m. Food, musicand vendors also on site. Bene-fits Alyssa Plageman, a Seton

grad and NKU student who hasbeen diagnosed with Stage 2Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. $25, $10children or $60 family four-pack. Registration required.521-7275; http://alyssasar-my2013run-es2.eventbrite.com/.Sayler Park.

Home & GardenHamilton County Recyclingand Solid Waste District YardTrimmings Drop-Off, 11:30a.m.-5 p.m., Kuliga Park, Free.598-3089; bit.ly/11UQb9r. GreenTownship.

On Stage - TheaterRing of Fire: The Music ofJohnny Cash, 2 p.m., CovedaleCenter for the Performing Arts,$24, $21 seniors and students.241-6550; www.cincinnatiland-markproductions.com.WestPrice Hill.

MONDAY, SEPT. 23Art & Craft ClassesStained Glass Make It andTake It, 6:30-9 p.m., BroadhopeArt Collective, 3651HarrisonAve., Learn basic skills of cuttingglass, foil wrap and how to usesimple welding iron to make astained glass suncatcher. Allsupplies included. $25. ThroughSept. 30. 225-8441; www.broad-hopeartcollective.com. Cheviot.

Exercise ClassesGentle Ashtanga VinyasaYoga, 7 p.m., EarthConnection,370 Neeb Road, Moving med-itation, increasing strength andflexibility, allowing for calmingof mind and refreshing of spirit.Bring mat. $35 five-class pass; $8drop-In. 675-2725; www.yoga-bymarietta.com. Delhi Town-ship.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 24Farmers MarketSayler Park Farmers Market,4-7 p.m., Nelson Sayler Memori-al Park, Parkland Avenue andMonitor Street, Farmers Marketwith home-grown items likefruits, vegetables, desserts,salsas, relishes, jam and olive oil.675-0496. Sayler Park.

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25Art & Craft ClassesCostume Jewelry Necklace,6-7:30 p.m., Broadhope ArtCollective, 3651Harrison Ave.,Make a simple necklace using acostume jewelry earring. Allsupplies included, students canbring costume jewelry earringto use if preferred. For ages 12and up. $20. 225-8441;www.broadhopeartcollective-.com. Cheviot.

Exercise ClassesGentle Ashtanga VinyasaYoga, 7-8 p.m., EarthConnec-tion, $35 five-class pass; $8drop-In. 675-2725; www.yoga-bymarietta.com. Delhi Town-ship.Aqua Zumba, 6-7 p.m., OakHills High School, 3200 Ebenez-er Road, With Deb Yaeger. $10.451-3595; ohlsd.us/community-education. Green Township.

Health / WellnessMercy Health Mobile Mam-mography Unit, 7 a.m.-3:30p.m., Price Hill Health Center,2136 W. Eighth St., Fifteen-minute screenings. Cost variesper insurance plan. Financialassistance available for qualifiedapplicants. Appointment re-quired. 686-3300; www.e-mercy.com. Price Hill.

RecreationCincy Street Wars, 6-11 p.m.,Edgewater Sports Park, 4819 E.Miami River Road, Weeklystreet car/motorcycle dragracing and cruise-in event withprimary focus of keeping racingoff streets. $1 beers, music by DJand money given to class win-ners. $10 admission; $20 to race.545-0002; www.cincystreet-wars.com. Cleves.

Religious - CommunityWednesday Night Solutions,7-8:30 p.m., Vineyard WestsideChurch, 3420 Glenmore Ave.,Weekly interactive DVD presen-tation hosted by Dr. HenryCloud and Dr. John Townsend.Variety of topics addressingeveryday issues such as commu-nication, conflict and more.922-7897; www.cloudtown-send.com/resources/solutions.Cheviot.Free Community Meal, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Central Church ofChrist, 3501 Cheviot Ave., Free.481-5820; www.centralchur-


Senior CitizensZumba Gold, 1-2 p.m., GreenTownship Senior Center, 3620Epley Road, Modified Zumbafor seniors and beginners withstanding and chair participa-tion. For seniors. $3, $25 for 10classes. 205-5064; www.debs-fitnessparty.com. Green Town-ship.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 26On Stage - TheaterRing of Fire: The Music ofJohnny Cash, 7:30 p.m., Cov-edale Center for the PerformingArts, $24, $21 seniors and stu-dents. 241-6550; www.cincinna-tilandmarkproductions.com.West Price Hill.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 27Farmers MarketLettuce Eat Well FarmersMarket, 3-7 p.m., CheviotUnited Methodist Church, Free.481-1914; www.lewfm.org.Cheviot.

On Stage - TheaterRing of Fire: The Music ofJohnny Cash, 8 p.m., CovedaleCenter for the Performing Arts,$24, $21 seniors and students.241-6550; www.cincinnatiland-markproductions.com.WestPrice Hill.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 28FestivalsSt. Jude Oktoberfest, 4:30p.m.-12:30 a.m., St. Jude Church,5924 Bridgetown Road, Cruisein Car Show. Authentic GermanOktoberfest including enter-tainment, booths, games, ridesfor children, German-Americanfood and beer. Free. ThroughSept. 29. 574-1230; www.stju-debridgetown.org. Bridgetown.

Garden ClubsHillside Community GardenRegular Gardening Day, 9a.m.-noon, Hillside CommunityGarden, Free. 400-4511; hillside-gardendelhi.com. Delhi Town-ship.

Home & GardenHamilton County Recyclingand Solid Waste District YardTrimmings Drop-Off, 11:30a.m.-5 p.m., Kuliga Park, Free.598-3089; bit.ly/11UQb9r. GreenTownship.

On Stage - TheaterRing of Fire: The Music ofJohnny Cash, 8 p.m., CovedaleCenter for the Performing Arts,$24, $21 seniors and students.241-6550; www.cincinnatiland-markproductions.com.WestPrice Hill.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 29FestivalsSt. Jude Oktoberfest, Noon-9p.m., St. Jude Church, Held inconjunction with Sophie’s Angel5K Run/Walk. Free. 574-1230;www.stjudebridgetown.org.Bridgetown.

Home & GardenHamilton County Recyclingand Solid Waste District YardTrimmings Drop-Off, 11:30a.m.-5 p.m., Kuliga Park, Free.598-3089; bit.ly/11UQb9r. Green


Music - ConcertsWestwood First ConcertSeries, 3 p.m., Westwood FirstPresbyterian Church, 3011Harrison Ave., Music by theReen Family Singers. Program ofclassical, gospel, Christian andcontemporary music. Free,donations accepted. 661-6846;www.wfpc.org.Westwood.

On Stage - TheaterRing of Fire: The Music ofJohnny Cash, 2 p.m., CovedaleCenter for the Performing Arts,$24, $21 seniors and students.241-6550; www.cincinnatiland-markproductions.com.WestPrice Hill.

MONDAY, SEPT. 30Art & Craft ClassesStained Glass Make It andTake It, 6:30-9 p.m., BroadhopeArt Collective, $25. 225-8441;www.broadhopeartcollective-.com. Cheviot.

Exercise ClassesGentle Ashtanga VinyasaYoga, 7 p.m., EarthConnection,$35 five-class pass; $8 drop-In.675-2725; www.yogabymariet-ta.com. Delhi Township.

TUESDAY, OCT. 1Farmers MarketSayler Park Farmers Market,4-7 p.m., Nelson Sayler Memori-al Park, 675-0496. Sayler Park.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2Exercise ClassesGentle Ashtanga VinyasaYoga, 7-8 p.m., EarthConnec-tion, $35 five-class pass; $8drop-In. 675-2725; www.yoga-bymarietta.com. Delhi Town-ship.Aqua Zumba, 6-7 p.m., OakHills High School, $10. 451-3595;ohlsd.us/community-education.Green Township.

Health / WellnessBaby Basics, 7-9:30 p.m., MercyHealth – Western Hills Hospital,3131Queen City Ave., Bathing,diapering, feeding, safetyissues, when to call the doctor,normal baby behavior and howto prepare for those first weeksof parenting are among topicsdiscussed. $20. Registrationrequired. 956-3729; www.e-mercy.com.Westwood.

Religious - CommunityWednesday Night Solutions,7-8:30 p.m., Vineyard WestsideChurch, 922-7897; www.cloud-townsend.com/resources/solu-tions. Cheviot.Free Community Meal, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Central Church ofChrist, Free. 481-5820;www.centralchurchof-christ1.com.Westwood.

Senior Citizens

Zumba Gold, 1-2 p.m., GreenTownship Senior Center, $3, $25for 10 classes. 205-5064;www.debsfitnessparty.com.Green Township.

FRIDAY, OCT. 4Drink TastingsWine Tasting, 5:30-8 p.m.,Nature Nook Florist and WineShop, $6. 467-1988; www.natu-renookonline.com. Cleves.

Farmers MarketLettuce Eat Well FarmersMarket, 3-7 p.m., CheviotUnited Methodist Church, Free.481-1914; www.lewfm.org.Cheviot.

SATURDAY, OCT. 5Garden ClubsHillside Community GardenRegular Gardening Day, 9a.m.-noon, Hillside CommunityGarden, Free. 400-4511; hillside-gardendelhi.com. Delhi Town-ship.

Home & GardenHamilton County Recyclingand Solid Waste District YardTrimmings Drop-Off, 11:30a.m.-5 p.m., Kuliga Park, Free.598-3089; bit.ly/11UQb9r. GreenTownship.

ShoppingRummage and Bake Sale, 9a.m.-1 p.m., Peace LutheranChurch, 1451 Ebenezer Road,941-5177. Green Township.

SUNDAY, OCT. 6Home & GardenHamilton County Recyclingand Solid Waste District YardTrimmings Drop-Off, 11:30a.m.-5 p.m., Kuliga Park, Free.598-3089; bit.ly/11UQb9r. GreenTownship.

Senior CitizensOver 55 Dance, 2-5 p.m., DelhiSenior and Community Center,647 Neeb Road, Non-memberswelcome. Music by Nelson. $5.451-3560. Delhi Township.

MONDAY, OCT. 7Exercise ClassesGentle Ashtanga VinyasaYoga, 7 p.m., EarthConnection,$35 five-class pass; $8 drop-In.675-2725; www.yogabymariet-ta.com. Delhi Township.

TUESDAY, OCT. 8Farmers MarketSayler Park Farmers Market,4-7 p.m., Nelson Sayler Memori-al Park, 675-0496. Sayler Park.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9Exercise ClassesGentle Ashtanga VinyasaYoga, 7-8 p.m., EarthConnec-tion, $35 five-class pass; $8drop-In. 675-2725; www.yoga-

bymarietta.com. Delhi Town-ship.Aqua Zumba, 6-7 p.m., OakHills High School, $10. 451-3595;ohlsd.us/community-education.Green Township.

Health / WellnessBreastfeeding Basics, 7-9:30p.m., Mercy Health – WesternHills Hospital, 3131Queen CityAve., Breastfeeding is a learnedskill for mother and baby.Discuss how to breastfeed, howto prevent problems, and re-turning to work or school.Fathers and other who providesupport encouraged to attend.$20. Registration required.956-3729; www.e-mercy.com.Westwood.

Religious - CommunityWednesday Night Solutions,7-8:30 p.m., Vineyard WestsideChurch, 922-7897; www.cloud-townsend.com/resources/solu-tions. Cheviot.Free Community Meal, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Central Church ofChrist, Free. 481-5820;www.centralchurchof-christ1.com.Westwood.

Senior CitizensZumba Gold, 1-2 p.m., GreenTownship Senior Center, $3, $25for 10 classes. 205-5064;www.debsfitnessparty.com.Green Township.

THURSDAY, OCT. 10BenefitsTaste for a Cause, 6-8 p.m.,College of Mount St. Joseph,5701Delhi Road, Corona Room,Seton Center. Wine-tastingevent. Admission includes fivewines, appetizers and a chancefor a door prize. Alternativebeverages available. $25. Bene-fits The Women’s Connection.471-4673; www.thewomenscon-nection.org. Delhi Township.

FRIDAY, OCT. 11Farmers MarketLettuce Eat Well FarmersMarket, 3-7 p.m., CheviotUnited Methodist Church, Free.481-1914; www.lewfm.org.Cheviot.

SATURDAY, OCT. 12Garden ClubsHillside Community GardenRegular Gardening Day, 9a.m.-noon, Hillside CommunityGarden, Free. 400-4511; hillside-gardendelhi.com. Delhi Town-ship.

Home & GardenHamilton County Recyclingand Solid Waste District YardTrimmings Drop-Off, 11:30a.m.-5 p.m., Kuliga Park, Free.598-3089; bit.ly/11UQb9r. GreenTownship.

MONDAY, OCT. 14Exercise ClassesGentle Ashtanga VinyasaYoga, 7 p.m., EarthConnection,$35 five-class pass; $8 drop-In.675-2725; www.yogabymariet-ta.com. Delhi Township.

TUESDAY, OCT. 15Farmers MarketSayler Park Farmers Market,4-7 p.m., Nelson Sayler Memori-al Park, 675-0496. Sayler Park.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16AuctionsQuarter Auction, 6:30-9 p.m.,American Legion Post 534Chambers-Hautman-Budde,4618 River Road, Delhi Divavendors. Participating vendorsinclude: Silpada, Tupperware,31, Premier, Miche and more.Special raffle table featured.Hot sandwiches, snacks, soda/beer available for purchase.Benefits Cincy Walks Team RevIt Up 4 CCF. $1 per paddle.636-2075. Riverside.

Clubs & OrganizationsPioneer Antique & HobbyAssociationMonthly Meet-ing, 7:30 p.m., NathanaelGreene Lodge, 6394 WesselmanRoad, Mulberry Room. Guestswelcome. David Day speaksabout “Vanishing Cincinnati.”451-4822. Green Township.

Exercise ClassesGentle Ashtanga VinyasaYoga, 7-8 p.m., EarthConnec-tion, $35 five-class pass; $8drop-In. 675-2725; www.yoga-bymarietta.com. Delhi Town-ship.


The Showboat Majestic presents “Showboat Follies!” a musical revue featuring greatsongs and sketches from dozens of past shows and skewering all things Cincinnati. Showtimes are 8 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays through Sept. 29,plus 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22. Tickets are $20, $19 for students, seniors and groups of20-plus. For more information, visit www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com or call241-6550. Pictured from front left are Jonathan Zeng, Megan Callahan, Torie Pate, EileenEarnest, Jeni Schwiers, Kate Glasheen and Burgess Byrd; second row, Rodger Pille, R.DeAndre Smith, Mike Hall, Rich Roedersheimer and Matt Dentino. PROVIDED.

ABOUT CALENDARTo submit calendar items, go to www.cincinnati.com and click

on “Share!” Send digital photos to [emailprotected] with event information. Items are printed on a space-available basis with local events taking precedence.Deadline is two weeks before publication date. To find more

calendar events, go to www.cincinnati.com and choose from amenu of items in the Entertainment section on the main page.

Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (13)


A fewyears ago, EmilyNeiheisel of Cheviot lost adearfriendto lungcancer.

Since then, she hasturned her grief into ad-vocacy, joining a growingnational movement com-mitted to defeating lungcancer.

On Oct. 5, Neiheiselwill help bring the thirdannualFree toBreathe5KRun/Walk and One MileMemorial Walk to Cincin-nati, rallying the commu-nity to impart hope tothose impacted by the dis-ease. Funds raised at theevent will support the Na-tional Lung Cancer Part-nership ’s research, edu-cation andawareness pro-grams.

The third annual Freeto Breathe CincinnatiRun/Walk is Saturday,Oct. 5, at Acosta Sales andMarketing,ThreeCrowne

Point Court, Suite 300.The event will feature

an exhilarating 5K-run/walk and one-mile walk,followed by a rally, prizedrawings, a performanceby the Northern Ken-tucky University cheer-leaders, awards for topfinishers and fundraisersandfunfor thewhole fam-ily. Proceeds from theevent support the Nation-al Lung Cancer Partner-ship’s programs dedicat-edtodoubling lungcancersurvival by 2022.

This year, Free toBreathe events across thecountry will raise fundsandunite lung cancer sur-vivors, families andfriends. Anyone interest-ed can register for anevent, donate online orstart a personal fundrais-ing page atwww.freetobreathe.org.

‘Free to Breathe’walk is Oct. 5

For years it was like agray culinary cloud overmy head. I called it piecrust envy. Mymomwasthe first to try to teach

me tomake aflaky andtender piecrust.“Just don’toverworkthe dough,use a lighthand,” shetold me. Atthe time Iread some-

thing in a cookbook thatsaid “work the short-ening into the flour untilit’s all the size of smallpeas.” So I tried to do justthat. The crust rolled outeasily and I baked what Ithought was the mostbeautiful apple pie in theworld.

I took it to our churchkitchen for bingo and I’llnever forget the look onRuth Haglage’s face asshe tried to cut into thecrust. She sawed andsawed at that crust andfinally broke through. Iwas so embarrassed.Ruth knew I was a novicepie baker and told me notto worry, that the fillingwas delicious and thecrust was OK.

After that disaster,every time I made piecrust by hand I was filledwith anxiety. Then I metPerrin Rountree. Perrin

is an Anderson Townshipreader and excellentSouthern cook and baker.She worked with me atmy cooking school atMcAlpin’s. Perrin sharedher recipe for pie crustwith a secret ingredient.That was years ago andthe crust has never letme down. No more piecrust envy!

Perrin Rountree’sno-fail pie crust

You’ll think you’re incooking class with thesedetailed instructions, butthey are worth following.

2 cups all-purpose flour1⁄2 teaspoon baking powder(the secret ingredient)

1⁄4 teaspoon salt1 cup Crisco shortening,chilled (I use Crisco sticks)

1⁄2 cup ice cold water

Whisk together dryingredients. Cut short-ening into 1⁄2-inch pieces.Scatter over flour mix-ture and, using a fork orpastry blender, cut short-ening into flour untilmixture resemblescoarse crumbs with somelarge pieces remaining(about the size of peas –yes, it will work!). This iswhat will give you flaki-ness. Sprinkle half thecold water over and stirand draw flour with forkfrom bottom to top, dis-tributing water evenly.Add more water untildough is moist enough to

hold together when youroll a little bit into a ball.I usually use up all thewater. Divide in half andshape into two balls.Flatten balls into rounddisks. I like to refriger-ate dough anywherefrom 30 minutes to over-night, but that’s not nec-essary. (You can alsofreeze the dough for acouple of months, thaw-ing in refrigerator beforeusing). Roll out on lightlyfloured surface fromcenter out. I sprinkle abit of flour on top of thedough so it doesn’t stickto the rolling pin, or youcan skip flour and roll it

out between wax orparchment paper. Rollinto a circle inches widerthan pie plate.

Tip from Rita’skitchen

Yes, you can use thefood processor, too. Justuse the pulse button.

Rita’s pecan pieI use dark corn syrup.

Light corn syrup gives a“softer” flavor. Check outmy blog for chocolatepecan pie.

Crust for one pie3 large eggs, beaten untilfoamy

1 cup sugar2 tablespoons butter,melted

1 cup corn syrup, dark orlight

11⁄2 teaspoons vanilla1 heaping cup pecans,halved or chopped

Preheat oven to 350degrees. Beat eggs, sug-ar, butter, syrup andvanilla well with whisk.Stir in nuts. Pour intocrust. Bake 45-55 min-utes or until toothpickinserted in center comesout fairly clean. Checkafter 45 minutes. Pie willbe puffed and golden andjiggle a bit in the center

but that’s OK. Cool acouple of hours beforeserving.

Can you help?Hotel Sinton’s pea

salad for Jan B. ThisWestern Hills reader saidshe made it a lot andeveryone loved it. Shelost her recipe.

Rita Nader Heikenfeld is anherbalist, educator and au-thor. Find her blog online atCincinnati.Com/blogs. Emailher at [emailprotected] with “Rita’skitchen” in the subject line.Call 513-248-7130, ext. 356.

Rita ushers in baking season with crust, pecan pie

RitaHeikenfeldRITA’S KITCHEN

Rita made her pecan pie using her friend Perrin’s no-fail pie crust.THANKS TO RITA HEIKENFELD.

Gather your friendsfor the first “Taste for aCause” wine-tastingevent to benefit TheWomen’s Connection.

The event will be 6p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday,Oct. 10, in the CoronaRoom of Seton Center atThe College of Mount St.Joseph.

“This fall fundraiseris a terrific opportunityto try a variety of winesthat you may decide toadd to your holiday cele-brations. We will rafflefabulous themed basketsand offer good wine,good food, and a goodtime. So join us and helpus raise money for TheWomen’s Connection,”said Peggy Minnich,event chairperson.

Reservations are rec-ommended. Admission

charge is $25 per person,which includes tastingfive wines, appetizersand a chance for a doorprize. Alternative bever-ages will also be avail-able. Sponsorships arealso appreciated.

To register or formore information, con-tact Aimee at 513-471-4673.

The Women’s Connec-tion, a resource center inPrice Hill, has been com-mitted to strengtheningfamilies in the local com-munity since its openingin May 1997. The centerfocuses on empoweringand educating womenand girls to make goodchoices that lead to posi-tive change in their lives.Learn more about TheWomen’s Connection athttp://bit.ly/CCqMC.

Indulge your palate forthe women’s connection



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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (14)


Pink ribbons are nowalmost universally recog-nized as the symbol ofbreast cancer awarenessand fundraising, but sev-eral local women are hop-ing that teal ribbons willsoon be equally wellknown.

Teal is the color adopt-ed by ovarian cancer ad-vocacy groups, and withthe national Ovarian Can-cer Awareness Month ap-proaching in Septemberthe Ovarian Cancer Alli-ance of Greater Cincin-nati (OCAGC) will beshowing its zeal for teal astheywork to createpublicawareness of symptomsofovariancancerandpro-vide support for womenaffected by the disease.

The local nonprofitovarian cancer resourceorganization will sponsorits seventh annual Poweris Teal 5K Run/Walk for

Ovarian Cancer Aware-ness at 8:30 a.m. on Satur-day, Sept. 21, at LunkenPlayfield to help raisefunds and raise aware-ness of the symptoms ofovarian cancer to aid inearly detection.

A special invitation isextended to ovarian can-cer survivors, who mayregisteratnocost andwillreceive a special gift atthe event.

For other supporters,entry fees are $25 (adults)and $12 (children ages 6-12) before Sept.14 and $30(adults), $15 (children) af-ter Sept. 14.

Children ages 5 andun-derare free.Forcompletedetails and advance regis-tration, visit www.cincy-teal. kintera.org or call853-6370.

“Because ovarian can-cer has the highest mor-tality rate of all gyneco-logical cancers, there’ssometimes a mispercep-tion that ovarian cancersurvivors don’t exist,”saidMarthaFarr ofMont-

gomery, “butweareproofthat is not the case. ”

Susan Heitbrink ofWestern Hills added, “Weknow there are other sur-vivors and recently diag-nosed women in our com-munity who could reallybenefit from talking withwomen who have beenthrough the same situa-tion, andwehope theywillfind OCAGC and take ad-vantage of our pro-grams.”

Importantly, datashows that if ovarian can-cer is caught before it hasspread beyond the ova-ries, the five-year surviv-al rate is in the 90 percentrange. But because thesymptoms are subtle andnot well known, it is lesslikely than some othercancers to be found early.

Symptoms towatch forare persistent bloating,pelvic or abdominal pain,difficulty eating or feel-ing full quickly, and urin-ary symptoms (urgencyor frequency). Links to asymptom diary and a

symptomdiaryappcanbefound on OCAGC’s web-site atwww.cincyovarian-cancer.org/symptoms.html.

When Karen Kruse ofMadeira first started no-ticing symptoms, she hadno idea that they werecommon to ovarian can-cer. “Most women thinkconstipation, bloating andabdominal pain are onlyrelated to digestive issuesand don’t realize they canalso be warning signs ofovarian cancer.”

But the volunteers andsurvivors involved withOCAGC are determinedto improve this situation.According to Pat West ofEastgate, their passionfor the teal movement isheartfelt.

“We’ve been throughthe process ourselves andmany of our volunteershave lived through it witha friend or family mem-ber. Nowwe’re verymoti-vatedtodoallwecantoof-fer hope and help othersin the same situation.”

5K to raise ovarian cancer awareness

Five ovarian cancer survivors get ready for the Power isTeal 5K, Sept. 21, at Lunken Playfield. In back, from left, areKaren Herzog (Liberty Township), Karen Kruse (Madeira),Pat West (Eastgate); in front are Martha Farr(Montgomery), Susan Heitbrink (Western Hills) THANKS TOJAMIE EIFERT

It takes hundreds ofvolunteers to make a suc-cessful book sale, such asAnne Wissemeier, EricaBauer, Megan Hammer-smith, and ShannonDehne, who volunteeredat the last WestwoodBranch used book sale.

The branch hosts an-othersalefromSept.26-28at the branch, 3345 Ep-

worth Ave.. It will featurea good selection of fictionand nonfiction books forchildren and adults, pa-perbacks, and many au-diovisual items that in-clude books onCD,DVDs,VHS movies, and more.Cash, check, Visa andMasterCard are accepted.Most items are pricedfrom $1-$4.

“It would not be possi-ble to have a successfulbook sale without the gen-erosityof ourvolunteers,”branch manager KathyBach said. “People lovecoming in and getting abargain, and their pur-chase helps benefit the li-brary.”

Sale hours:» Thursday, Sept. 26,

noon-8 p.m.» Friday, Sept. 27, 10

a.m.-6 p.m.» Saturday, Sept. 28,10

a.m.-5 p.m.Through the Friends

funding thousands of freeprograms are presentedat theMainLibraryand40branches for children and

adults. It also providessupport for the annualsummer reading pro-gram, and purchase itemsfor the Library’s collec-

tion.For more information

contact the Friends’ ware-house at 513-369-6035 orthe Westwood Branch at

513-369-4474. You can [emailprotected],or visit http://bit.ly/C4pmf.

Westwood library used book sale Sept. 26-28

Anne Wissemeier, Erica Bauer, Megan Hammersmith and Shannon Dehne volunteered atthe 2012 Westwood Branch Used Book Sale. PROVIDED


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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (15)


CHEVIOTArrests/citationsKaneisha Mathis, 26, 1949Millvale Court, driving undersuspension, Sept. 4.Laronee Boards, 30, 1029Tennessee Ave., driving undersuspension, Sept. 5.Yacoubou Ousman, 48, 2400Westwood Northern Blvd.Apt. J7, driving under suspen-sion, Sept. 6.Cassey Lee, 28, 3931 TrevorAve. No. 2, driving undersuspension, Sept. 6.David Gillum, 37, 6587 RewingCourt, driving under suspen-sion, Sept. 9.Kathy L. Rottinghouse, 24, 125First St., theft, Sept. 3.Sean Lunsford, 23, 3911 NorthBend Road, open container,Sept. 4.Juvenile, 16, criminal trespassand obstructing official busi-ness, Sept. 7.Robert Welch, 27, 4561 Rox-bury Circle, disorderly con-duct, Sept. 8.Griffin Barlag, 23, 3904 Harri-son Ave., warrant, Sept. 8.Tracey Ducan, 36, 1790 Fair-mount Ave., warrant, Sept. 8.Kyle Becker, 28, 101 ClarebluffCourt, warrant, Sept. 8.

Incidents/reportsBurglaryTelevision, eight video gamesand 200 movies stolen fromhome at 3801 Dina TerraceNo. 11, Sept. 8.Criminal damagingInflatable swimming pool wascut at 3996 Trevor Ave., Sept.8.Misuse of credit cardVictim had their credit cardnumber used to make severalunauthorized purchases at3308 Gamble Ave., Sept. 3.Property damageWindow broken on vehicle byunknown means at 3429Miami Court, Sept. 3.TheftGasoline stolen from UnitedDairy Farmers at 4109 NorthBend Road, Aug. 30.Prescription medication stolenfrom home at 3838 Washing-ton Ave. No. 2, Sept. 3.Eyeglasses, money and a ringstolen from vehicle at 3964Glenmore Ave., Sept. 4.Apple iPad and a Nook e-reader stolen from vehicle at3731 Lovell Ave., Sept. 5.

CINCINNATI DISTRICT 3Arrests/citationsAshley Green, born 1988, childendangering or neglect, Aug.29.Kassandra L. Thomas, born1979, unauthorized use of amotor vehicle, Aug. 30.Sarah L. Novotin, born 1983,child endangering or neglect,Aug. 30.Sean P. Morgan, born 1978,domestic violence, Aug. 30.Charles V. Reid, born 1967,domestic violence, unautho-rized use of a motor vehicle,Aug. 31.Cherlissa Ramsey, born 1985,menacing, Aug. 31.David L. Robinson, born 1993,receiving a stolen motorvehicle, Aug. 31.Jackie A. Milline, born 1978,assault, Aug. 31.

Nicholas M. Overton, born1988, aggravated menacing,assault, drug abuse, illegalpossession of a prescriptiondrug, misdemeanor drugpossession, Aug. 31.Antrone E. Brown, born 1984,aggravated menacing, carry-ing concealed weapons,tampering with evidence,domestic violence, Sept. 1.Searra West, born 1992, as-sault, Sept. 1.Ian T. Fowler, born 1981, pos-session of drug abuse in-struments, possession of drugparaphernalia, Sept. 1.Steven L. Smith, born 1989,improper solicitation, Aug.28.Marlin Wallace, born 1994,possession of drugs, Aug. 28.Payton T. Mollaun, born 1992,theft, Aug. 30.Ryan Evans, born 1986, childendangering or neglect, Aug.31.Thomas D. McCoy, born 1976,disorderly conduct, Sept. 2.Deandre Dukes, born 1979,menacing, Sept. 2.Hope Jackson, born 1992,assault, Sept. 2.Kevin Freeman, born 1992,aggravated burglary, kid-napping, Sept. 3.Jermaine Higgins, born 1979,trafficking, drug abuse,resisting arrest, criminaltrespassing, Sept. 3.Janniesha S. Gibbs, born 1987,unauthorized use of a motorvehicle, Sept. 4.Monica Woody, born 1962,theft under $300, Sept. 4.Anthony Joseph Gorrasi, born1993, receiving stolen proper-ty, Sept. 4.Brian Pedigo, born 1973,possession of drug abuseinstruments, theft under$300, Sept. 4.Karen S. King, born 1962,domestic violence, Sept. 5.Venshay Akins, born 1993,domestic violence, Sept. 5.Jamie Forte, born 1986, pos-session of drug abuse in-struments, assault, Sept. 6.Sheri A. Slusher, born 1982,theft under $300, Sept. 6.Kevin Harris, born 1982, as-sault, Sept. 6.Ashley Webb, born 1991,possession of drug parapher-nalia, Sept. 6.Damien C. Shank, born 1977,assault, domestic violence,Sept. 7.Trenessa Townsend, born 1987,assault, Sept. 7.Mark Wynn, born 1959, as-sault, misdemeanor drugpossession, Sept. 7.Russell G. Hamer, born 1984,

possession of drug abuseinstruments, Sept. 7.David Baldrick, born 1980,domestic violence, assault,Sept. 7.Cervantee Wallace, born 1989,criminal damaging or en-dangering, Sept. 7.Russell G. Hamer, born 1984,criminal trespassing, Sept. 7.Carolyn Yvonne Hester, born1971, aggravated burglary,Sept. 8.Larry Harris, born 1987, crimi-nal damaging or endanger-ing, Sept. 8.Heather Faulkner, born 1991,obstructing official business,Sept. 8.Shacolby Shelton, born 1990,unauthorized use of a motorvehicle, Sept. 8.Dylan J. Wilkins, born 1991,possession of drug parapher-nalia, aggravated menacing,Sept. 8.Rebecca L. Vonrissen, born1990, assault, Sept. 8.Erin R. Teal, born 1987, pos-session of drug parapherna-lia, possession of drug abuseinstruments, drug abuse,Sept. 8.Carl Dowell, born 1979, do-mestic violence, possession ofan open flask, Sept. 8.

Incidents/reportsAbduction1913 Wyoming Ave., Aug. 26.Aggravated menacing4100 Heyward St., Aug. 23.2642 Harrison Ave., Aug. 23.1748 Dewey Ave., Aug. 27.3335 Stanhope Ave., Aug. 31.1114 Winfield Ave., Sept. 1.1924 Westmont Lane, Sept. 3.2642 Harrison Ave., Sept. 3.Aggravated robbery3829 Glenway Ave., Aug. 24.2655 Wendee Drive, Aug. 27.2655 Wendee Drive, Aug. 27.Assault800 Trenton Ave., Aug. 23.4161W. Eighth St., Aug. 24.594 Rosemont Ave., Aug. 24.4929 Cleves Warsaw Pike, Aug.25.3001 Harrison Ave., Aug. 25.3200 Harrison Ave., Aug. 25.2453 Westwood NorthernBlvd., Aug. 27.3068 Jadaro Court, Aug. 27.2300 Wyoming Ave., Aug. 28.1416 Manss Ave., Aug. 30.2222 Harrison Ave., Aug. 31.2626 Cora Ave., Aug. 31.2701 East Tower Drive, Aug.31.2731 East Tower Drive, Aug.31.3335 Stanhope Ave., Aug. 31.4263 Delridge Drive, Sept. 1.1214 McKeone Ave., Sept. 2.

2303 Wyoming Ave., Sept. 2.2600 Lafeuille Ave., Sept. 2.2897 Harrison Ave., Sept. 2.2380 Harrison Ave., Sept. 3.5339 Glenway Ave., Sept. 4.5341 Glenway Ave., Sept. 5.3047 Veazey Ave., Sept. 6.Breaking and entering5041 Cleves Warsaw Pike, Aug.25.2353 Harrison Ave., Aug. 25.2933 Eggers Place, Aug. 25.1318 Beech Ave., Aug. 26.2487 Harrison Ave., Aug. 27.3216 McHenry Ave., Aug. 28.1014 Lusitania Ave., Aug. 29.3050 Bracken Woods Lane,Aug. 29.2671 Cora Ave., Aug. 31.4008 Glenway Ave., Sept. 2.4095 Flower Ave., Sept. 2.2608 Harrison Ave., Sept. 5.Burglary4946 Cleves Warsaw Pike, Aug.21.2443 Westwood NorthernBlvd., Aug. 23.2701 East Tower Drive, Aug.24.2731 East Tower Drive, Aug.25.2951 Blue Haven Terrace, Aug.26.2642 Harrison Ave., Aug. 27.2829 Queen City Ave., Aug. 27.2947 Westbrook Drive, Aug.27.3134 Glenmore Ave., Aug. 27.2855 Shaffer Ave., Aug. 28.2902 Fourtowers Drive, Aug.28.2929 Lischer Ave., Aug. 28.3324 Hanna Ave., Aug. 28.4021 St. Lawrence Ave., Aug.29.3772 W. Liberty St., Aug. 30.3289 Montana Ave., Aug. 30.1218 Rosemont Ave., Aug. 31.2738 Shaffer Ave., Aug. 31.1107 Winfield Ave., Sept. 1.4413 W. Eighth St., Sept. 1.

2710 East Tower Drive, Sept. 1.1418 Manss Ave., Sept. 2.3482 Hazelwood Ave., Sept. 2.2702 East Tower Drive, Sept. 3.2947 Queen City Ave., Sept. 3.3121Westbrook Drive, Sept. 3.1027 Winfield Ave., Sept. 4.1251 Sliker Ave., Sept. 4.

Criminaldamaging/endangering4132 W. Eighth St., Aug. 24.1034 Benz Ave., Aug. 25.1621Wyoming Ave., Aug. 25.

2144 Ferguson Road, Aug. 25.4900 Rapid Run Road, Aug. 25.2729 Erlene Drive, Aug. 26.4914 Shirley Place, Aug. 27.2453 Westwood NorthernBlvd., Aug. 27.2545 Montana Ave., Aug. 27.2655 Wendee Drive, Aug. 27.3185 Ferncrest Court, Aug. 27.4751 Clevesdale Drive, Aug. 28.1945 Dunham Way, Aug. 29.1945 Dunham Way, Aug. 29.


ABOUT POLICE REPORTSThe Community Press publishes the names of all adults

charged with offenses. The information is a matter ofpublic record and does not imply guilt or innocence.To contact your local police department:

» Cheviot: Chief Joseph Lally, 661-2700 (days), 825-2280(evenings)» Cleves: Chief Bill Renner, 941-1212» Cincinnati District 3: Capt. Russell A. Neville, 263-8300» Green Township: Chief Bart West, 574-0007; vandalismhotline, 574-5323» North Bend and Miami Township are patrolled by theHamilton County: Sheriff Jim Neil, 825-1500

See POLICE, Page B6

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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (16)


2785 Queen City Ave., Aug. 29.5098 Glencrossing Way, Aug.29.4441W. Eighth St., Aug. 30.3358 Cavanaugh Ave., Aug. 30.4789 Rapid Run Road, Aug. 31.1881 Ashbrook Drive, Sept. 2.3920 Glenway Ave., Sept. 2.911 Rutledge Ave., Sept. 3.3050 West Tower Ave., Sept. 3.3740 Boudinot Ave., Sept. 3.1259 Rutledge Ave., Sept. 4.2270 Harrison Ave., Sept. 4.2955 Montana Ave., Sept. 4.3289 Montana Ave., Sept. 4.4116 St. Lawrence Ave., Sept.5.3246 Queen City Ave., Sept. 6.Domestic violenceReported on Erlene Drive,Aug. 24.Reported on Gilsey Avenue,Aug. 25.Reported on Westwood North-ern Boulevard, Aug. 25.Reported on West EighthStreet, Aug. 27.Reported on Werk Road, Aug.27.Reported on Westmont Lane,Aug. 29.Reported on Harrison Avenue,Aug. 30.Reported on Costello Avenue,Sept. 2.Reported on Dewey Avenue,Sept. 3.Reported on East Tower Drive,Sept. 3.Reported on Glenmore Ave-nue, Sept. 5.Felonious assault2420 Montana Ave., Aug. 24.3201 Boudinot Ave., Aug. 25.1913 Wyoming Ave., Aug. 26.

2900 Boudinot Ave., Aug. 27.3761Westmont Drive, Aug. 31.2270 Harrison Ave., Sept. 4.Gross sexual impositionReported on Yearling Court,Aug. 22.Reported on Ferguson Road,Sept. 4.Menacing1919 Colony Drive, Aug. 23.5560 Glenway Ave., Aug. 23.2482 Ferguson Road, Aug. 26.1507 Beech Ave., Aug. 28.2222 Harrison Ave., Aug. 31.2258 Harrison Ave., Aug. 31.4675 Rapid Run Road, Sept. 2.3300 Meyer Place, Sept. 5.RapeReported on Montana Avenue,Aug. 25.Reported on Westmont Drive,Aug. 30.Receiving stolen property1000 Vienna Woods Drive,Sept. 3.Robbery6000 Glenway Ave., Aug. 23.2506 Queen City Ave., Aug. 24.2709 East Tower Drive, Aug.26.Taking the identity ofanother3026 Montana Ave., Aug. 27.Theft2964 Westbrook Drive, Aug.22.3380 Rodeo Court, Aug. 22.4210 Glenway Ave., Aug. 23.4944 Western Hills Ave., Aug.23.2459 Westwood NorthernBlvd., Aug. 23.2733 Queen City Ave., Aug. 23.5625 Glenway Ave., Aug. 23.6000 Glenway Ave., Aug. 23.1039 Rosemont Ave., Aug. 24.4210 Glenway Ave., Aug. 24.

4210 Glenway Ave., Aug. 24.2756 Queen City Ave., Aug. 24.3001Westwood NorthernBlvd., Aug. 24.1220 First Ave., Aug. 25.2310 Ferguson Road, Aug. 25.2921 Costello Ave., Aug. 25.1759 Gilsey Ave., Aug. 26.4100 W. Eighth St., Aug. 26.2310 Ferguson Road, Aug. 26.5555 Glenway Ave., Aug. 26.1945 Dunham Way, Aug. 27.4122 Flower Ave., Aug. 27.4329 St. Lawrence Ave., Aug.27.4641 Joana Place, Aug. 27.4963 Relleum Ave., Aug. 27.2936 Woodrow Ave., Aug. 27.6165 Glenway Ave., Aug. 27.1638 Gilsey Ave., Aug. 28.3920 Glenway Ave., Aug. 28.4220 Glenway Ave., Aug. 28.2322 Ferguson Road, Aug. 28.2860 Morningridge Drive,Aug. 28.2888 Harrison Ave., Aug. 28.3115 Pickbury Drive, Aug. 28.1605 Wyoming Ave., Aug. 29.3772 W. Liberty St., Aug. 29.4008 Glenway Ave., Aug. 29.4805 Glenway Ave., Aug. 29.2435 Mustang Drive, Aug. 29.2445 Harrison Ave., Aug. 29.2684 Erlene Drive, Aug. 29.3338 Cavanaugh Ave., Aug. 29.4030 Heyward, Aug. 30.808 Greenwich Ave., Aug. 30.1136 Gilsey Ave., Aug. 30.2580 Queen City Ave., Aug. 30.3273 Hanna Ave., Aug. 30.4369 Carnation Circle, Aug. 31.2227 McBreen Ave., Aug. 31.2301 Harrison Ave., Aug. 31.2720 Queen City Ave., Aug. 31.1744 Dewey Ave., Sept. 1.4104 W. Liberty St., Sept. 1.3308 Broadwell Ave., Sept. 1.

3745 Westmont Drive, Sept. 2.4420 Glenway Ave., Sept. 2.4616 Joana Place, Sept. 2.4718 Loretta Ave., Sept. 2.2831 Harrison Ave., Sept. 2.2852 Ratterman Ave., Sept. 2.1824 Sunset Ave., Sept. 3.2322 Ferguson Road, Sept. 3.2731 East Tower Drive, Sept. 3.6150 Glenway Ave., Sept. 3.6150 Glenway Ave., Sept. 3.6249 Glenway Ave., Sept. 3.1223 Beech Ave., Sept. 4.1247 Sliker Ave., Sept. 4.3759 Westmont Drive, Sept. 4.2310 Ferguson Road, Sept. 4.2310 Ferguson Road, Sept. 4.2322 Ferguson Road, Sept. 4.2883 Harrison Ave., Sept. 4.2967 Westknolls Lane, Sept. 4.6000 Glenway Ave., Sept. 4.1226 Manss Ave., Sept. 5.2520 Harrison Ave., Sept. 5.2980 Veazey Ave., Sept. 5.6000 Glenway Ave., Sept. 5.6150 Glenway Ave., Sept. 5.6150 Glenway Ave., Sept. 5.6150 Glenway Ave., Sept. 5.1057 Winfield Ave., Sept. 6.4288 Foley Road, Sept. 6.Unauthorized use of amotor vehicle2484 Queen City Ave., Aug. 26.1815 Wegman Ave., Aug. 28.2400 Harrison Ave., Aug. 30.2618 Montana Ave., Aug. 31.Violation of a protectionorder/consent agreement3324 Hanna Ave., Aug. 28.

GREEN TOWNSHIPArrests/citationsJacob D. Cox, 23, 3364 NorthBend Road No. 8, burglary,Aug. 22.Juvenile, 11, assault, Aug. 23.Darnell Wallace, 22, 9117Winton Road No. 1, improperhandling of firearm in motorvehicle, Aug. 23.James P. Leboeuf, 35, 3409McHenry Ave. No. 10A, theft,Aug. 23.Ashley N. Black, 23, 1711 Sher-man Ave. No. 2, theft, Aug.24.Angel C. Taylor, 30, 3586Reading Road No. 18, theft,Aug. 25.Bill M. Padgett, 41, 6181Bridgetown Road, violatingprotection order, Aug. 25.Jesse D. Watt, 23, 3805 DinaTerrace No. 1, possession ofmarijuana and drug para-phernalia, Aug. 25.Thomas W. Dawson, 39, 4970Cleves Warsaw, drug abuse,Aug. 26.Kirk R. Long, 42, 1026 SchiffSt., theft, Aug. 26.Erica Mills, 24, 323 Second St.,drug abuse, obstructingjustice and possessing drugabuse instruments, Aug. 26.Jacob A. Lippolis, 24, 6455Branchill Guinea Pike, theft,Aug. 27.John C. Mistler II, 33, 3605Robb Ave., drug parapherna-lia, Aug. 27.Andrew Gagnon, 25, 3290Bellacre Court, open contain-er, Aug. 28.Pamela C. Wallace, 48, 5838Lathrop Place, assault, Aug.28.Juvenile, 15, failure to comply,receiving stolen property andobstructing official business,Aug. 30.Juvenile, 15, receiving stolenproperty and obstructingofficial business, Aug. 30.Jessica A. Phillips, 22, 2317Maryland Ave. No. 3, drugpossession and obstructingofficial business, Aug. 30.Carl B. Fulton, 42, 2813 Blue

Rock Road No. 3, domesticviolence, Aug. 31.Frederick W. Louis, 48, 11481Oxfordshire Lane, assault,Sept. 1.Anthony J. Muckley, 27, 4312Boudinot Ave., possession ofmarijuana, Sept. 2.Louise G. McGuffin, 56, 2003Bellglade Terrace, tamperingwith evidence, Sept. 3.John H. Bowman, 57, 3540Jessup Road No. 1, disorderlyconduct while intoxicated,Sept. 3.Kierstin Roseberry, 20, 4459Mayhew Ave., theft, Sept. 3.Kenneth Bauman, 33, 11 EastNinth St., theft, Sept. 4.Daryl Shepherd, 59, 8517Sunlight Drive, theft, Sept. 4.Cindy Scott, 42, 3457 PatriotCourt, criminal trespass andcriminal damaging, Sept. 5.Shannon E. Schweinberg, 27,492 Burhun, drug possession,Sept. 6.Juvenile, 17, domestic vio-lence, Sept. 6.David R. Baldrick, 32, 238Pedretti Ave., resisting arrest,Sept. 7.Dwayne G. Lowe, 24, 5751Pearton Court, possession ofmarijuana, Sept. 7.Justin P. Staggs, 33, no addresslisted, possessing drug abuseinstruments, Sept. 8.Adam M. Littelmann, 23, 2930Lischer Ave., theft, Sept. 8.

Incidents/reportsAssaultSuspect allegedly punchedvictim at 6510 Glenway Ave.,Sept. 2.Breaking and enteringElectric service cables cut toGreen Township LicenseAgency during break in at-tempt, but nothing foundmissing at 5694 Harrison Ave.,Aug. 25.Copper piping and wiringstolen from home at 5302Rybolt Road, Aug. 28.Assorted food, cigarettes,medicine and cigars stolenfrom Ameristop at 3670Muddy Creek, Aug. 30.Assorted ammunition, routerand a circular saw stolen fromhome’s garage at 6600 HayesRoad, Aug. 30.Car stereo amplifier, amplifier,DVD/car stereo and twopneumatic sanders stolenfrom home’s garage at 1875Ebenezer Road, Aug. 31.Four dirt bikes stolen fromhome’s barn at 5598 JulmarDrive, Sept. 3.Criminal damagingBurglaryWindow screen torn on homeduring burglary attempt, butentry was not gained at 6323Werk Road, Aug. 23.Criminal damagingGraffiti painted on home’s twogarage doors at 5439 HaftRoad, Aug. 25.Sink broken in men’s restroomat Blue Rock Park at 3010 BlueRock Road, Aug. 28.Window broken on home’sgarage at 2232 Sylved Lane,Aug. 30.Rear window broken andwindshield cracked on vehicleat 3767 Jessup Road, Aug. 30.Three windows and rear win-dow broken on vehicle at5586 Clearidge Lane, Aug. 30.Lawn ornament knockeddown and damaged in frontof home at 2003 BellgladeTerrace, Aug. 31.Window broken and windowframe dented on vehicle at

7186 Ruwes Oak Drive, Aug.31.Two flower pots broken andtoilet paper thrown in treesin home’s front yard at 3675Hubble Road, Sept. 1.Window screen cut on home’sgarage at 2300 Sylved Lane,Sept. 3.Window broken on vehicle at3803 Hubble Road, Sept. 4.Windshield cracked on vehicleat 4406 Homelawn Ave., Sept.5.Domestic disputeArgument between man andwoman at Giffindale Drive,Aug. 23.Argument between parentand child at OrchardparkDrive, Aug. 27.Argument between man andwoman at Northglen Road,Aug. 28.Argument between man andwoman at Harrison Avenue,Aug. 30.Argument between man andwoman at North Bend Road,Sept. 1.Argument between man andwoman at Jessup Road, Sept.1.Argument between parentand child at Castlewood Lane,Sept. 2.Argument between spouses atMoonridge Drive, Sept. 2.Argument between parentand child at Lakewood Drive,Sept. 5.Argument between man andwoman at MeadowviewDrive, Sept. 7.Passing bad checkCheck written on account withinsufficient funds passed atMetro Used Cars at 4497Harrison Ave., Aug. 22.Check written on account withinsufficient funds passed atMetro Used Cars at 4497Harrison Ave., Aug. 22.Property damageTwo tires slashed on vehicle at3900 Florence Road, Aug. 23.Home’s yard damaged by largeamount of dirt spilling onto itfrom neighboring yard at3033 Kleeman Road, Aug. 26.Vehicle quarter panel dam-aged when struck by shop-ping cart in lot at Kroger at5830 Harrison Ave., Aug. 26.Door dented and paintchipped on vehicle at 4240Pictureview Lane, Aug. 30.Outside mirror broken onvehicle at 6232 Cheviot Road,Sept. 2.Several layers of siding priedoff of home at 2890 ParkwalkDrive, Sept. 4.TheftLeaf blower, weed trimmer,lawn mower, chainsaw, pullsaw, snow blower, air com-pressor, shovel and impactwrench stolen from home at5490 Haft Road, Aug. 10.Cellphone, two credit cardsand jewelry stolen from onevehicle, and a purse andmoney stolen from secondvehicle at 5850 Muddy Creek,Aug. 12.Amplifier, two subwoofers andpair of sunglasses stolen fromvehicle at 5803 Gold DustDrive, Aug. 13.Window broken on vehicleand vehicle was rifledthrough, but unknown ifanything was stolen at 5769Opengate Court, Aug. 13.Prescription medicine stolenfrom victim’s purse at 5890


See POLICE, Page B7

Continued from Page B5

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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (17)


ADDYSTON235 Main St.: Three Rivers Sch.Dist. to Glick, William; $9,000.243 Main St.: Three Rivers Sch.Dist. to Glick, William; $9,000.249 Main St.: Three Rivers Sch.Dist. to Glick, William; $9,000.115 First St.: Federal Home LoanMortgage Corp. to Getz, Melis-sa; $12,000.113 First St.: Federal Home LoanMortgage Corp. to Getz, Melis-sa; $12,000.115 First St.: Federal Home LoanMortgage Corp. to Means,Dwayne; $12,000.

CHEVIOT3767 Darwin Ave.: North SideBank and Trust Co. The to Lake,Lawrence L.; $76,900.3924 Glenmore Ave.: Aker,Catharine E. to Britton, Michaeland Heather Gunther; $86,000.4052 McFarran Ave.: FrenchManor Properties LLC to Ma-glin, Lawrence; $311,710.3607 Puhlman Ave.: Oldendick,Louis E. to Deutsche BankNational Trust Co. Tr.; $38,000.3710Westwood Northern Blvd.:Cummings, Catherine to U.S.Bank NA Tr.; $70,000.3716 Forest Court: Loeb, Stephen

to Flaig, Nicholas and KatherineSigafoos; $120,000.4150 Harrison Ave.: Duncan OilCo. to MBJK Investors Ltd.;$150,000.3717 Lovell Ave.: Benken, Mi-chael L. to Hendrix, ElizabethA.; $74,900.4110 McFarran Ave.: Poland,William J. and Mary E. Knierimto Cohen, Katelyn E.; $107,000.3431Orchard Court: Cassaro,Nicholas A. and Christina K.Laub to Oleary, Amanda;$92,300.3911 Trevor Ave.: Wenke, Ste-phen J. to Wenke, Daniel J.;$50,000.3986Washington Ave.: BurnetCapital LLC to VBOH Annex LLC;$29,900.

CLEVES309 Newpine Drive: Stock,BrandonM. and Laura A. toStudt, Adam F. and Julie;$303,000.30 Miami Ave.: Fideli, AnthonyWayne to Cheviot Savings Bank;$114,000.

EASTWESTWOOD2319 Henrianne Court: Pigram,Viola F. to Burns, Nicole;$35,000.

GREEN TOWNSHIP4197 Angie Court: Poli, LisaDiane to Menkhaus, Mark C.and Julie M.; $160,000.5294 Belclare Road: Kraemer,Michael and Sharon Sorg toKraemer, Michael T. and GracieA. Duncan; $51,145.Boulder Path Drive: Boulder PathLLC to City View LLC; $128,000.4504 Clearwater Place: Fohl, PaulH. and Janet T. to Hochhausler,Elise F. and Joseph M.; $110,000.3620 Coral Gables Road: Brigger,Jason T. to McMahan, MaryCarol; $105,500.5967 Cottontail Court: Stein-mann, Gary B. to Manley, VernaI. and Demian J. Steinmann;$80,000.2751 Country Woods Lane:Lambers, Vincent W. to Weller,James L. and Geraldine R.;$205,000.3301Harwinton Lane: Catucci,Cynthia A. to Jenkins, Bryan P.and Tia M. Reid; $98,500.5544 Hickory Ridge Lane: Gha-tak, Biplab and Sarbani toFederal National MortgageAssociation; $54,000.4271Homelawn Ave.: Dyer,Michael J. and Patricia A. Ottketo Miller, AndrewW.; $108,000.3619 Lakewood Drive: Weiskittel,Richard E. to McWilliams,Michael B. Jr.; $103,000.3576 Locust Lane: Schwartz,Edmund C. and Shirley J. toFederal Home Loan MortgagCorp.; $60,000.5556 Lucenna Drive: Weber,Steven Raymond to Schmidt,Nancy Weber Tr. and; $134,530.5326 MeadowWalk Lane:Freking, Mildred to Lecount,Charlene and Charles R.;$96,500.6142 Oakhaven Drive: Weller,James L. and Geraldine R. toBorn, Ryan G. and Angela M.;$215,000.2857 Orchardpark Drive: Fee,James A. to Diallo, Boubacar;$219,000.5321Orchardvalley Drive: Nar-delli, Vincent and Lenora toRedmann, Andrew J. andAmanda; $159,500.

2827 Roseann Lane: Queen,Jennifer L. to Smallwood,Dianna; $92,000.6355 Sherrybrook Drive: Za-nitsch, Dorothy to Kincaid, JimA. and Cheryl Lynn; $290,000.4137 Simca Lane: Bastian, AnnaLou to Reitz, Daniel Jr.;$100,000.2355 South Road: Abel, Marcel-lus M. and Diane M. to Gerst,Amanda M.; $217,500.Summit Lake Drive: Boulder PathLLC to City View LLC; $128,000.5984West Fork Road: Jaeger,Michael to Deutsche BankNational Trust Co. Tr.; $170,000.2195Woodmere Court: Ad-vantage Bank to VBOH AnnexLLC; $36,500.4476 Abby Court: Quinn, RalphE. to Weiskittel, Richard Ed-ward; $155,000.4911Arbor Woods Court: Sailer,Ruth to Sinnard, Jay D.; $65,000.3957 Biehl Ave.: Ormsby, RandalII to Bank of America NA;$40,000.5736 Biscayne Ave.: Hettesheim-er, Jeff and Stacy to Citimort-gage Inc.; $52,000.5642 Bridgetown Road: Holt-mann, Robert J. to Grimm,James Michael; $65,500.5654 Cheviot Road: NationstarMortgage LLC to Scott, Zakary;$35,000.5537 Childs Ave.: Volker, JamesW. and Elizabeth A. to Carter,Alexander J. and Stacey L.;$109,000.4504 Clearwater Place: Diebel,Kathy J. to Federal NationalMortgage Association; $60,000.3575 Constitution Court: Ful-wiler, Jeffrey D. and Kelly C. toHaas, Douglas A. and Sarah R.;$188,400.6082 Countryhills Drive: Schmitt,Judith L. to Cammerer, Daryl;$175,000.3952 Drew Ave.: Federal HomeLoan Mortgage Corp. to Ziep-fel, Andrew J.; $82,000.3423 Ebenezer Road: Rinear,Melanie L. and Joshua Rohmanto Keller, BrandonM.; $101,500.3995 Ebenezer Road: Heckman,Marla L. and Andrew to Adams,Sherry L. and Douglas R.;$126,500.3638 Edgebrook Drive: Brandt,Ashley N. to Felix, Krista;$107,500.5573 Fairwood Road: Kreimer,Lawrence Joseph Jr. and Christi-na C. to Overberg, Marie N.;$118,000.Filview Circle: G. Davis Ccm LLCto Filview Alliance LLC;$550,000.4413 Harrison Ave.: Fannie Maeto VBOH Annex LLC; $43,000.6257 Kingoak Drive: FederalHome Loan Mortgage Corp. toSchaible, Ashlee N. and ZacharyW.; $146,000.4977 Kleeman Green Drive:Jordan, Debbie L. and ColleenWageley to Zanitsch, David E.and Dorothy M.; $188,900.6012 Lawrence Road: Rogers,Cynthia B. to McCoy, NicholasA.; $106,875.5941 LeewardWay: Mullen,Daniel J. to Meyer, JenniferLynn; $112,500.

6825 Legacy Ridge Lane: Hirth,Leslie A. and Jason R. to Grei-venkamp, Kyle M. and Krista D.;$266,000.1470 Linneman Road: Corcoran,Eric M. and Allison C. Seal toKleinholz, Frederick P. andDebra K.; $140,000.5000 Mallard Crossing Lane:Lecount, Charles R. Jr. andCharlane M. to Herrmann, JohnP. and Laura E.; $289,500.5321Manortree Lane: Bonner,John J. and Elizabeth K. to Abel,Marcellus M. and Diane M.;$355,000.3252 Milverton Court: Vollmer,Dale Allen and Susan M. toLink, Dennis R. and Janel;$150,000.3288 Milverton Court: Pitchford,Christopher T. to Lewis, Brian S.and Tara N.; $206,000.5333 North Bend Crossing:Murphy, Kevin C. and SuzanneM. Whitmer to Krems, Robert J.;$110,000.5143 North Bend Crossing:Gramalgia, Brenda Gay toMcDonald, Marlene F.; $119,900.5311Orchardridge Court: Bark-man, Brett J. and Kelly L. toKuethe, Curtis A. and MaggieL.; $144,000.5231 Ponce Lane: Puls, William J.and Mary K. to Beggs, Gina L.;$117,500.4069 Race Road: Taylor, StevenW. and Debra J. to Streicher,Scott W.; $107,500.5592 Raceview Ave.: CheviotSavings Bank to McGregorHoldings LLC; $35,000.7156 Ruwes Oak Drive: Williams,Benjamin E. and Trisha Chas-tang to McCoy, Bradley A. andJennifer L.; $224,500.3947 School Section Road: Reker,Melva L. Tr. to Lawwill, Gene D.;$60,500.4597 School Section Road:tit*chinger, Criss and Casey A.Roberts to Gray, Joseph E. andNatasha M.; $93,000.3357 Starhaven Trail: McDonald,Marlene F. to Foster, Leroy andYvonne; $169,900.6730 Taylor Road: Henkenberns,Elmer F. Jr. and Donna M. Noeto Deutsche Bank National TrustCo. Tr.; $28,000.5715Walkerton Drive: Schuer-mann, Sue Ellen to Donovan,Kathryn G.; $165,000.6837Wesselman Road: Richter,Patrick to Page, Matthew D.and Ashley L.; $199,000.West Fork Road: Brown, WilliamJ. and Barbara E. to Weber, CarlF. and Christa M.; $51,000.4585West Fork Road: Hodapp,Jean M. to Kennedy, CodyDouglas; $75,000.

MIAMI TOWNSHIP2480 Brower Road: White, Ray L.and Donna D. to Federal HomeLoan Mortgag Corp.; $36,000.9658 Brower Road: White, Ray L.and Donna D. to Federal HomeLoan Mortgag Corp.; $36,000.5067 DeerviewWoods Drive:O’Brien, Mary J. to U.S. Bank NATr.; $345,000.9781Mount Nebo Road: PartTime Construction LLC to Penz-es, Kimberly S.; $106,300.

St. CloudWay: Holmes Blacktopand Concrete Inc. to Scigliulo,Frank and Rita E.; $40,000.Chance Drive: Sbn Reo LLC toTimmerman, Matthew andStacy; $57,900.3009 Fiddlers Green Road: Bova,Charles Tr. to Heidel, CurtisJoseph; $110,100.3888 Nottingham Court: Schaef-er, Ronald W. and Patricia E. toTapogna, Susan A. and StephenR.; $340,000.4444 St. CloudWay: Baltes, RickiS. to Hausman, Charles J. andJacqueline M.; $45,000.7980 Tall Timbers Drive: McMur-ray, Erin K. to Fifth Third Mort-gage Co.; $34,000.3418 Triplecrown Drive: Cahill,Carol Ann to Stone, Saundra L.;$199,000.3728 Yorkshire Circle: Auter, P.Richard to Poskonka, Bernardand Sally Jo; $208,000.

WESTWOOD3641Allview Circle: Riggs, Jessicato Bank of New York MellonThe; $46,000.2945 Boudinot Ave.: FederalNational Mortgage Associationto HOF Group LLC; $27,000.3951 Farrell Drive: Dalton, Den-nis L. to Steele, Venetia Renee;$47,000.3252 Hanna Ave.: Martini,Lauren to Sutherland, Ashley B.;$108,000.2249 Harrison Ave.: Ulrich, AnnaL. and Gregory J. Cristiani toFederal National MortgageAssociation; $36,000.2295 Harrison Ave.: Fifth ThirdBank to Soumare, Mody Sr. andGnatou; $14,000.2526 Meyerhill Drive: Ferguson,Ernest D. to Carmony, Larry andDiane G.; $55,000.2618 Montana Ave.: DMG Rent-als 1 LLC to 2618 Montana LLC;$200,000.2729 Ruberg Ave.: FederalNational Mortgage Associationto HOF Group LLC; $7,200.3314 Sheridan St.: Fifth ThirdMortgage Co. to Suesz, Josephand Geneva Hinton; $38,000.2947Wardall Ave.: Young,Virginia M. to Burke, BryanClifton andMelanie MarieMurphy; $81,000.2683 Cora Ave.: Niangane,Mama to Drame, Lassana andGakou Oumou; $10,000.2932 Feltz Ave.: Middleton,Elizabeth A. to Dunn, TeneeshaM.; $80,000.2625 Fenton Ave.: SouthernOhio Property Investments Ltd.to Hamlet, John Dewey; $10.3415 Ferncroft Drive: Richardson,David L. to Perkins, Jill R.;$53,900.2100 Harrison Ave.: WW2100 LLCto Liberty Redevelopment IVLLC; $136,000.3089 McHenry Ave.: GGS andAssociates LLC to Tritex RealEstate Advisors Inc.; $600,000.3091McHenry Ave.: GGS andAssociates LLC to Tritex RealEstate Advisors Inc.; $600,000.3097 McHenry Ave.: GGS andAssociates LLC to Tritex RealEstate Advisors Inc.; $600,000.3283 Montana Ave.: Sabol,Michael to Walker, James;$103,000.2710 Robert Ave.: Stigall, JimmyR. to Piperski, Sean Michael;$100.3311 Stanhope Ave.: PNMAC


ABOUT REAL ESTATE TRANSFERSInformation is provided as a public service by the office

of Hamilton County Auditor Dusty Rhodes. Neighborhooddesignations are approximate.


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Expires 9-30-13

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Pre-registration and Prepayment RequiredMust be received by October 3, 2013

Payment can be by check, cash or credit cardMake checks payable and mail to:

Hamilton County SWCD,22 Triangle Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45246

or visit our website at www.hcswcd.org to registerFor additional information, please call 513-772-7645

Hamilton County

Soil and Water ConservationDistrict

68th Annual MeetingOctober 10, 2013,

Join us for one last COOKOUT for the year!Enjoy a scrumptious grilled steak and fish dinner from Jack’s CateringInc. at the Hamilton County Park’s Sharon Woods Centre, 11450Lebanon Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241. Cost is $10.00 per person,parking included. Dinner will start at 6:00pm with a business meetingto follow at 6:30pm. The meeting includes honoring communitymembers for their conservation accomplishments. The District willhave their annual silent auction filled with interesting items.The silentauction will benefit the Odegard – Diebel EducationScholarship fund.

Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (18)


ABOUT OBITUARIESBasic obituary information and a color photograph of

your loved one is published without charge by The Com-munity Press. Please call us at 853-6262 for a submissionform. To publish a larger memorial tribute, call 242-4000 orpricing details.

Patricia FrostPatricia Ann Frost, 76, died

Sept. 6. She worked at theWashington Park School for theVisually Impaired for 25 years.

Survived byhusband Clyde“Bill” Frost;children Shar-on Chalk,Linda Holland,Debra Miller,Jackie Black,Brian Frost;grandchildren

Melissa Frost, Willis, MathewGober, Chris Holland, BriannaBlack, Brian Frost; brothersGene, Jim, Tim O’Brien; 10great-grandchildren.

Services were Sept. 12 atRadel Funeral Home.

Juanita GrearJuanita Lynch Grear, 76, died

Sept. 9.Survived by husband Robert

Grear; children Bob (Debbie)Grear, Mike (Chasity) Grear,Pam (John) Kuhr, Patricia (Chris)Niesen; brothers Lonnie, Pete(Judy), Bill (Dian) Howard; 12grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Preceded indeath by sister Mabel Howard.

Services were Sept. 12 atDalbert, Woodruff & IsenogleFuneral Home. Memorials to:Alzheimer’s Association, 644Linn St., Suite 1026, Cincinnati,OH 45203.

Peggy HebelPeggy O’Brien Hebel, 78,

died Sept. 5. She worked forBaxter Medical.

Survived by children MaryBeth (Kevin) Schramm, DanHebel; grandchildren Ashley,Adam, Andrew Schramm;brothers Mike, Tom O’Brien.Preceded in death by husbandMartin “Dan” Hebel, brothersSonny, Jim O’Brien.

Services were Sept. 11 at St.Joseph Church. Arrangementsby Rebold, Rosenacker & SextonFuneral Home. Memorials to:Circle of Mercy ScholarshipFund, Class of 1952, Mercy HighSchool, 3036 Werk Road, Cin-cinnati, OH 45211.

Jeanette HehemannJeanette Boyle Hehemann,

88, died Sept. 11.She was a member of Delhi

Historical Society and Legion ofMary, past president of SetonAlumnae, an officer of the

Elder Dads’Club, andactive in theSt. Lawrenceand Our Ladyof VictoryPTAs.

Survived bychildren Barry(Susan Sense-

mann), Bryan (Cheryl), Bruce(Glenda), Bob (Elaine) Hehe-mann, Beth (the late Steve)Coulson; grandchildren Luke,Marah, Stephanie, Alyson,Ryane, Blake, Will, Ben, Alexan-dra, Nick, Alyssa; sister JoanneRiga. Preceded in death byhusband William Hehemann Jr.,son Billy Hehemann, siblingsJohn, James Boyle, KathleenNeumeister, Rosemary Kernen,Dorothy Eiben, MargaretMcKernan.

Services were Sept. 14 at Our

Lady of Victory. Arrangementsby Meyer & Geiser FuneralHome. Memorials to: Our DailyBread, P.O. Box 14862, Cincin-nati, OH 45250-0862 or St.Margaret Hall, 1960 MadisonRoad, Cincinnati, OH 45206.

Edna HowardEdna Mae Howard, 90, Cov-

edale, died Aug. 30.Survived by daughter Pau-

lette (the late Ken) Wilkins;grandchildren Michael (Chris-tie) Wise, Theresa (Tony) Minel-li, Nicole (Larry) Hufford, DavidHoward; sisters Janice Hacker,Alice Asher; 12 great-grand-children; two great-great-grandchildren; many nieces andnephews. Preceded in death byhusband Walter Howard,daughter Linda (Harvey) Davis,siblings Evelyn Moorman, Eli,Thomas, Archie Cope.

Services were Sept. 3 atBolton & Lunsford FuneralHome. Memorials to the Hos-pice of Cincinnati.

Ralph NamieRalph William Namie, 93,

died Sept. 9. He served in theArmy for 26 years as a sergeant

and a cryptog-rapher.

Survived byson Marc(Margaret)Namie; grand-sons Paul,Peter, LukeNamie. Preced-ed in death by

wife Peggy “Jackie” Namie,siblings Joseph, Charles, Thom-as, Louis, Edward, Moses, Julia.

Arrangements by Neidhard-Minges Funeral Home. Memori-als to the Hospice of Cincinnatior Michael J. Fox Foundation.

Irene PaceIrene Gemmeno Pace, 95,

Cheviot, died Sept. 7.She was a 25-year volunteer

at HillebrandNursing &RehabilitationCenter.

Survived bydaughterDianna Be-vens; son anddaughter-in-law Bill Be-

vens, Chloris Pace; grand-children Nancy Pace (Eric Span-gler), Teresa (Victor) Pouw,Leonard Bevens, Kelly (Benja-min) Ickes; great-grandchildrenEvan Spangler, MadeleinePouw, Emalyn, Grant Ickes.Preceded in death by husbandLeonard Pace, son Vernon Pace,siblings Nell Biggs, KathleenMcVey, Ed Gemmeno.

Services were Sept. 13 atWhitewater Christian Church.Arrangements by Meyer Funer-al Home. Memorials to: White-water Christian Church, 5771Ohio 128, Cleves, OH 45002 orHillebrand Nursing & Rehabili-tation Center, 4320 Bridgetown

Road, Cincinnati, OH 45211.

Margaret PerrinoMargaret Grady Perrino, 85,

died Sept. 5.Survived by

children Mi-chael (Lori),Teresa (JosephCaputo),Timothy (Jen-nifer), Christo-pher (Gail)Perrino;grandchildren

Sarah (Scott), Margaret (Jason),Olivia, Genevieve, Hannah,Juliet; great-grandsons Grady,Henry; sisters-in-law JeanetteMcKnight, Janet, Judy Gra-dy.Preceded in death by hus-band Louis Perrino, brothersJoseph, James Grady.

Services were Sept. 10 at St.Dominic. Arrangements by Vitt,Stermer & Anderson FuneralHome. Memorials to the St.Dominic Education Fund or theCovedale Center for PerformingArts.

Zachary RudyZachary Lane Rudy, 42,

Western Hills, died Aug. 31. Hewas a restaurant cook.

Survived by daughter BioncaRudy; parents Ivan,MarciaRudy; grandparents Fred,Francis Dattilo, Ivan, DeloresRudy; siblings Vincent (Connie)Rudy, Mara (Andrew) Cromer;nieces and nephews Nicholas,Luke, Paige, Andrew, Cole,Sophia, Nicholas; many auntsand uncles.

Services were Sept. 3 at St.Martin of Tours. Arrangementsby B. J. Meyer Sons FuneralHome. Memorials to CincinnatiChildren’s Hospital MedicalCenter.

Harold Schreiber Sr.Harold R. Schreiber Sr., 95,

died Sept. 9.Survived by children Harold

(the late Nancy) Schreiber Jr.,Janet “Donyell” Schinaman,Denise (Phil) Ekert; sevengrandchildren; many great-grandchildren. Preceded indeath by wife Edna Schreiber,siblings George, Marcella,Florence, Besse Mae, Alma,Walter, Rosie.

Services were Sept. 13 atNeidhard-Minges FuneralHome. Memorials to: Societyfor the Prevention of Cruelty toAnimals Cincinnati, 11900Conrey Road, Cincinnati, OH45249.

Bernice TaeuberBernice Alma Taeuber, 91,

Green Town-ship, died Aug.23. She wasfiscal directorfor the Councilon Aging.

She was alifelong mem-ber of GirlScouts.

Survived by children Richard(Jan), Robert (Mary) Taeuber,Patrica (Robert) Phillips, Linda(Glen) Bisschof; 13 grand-children; 16 great-grandchil-dren. Preceded in death byhusband Wilbert Taeuber,brother Richard (Patrica) Lind.

Services were Aug. 28 atPilgrim United Church of Christ.Arrangements by Gump-HoltFuneral Home. Memorials toPilgrim United Church of Christor the Hospice of Cincinnati.

GenevaWarrenGeneva Warren, 73, died

Aug. 25. She worked for Leg-gett & Platt.

Survived by children Wayne(Jill) Warren,Marlene (Dan)Barnes, Mary(Bobby) Reese;siblings DiciePolk, MonaTaylor; eightgrandchildren;many great-grandchildren,

and nieces and nephews. Pre-ceded in death by husbandVirgle Warren, daughter Bren-da Warren, five siblings.

Services were Aug. 29 atGump-Holt Funeral Home.Memorials to the AmericanHeart Association.

Donald WelchDonald R. Welch, 67, died

Sept. 9. He was a safety engi-neer withDuke Energy.

He was amember of theAmericanSociety ofSafety Engi-neers.

Survived bywife Nancy

Welch; children Don Welch Jr.,Anne (Gerry) Klemann; grand-children Austin, Alison Kle-mann; brother Jerry (Gail)Welch; niece Caty Welch andothers; mother-in-law HildaNeyer; sisters- and brothers-in-law Paula, Roger Windholtz,Mary Helen, Jerry Johnson,Dan, Chris Neyer. Preceded indeath by son Kevin Welch,

parents Homer, Betty Welch,father-in-law Paul Neyer,brother-in-law Ken Neyer,sister-in-law Janice Neyer.

Services were Sept. 14 at St.Joseph Church. Arrange-ments by Dennis GeorgeFuneral Home. Memorials to:American Heart Association,the Kidney Foundation orAmerican Diabetes Associa-tion, all in care of the DennisGeorge Funeral Home, 44 S.Miami, Cleves, OH 45002.










Mortgage Opportunity FundInvestors LLC to Burnet CapitalLLC; $32,500.3311 Stanhope Ave.: BurnetCapital LLC to VBOH Annex LLC;$33,000.2933Westknolls Lane: FederalNational Mortgage Associationto Soumare, Ramata; $26,000.2979Westknolls Lane: FederalNational Mortgage Associationto Portillo, Jose; $18,000.


Continued from Page B8

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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (20)




32”HDTV(upgrades available)

Xbox 360

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

with purchases of$1999 or more†

24MONTHSNO INTERESTif paid in full in

NO DOWN PAYMENT!*on purchases of $2000 or more. Made on your Furniture Fair Gold Card Sept. 17th through(&4-. #,-"3 $,%#. +''!-!5628 7626*& 54-!56/ 2)2!8208& !6 /-51&. See store for details

NNOO Iup to

$687 $687Vaccaro 6 Piece Sectionalincludes left arm facing chaise, armless chair, cornerwedge, armless recliner, console, and right arm facingpower recliner

Bravo Sand 7 Piece SectionalIncludes left arm facing chaise, console table with plugins,corner wedge, armless chair, armless recliner, console table,and right arm facing power recliner



Patterson 96” SofaThe patented blue steel Flexsteel frames are builtso strong you can count on them for a lifetime.

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Thunder Topaz 96” SofaSemi attach back sofa with 4 toss pillows.

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Simple,Quick, & Easy...Make your purchase and choose your

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Meade Mocha 2 Piece SectionalFeatures plush padded cushions on the seat and back withthick track arms and exposed wood feet.Add the ottoman to complete the room!

Also available in cream!



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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (21)

- 62I4 .1/KHOE JG (",A :U'PB>);!B 1!V' X%WD%"*D#XAA1 U=20Q=0U (*$* UE<:%E:) 2?F 7>!6) &.*G"&*GY&&&

- S/I:HOS/ 9V)E>EB-) 9)B:)> (W(* 4!P!' MRN X%WD(&*D"**,1 S=N3SNUM7 ",DD 7!R!) OTP I3: (H &.*GY"(G&&&*1 SNUM72 U30UM X&X. S!)V+< U>:)V 3+F &.*G""(GX&X.

- QI2/SH6SE JGF %A,% M=597=> /) X%WD%*%D"W,,1 K530OQ=0U Y"$D 9AV)>E!B =6)F &.*G*Y&G$$DD* Also features a Thomasville store

DX.Y.* 94

convenientbudget terms

OUR DELIVERY GUARANTEEWe will e-mail you with a two hour window fordelivery. If we are late for your delivery, youwill receive a Gift Card for the amount of yourdelivery charge. You can also go to our websiteand click on the blue truck in the top right handcorner. You will need the 11 digit sales ordernumber from your original sales receipt.

Ask about ourInterior Design ServicesCall 513-774-9700and talk to one of our designers!Celebrating 50 years!




32”HDTV(upgrades available)

Xbox 360

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

with purchases of$1999 or more†

24MONTHSNO INTERESTif paid in full in

NO DOWN PAYMENT!*on purchases of $2000 or more. Made on your Furniture Fair Gold Card Sept. 17th through.%<6D &B6"F (B*&D 9''!6!=>CS H>C>)% =<6!=>8 C2C!SCAS% !> 86=:%D See store for details

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Furniture Fair has afantastic selection

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8;=R>97=>' % 1!'+' 8');==? .'7Includes Queen shelter bed (hdbd, ftbd, rails),bureau and mirrorEntire collection on sale!

$,&#" $,"W"

4'U@5;>' Q5UU .!L' J!)9 .7=;B$' 8')Flawlessly captures the feel of youth along with the function ofample storage space to hold your child’s most valued possessions.Entire collection on sale!

:)B<7B@U' % 1!'+' 4!>!>$ .'7Includes pub table with storage and lazy susan,and 4 upholstered side chairsFeatures a granite Lazy Susan!

$%X" $"""

.!?<U'E05!+VE T SB9NCCCLEW) PA8> @8>-#E<) EB+ -#AA<) PA8>

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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (22)




32”HDTV(upgrades available)

Xbox 360

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

with purchases of$1999 or more†

Twin Mattressesstarting atstartingsststasttartartarrtiintininngng

$69Queen Mattress Setsstarting atstarting attstasstas assttstaststtartaartarrtirttintiinginng ang attatat$199

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BEST BUY® wil l cal l youto arrange for pickup.

†With purchases of $1999 or more. Delivery and installation not included.BEST BUY®, the BEST BUY® logo, the tag design are trademarks of BBY

Solutions, Inc. One per household. Not valid on prior sales. Cannot becombined with any other promotional offer.

24MONTHSNO INTERESTif paid in full in

NO DOWN PAYMENT!*on purchases of $2000 or more. Made on your Furniture Fair Gold Card Sept. 17th through5@!:) /(:;* 1(3/) -""9:9#%24 .%2%$@ #!:9#%< 26294204@ 9% <:#>@) See store for details

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Manufactured righthere in Cincinnati!

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*Offer applies only to single-receipt qualifying purchases. Prior Sales, Hot Buys, Floor Samples, tent sale, Discontinued and Clearance Merchandise excluded from promotions and creditterm offers. No interest will be charged on the promo purchase and minimum monthly payments are required until the initial promo purchase amount is paid in full. Regular account termsapply to non-promotional purchases. For new accounts: Purchase APR is 29.99%; Minimum interest charge is $2. Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement for their2!!49$204@ :@>'<) 5807@$: :# $>@"9: 2!!>#624) +#: >@<!#%<904@ ?#> :&!#=>2!;9$24 @>>#><) 5@@ <:#>@ ?#> "@:294< 2%" 2""9:9#%24 .%2%$9%= #!:9#%<) ,2::>@<< !;#:#< ?#> 9448<:>2:9#% !8>!#<@<)


Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (23)




32”HDTV(upgrades available)

Xbox 360

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

with purchases of$1999 or more†

24MONTHSNO INTERESTif paid in full in

NO DOWN PAYMENT!*on purchases of $2000 or more. Made on your Furniture Fair Gold Card Sept. 17th through(&4-. #,-"3 $,%#. +''!-!5628 7626*& 54-!56/ 2)2!8208& !6 /-51&. See store for details

NNOO Iup to

1 :6Q8 253SOVJ RN *".E >[)WFC+?!F 5!\) ^&]I&",I$^EE1 Z>20V>0Z (*$* ZF=;%F;) 2@G 8?!7) &.*I"&*I^&&&

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1 XQ63ZO:ZJ RN &E.& TB9=;BC 3+ ^&]I&,&I"]..1 O630TV>0Z ^"$E :B[)?F!C >7)G &.*I*^&I$$EE

E].^.* ZO4H:5

convenientbudget terms


OUR DELIVERY GUARANTEEWe will e-mail you with a two hour window fordelivery. If we are late for your delivery, youwill receive a Gift Card for the amount of yourdelivery charge. You can also go to our websiteand click on the blue truck in the top right handcorner. You will need the 11 digit sales ordernumber from your original sales receipt.

Ask about ourInterior Design Servicescall 513-774-9700 and talk to one of ourdesigners!









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Western hills press 091813 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 6095

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.